![]() Author has written 13 stories for Sailor Moon, Twilight, Babylon 5, Stargate: SG-1, True Blood, and Doctor Who. I've actually started writing again … I can't believe it! Every review encourages me to keep writing. :-D English Stories in progress : A Hazard of Hearts with Sailor Moon. Since this book is not listed here, I'll publish it as SM only. You don't need to have to read the book to understand the story. It's mostly finished, but I need my beta to read through first. Serena shares the American name with our favourite heroine Serena (Usagi) so what happens if the universe of one Serena mingles with the other? The second one is about how Prince Endymion and Princess Serenity met and fell in love. As there are so many Dark Endymion stories out there I wanted to explore a light Endymion with quite some funny parents. Special appearance: Prince Diamond The third story in progress is our favourite heroine (SM) meeting my most favourite hero in the whole wide universe: The Doctor. Set in Season R and with Rose Taylor. How does Usagi (Serena) cope with the break up and what happens when the TARDIS hears her cry for help? Special appearance: Dalek Youma Ich habe tatsächlich wieder angefangen zu schreiben. Reviews halten mich am laufen und motivieren mich weiter zu schreiben. Im Moment habe ich aber keine deutschen Geschichten in Arbeit. Ich ueberarbeite aber gerade meine existierenden Geschichten. |