A/N- Hey everyone! So this is the last chapter. I hope everyone's enjoyed this story! I just want to thank everyone who kept reading the story and reviewed it. Thanks! Also, there will be another SM story posted soon. I have a few chapters written, but I haven't written anymore in a while. I want to get back into it and get a few more chapters done before I post it. So be on the look out!

Usagi Usako Chiba- Soon enough? I'm glad you've enjoyed it!

Lovelyl- Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!

lil-lostii- It was the last 'real' chapter. This is just the epilogue and then that's it.

Dertupio- Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!

chibiangel413- I'm glad they were good! Thanks for the review!

AtlantaGeorgia- I'm glad you liked it! Unfortunately, no more chapters after this…

TamoumatheStarWarrior- Since I know you're busy and have yet to get to the story. I just wanted to say thanks for being so devoted to catching my mistakes and then constantly reviewing. Thanks!

Serena sat in her favorite gazebo, the rose garden gazebo, as she allowed the wind to tangle in her hair. The sun was partially hidden by clouds, but still warmed the earth. A book sat on her lap as she just swam in the warmth. Small footsteps broke through her peace and forced her to look to the entrance of the garden. A small golden wolf was running towards her with another small black wolf running right behind. Both wolves changed into a couple of four year olds. The golden wolf turned into a small boy with black hair while the black wolf formed into a small girl with golden hair.

"Momma! Momma!" The two children cried.

"I thought you were playing with your uncle Sammy?" Serena asked.

"We were, but he says we were cheating since we morphed into wolves and tracked him!" Endy cried.

"You know you are not allowed to morph unless you are playing with Alicia or any of your other were-friends." Serena replied.

"We know, but Sammy is too good at hiding!" Rini cried out.

"How about, between Sammy's visits you practice with each other. That way next time he comes you'll be able to find him or you'll be able to hide from him."

"We have to practice?" Rini groaned.

"Yes, you have to practice." Serena mimicked Rini's groan. "For now, you two must go get ready for dinner. King Jared is our guest tonight."

"Really!" Endy cried. "He always brings us presents!"

"You just like him because of the gifts he brings you?" Serena asked.

"Yes… no. He's also nice and smart…" Endy tried to cover his mistake, but he just succeeded in making his mother laugh.

"I understand. Now hurry up! Molly's probably searching the entire castle for you." Serena said. She pushed her two children back towards the castle and the two small kids took the hint and disappeared into the halls. Serena walked through the corridors at a more leisurely pace, but was brought to a stop when two arms wrapped around her waist.

"You look relaxed." Darien murmured as he nipped at her neck.

"You sound as though you need to be." Serena replied as she rolled her head to the side so Darien had better access.

"I believe I can help you with that."

"We don't have time, my love." Serena moaned.

"We have just enough." Darien picked up his wife and ran to their master bedroom. The door had just barely shut before he was upon her.


"King Jared, it is always wonderful to see you." Serena said as she entered the throne room beside her husband.

"Queen Serena, you are only growing more beautiful." Jared replied. He hugged the young queen before greeting her husband.

"I presume Rini and Endy have already found you?" Darien asked.

"They have. They have also kidnapped my wife to take her on a tour of rose garden and I believe the water garden." Jared laughed. "I am surprised there are not more little feet running around."

"Not for us right now. However, Rose, Rei and Jadeite's daughter is somewhere. As is Alicia, Amy and Zoicite's daughter, Nicholas, Lita and Nephrite's son, and Michael, Mina and Malachite's son." Serena replied.

"And your brother?"

"I believe he is with my parents. They will be joining us for dinner." Serena said.

"I am happy everything has been healed between you and your parents." Jared replied.

"So are we." Darien said.

"Now, I believe we have just a few more issues with the trading treaty to go over?" Jared asked Darien.

"Yes, as well as finalizing the alliance contract." Darien added.

"Well then, let us have dinner and then get to business so we can enjoy this visit." Jared said with a large smile. Serena and Darien led him into the main dining hall where the Lunae's were already talking with Gertrude. The generals were milling about as well as their mates. The children of the palace tried to use the last few minutes before dinner as play time. The children quickly stopped their games and found their seats with their parents.

The dinner was spent with gossip as well as planning for future meetings and events. Rei and Mina were still chattering over the peace celebration that was happening that weekend. King Jared and Queen Gertrude were to arrive with King Darien and Queen Serena as a symbol of the peace that had fallen over the lands for the last 5 years.

"Molly, will you take the kids to bed? They're about to use their potatoes as pillows." Serena laughed.

"Of course, Serena." Molly said. Molly ran around the table, gathering the kids and herding them out of the room. It was only a few more hours until the adults finished the meal and decided to retire as well.


That weekend the two royal families were greeted with applause from their kingdoms as well as kingdoms that had followed their other example. Were creatures were sitting with humans and chatting animatedly. It was a sight Darien had been waiting to see all is life and knew that his mother would have been proud of it. His father sat at the front table next to Serena's father. Both men were talking, and from what Serena and Darien guessed, they were talking about economic strategies for the coming years.

"Your dream is complete." Serena whispered to Darien. She noticed the look in Darien's eyes and knew what he was thinking about.

"Our dream… our dream is complete." Darien replied. He kissed Serena on the forehead and engulfed her in a tight hug.