Author has written 6 stories for Naruto, Generation Kill, Misc. Plays/Musicals, and Fast and the Furious. About the Author: Name: Ells... well thats a nickname. Age: A lady never revels her age. Location: Like I would tell you that. It just screams: STALK ME! Style of writing: I would like to think I'm very discriptive, I like complex sentences, with long descriptions. I love playing with settings, and characters. Also I like to make characters interact in natural ways, if I think something isn't going somewhere I stop writing. QUOTES TO LIVE BY: "I just stole fifty cars in one night, I'm a little tired, a little wired, and I think I deserve a little appreciation!" Memphis Raines, Gone In Sixty Seconds “Holy egg shells! It’s a little Gaara! He’s so CUTE!” excerpt from 'Behind Emerald Eyes' read it! STORY UPDATES: hey sorry but i have put everything i have been writing on hold. Aris stole my Muse and refuses to give her back even when i beg. i think i have to call Athena into the mix and i really hate doing that. lol to bad Siruis isnt a person cause he would be serously fearsom. lol SOrry i m babbling but the point is i cant type until he gives her back. and just because hes a man whore doesnt mean he can keep my muse! lol I NEED HER ARIS! I really try my hardest to get everything right, after all I am a perfectionist, but sometimes everything just falls apart, like my Closer to the Edge Gaara/Sakura fan fiction, sorry to disappoint some people (kaylyn expecially) i have completely put it on hold. I'm going to think about updating it soon, so look out for Closer To the Edge. (again thanks for putting up with my INSANE drabbles) STORY UPDATES AS OF JULY, 2010: Everything old is on hiatus, and I am going to be taking down some stuff. If I remove something that some really likes, let me know and I will see if it's worth being reposted... most likely my decisions to remove something are final. I'm sorry if that upsets people but this is a oligarchy not a democracy... sorry. STORY UPDATES AS OF 1/10/09: Hey, what's up? These are some links to pictures from my new story (its probably going to be a one-shot.) Just to get your imaginations flowing, wondering what I'm writing. Oh the stories called The Pianist (I think) Soo HERE YOU GO!! Kasy's Dress: http:///catalog/product/index.ognc?ID=398550&CategoryID=47026 Her Shoe's: http:///pictures/CrystalandChainsandal_manoloblahnikshoes.jpg Her Bag: http:///imgdata/0/7/6/7/5/7/webimg/299565734_tp.jpg The Piano: http:///used_baby_grand_piano_brambach_black_satin_grand_mississauga.jpg Tom's Shoe's: http:///images/752/7525601/7768-876573-d.jpg So those are all I have so far. I'll try to post more as i go. STORY UPDATES AS OF JULY 28, 2010: Hey there everyone. I'm working on something... in a canon I have never breached before... Fast and Furious... what did you think I was gonna say? M/M Slash...EWWY! Anyway... here are the links... and unfortunately you have to copy and paste them because I couldn't get the link attachment feature to work for me. Desirae (just imagine her with dark red hair): http:///51-88/51-88545-F.jpg Kyle: http:///wp-content/uploads/2010/02/859276-tom-cruise-out-our-sam-in.jpg Desirae's 'Stang (for racing only): http:///3092/2581054666_eb68362eb2.jpg Desirae's Audi (her normal car): http:///images/motoring/Audi/R8_01.jpg I'll post more as I go... but it's two thirty am here and I'm tired... so that's all for now. FAVORITE PAIRINGS: Gaara/Sakura Naruto/Hinata InuYasha/Kagome Zuko/Katara that is about it for anime/manga Bones/Booth Angela/Jack Will/Elizabeth Micheal/Selene Mick/Beth Jack/OC That is about it for that... FAVORITE TV SHOWS: Bones House Are You Smarter Then a 5th Grader Moonlight Numb3rs Wildfire New Amsterdam Buffy The Vampire Slayer True Blood (ERIC IS SO SEXY!) Generation Kill (Brad 'Iceman' is so fucking HOT! and played by the same actor as Eric) and i can't remember the rest... i watch a lot of TV FAVORITE MOVIES: Demolition Man (Slevester Stallon is way to buff for his own good, but the movie is good... actually its an god awful movie but I still love it.) Forrest Gump (Iknow all the words) Dirty Dancing (the first one. I know it by heart) MallRats (Smootchie Bootchie- lol- if your a kevin smith fan you know who says that) Step Up (both of them) Queen of the Damned (Vampire+leather pants= SEXY ROCK STAR LESTAT!) Underworld (The first one is by far superior, and I haven't seen the third one yet, but I love the first) Harry Potter (minus the 5th because i HATE the way it was filmed... it's terrible and the director ruined it.) 27 Dresses (I am a girl... despite what you may believe from this list... and I do love chick flicks) National Treasure (i have an obbsession with Nicholas Cage) Romeo and Juliet (because the mordern one is TO FUNNY) Bring It On (all of them) High School Musical (the first one) Gone in Sixty Seconds (again Nicholas Cage obsession, and a major car obsession. I WANT ELANOR SO BAD!) Fast and Furious (I love all of them. I LOVE Vin Diesel, and again I LOVE CARS!) and of course the classic teen movies... The Breakfast Club (my favorite ever!) 16 Candles and something i cant remeber the name of at the moment so i have a lot more but this list would go on forever if i listed them all... and i cant remember them all 98 percent of teenagers do or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2 percent who hasn't, copy & paste this in your profile Ninety-five percent of the kids out there are concerned with being popular and fitting in. If you're part of the five percent who aren't, copy this, put it in your profile, and add your name to the list. AnimeKittyCafe, Hyperactivley Bored, Gem W, Bara-Minamino, Yavie Aelinel, Crazy Billie Joe Loving Freak, Shadow929, The Astrology Nerd, brown-eyed angelofmusic, piratesswriter/fairy to be, The Gypsy-Pirate Queen, watching-waiting-wishing, 100-percent-Harry-Potter-obsessed, iluvdavidwright45, dianeandnumairareahotcouple,windsoftiti, Ilovethelittletacos...Ilovethemgood, i-have-issues-deal-with-it ,Sn1ck3rD00dl3, Harajuku Girl, AliceInNeverLandYours, Just Because He Lives For people that hate stereotypes: If you think people should just shut up and stop, put this on your profile. (BOlD the ones you are) I"m SKINNY so I Must be anexreoc I'm EMO, so I MUST cut my wrists. I'm a NEGRO so I MUST carry a gun. I'm BLONDE, so I MUST be a ditz I'm JAMAICAN so I MUST smoke weed. I'm HAITIAN so I MUST eat cat. I'm ASIAN, so I MUST be sexy. I'm JEWISH, so I MUST be greedy. I'm GAY, so I MUST have AIDS. I'm a LESBIAN, so I MUST have a sex-tape. I'm ARAB, so I MUST be a terrorist. I SPEAK MY MIND, so I MUST be a bitch. I'm a GAY RIGHTS SUPPORTER, so I WILL go to hell. I'm a CHRISTAN, so I MUST think gay people should go to hell. I'm RELIGIOUS, so I MUST shove my beliefs down your throat. I'm ATHEIST so I MUST hate the world. I don't have a RELIGION, so I MUST be evil and have no morals I'm REPUBLICAN, so I MUST not care about poor people. I'm DEMOCRAT, so I MUST not believe in being responsible. I am LIBERAL, so I MUST be gay. I'm SOUTHERN, so I MUST be white trash. I TAKE (or used to take) ANTI-DEPRESSANTS, so I MUST be crazy. I'm a GUY, so I MUST only want to get into your pants. I'm IRISH, so I MUST have a bad drinking problem. I'm INDIAN, so I MUST own a convenient store. I'm NATIVE AMERICAN, so I MUST dance around a fire screaming like a savage. I'm a CHEERLEADER, so I MUST be a whore... I'm a DANCER, So I must be stupid, stuck up, and a whore I wear SKIRTS a lot, so I MUST be a slut. I'm a PUNK, so I MUST do drugs. I'm RICH, so I MUST be a conceited snob. I WEAR BLACK, so I MUST be a goth or emo. I'm a WHITE GIRL, so I MUST be a nagging, steal-your-money kind of girlfriend. I'm CUBAN, so I MUST spend my spare time rolling cigars. I'm NOT A VIRGIN, so I MUST be easy. I FELL IN LOVE WITH A MARRIED MAN, so I MUST be a home-wrecking whore. I'm a TEENAGE MOM, so I MUST be an irresponsible slut. I'm POLISH, so I MUST wear my socks with my sandals I'm ITALIAN, so I must have a "big one". I'm EGYPTIAN, so I must be a TERRORIST!! I'm PRETTY, so I MUST not be a virgin. I HAVE STRAIGHT A'S, so I MUST have no social life. I DYE MY HAIR CRAZY COLORS, so I MUST be looking for attention. I DRESS IN UNUSUAL WAYS so I MUST be looking for attention. I'm INTO THEATER & ART, so I MUST be a homosexual. I'm a VEGETARIAN, so I MUST be a crazy political activist. I HAVE A BUNCH OF GUY FRIENDS, so I MUST be fucking them all. I HAVE A BUNCH OF GIRLS WHO ARE FRIENDS, so I MUST be a player. I have Big BOOBS, so I MUST be a hoe. I'm COLOMBIAN, so I MUST be a drug dealer. I WEAR WHAT I WANT, so I MUST be a poser. I'm RUSSIAN, so I MUST be cool and thats how Russians roll. I'm GERMAN, so I must be a Nazi. I hang out with GAYS, so I must be GAY TOO I'm BRAZILIAN, so I MUST have a BIG BUTT. I'm PUERTO RICAN, so I MUST look good and be conceited I'm SALVADORIAN, so I MUST be in MS 13 I'm POLISH, so I MUST be greedy I'm HAWAIIAN so I MUST be lazy I'm PERUVIAN, so I MUST like llamas I'm a STONER so I MUST be going in the wrong direction I'm a VIRGIN so I MUST be prude I'm STRAIGHT EDGE so I must be violent. I'm a FEMALE GAMER, so I MUST be ugly.. or crazy. I'm BLACK so I MUST love fried chicken and kool-aid. I'm a GIRL who actually EATS LUNCH, so I MUST be fat. I'm SINGLE so I MUST be ugly. I'm a SKATER so I must do weed and steal stuff I'm a PUNK so I must only wear black and date only other punks I'm ASIAN so I must be a NERD that does HOMEWORK 24/7 I'm CHRISTIAN so I MUST hate homosexuals. I'm MIXED so I must be screwed up. I'm MUSLIM so I MUST be a terrorist. I'm in BAND, so I MUST be a dork. I'm BLACK so I MUST believe JESUS WUZ A BROTHA I'm MORMON so I MUST be perfect I'm WHITE and have black friends so I MUST think I'm black I'm GOTH so I MUST worship the devil (So I've been told) I'm HISPANIC, so I MUST be dirty. I'm NOT LIKE EVERYONE ELSE, so I MUST be a loser. I'm OVERWEIGHT, so I MUST have a problem with self control. I'm PREPPY, so I MUST shun those who don't wear Abercrombie & Hollister. I'm on a DANCE team, so I must be stupid, stuck up, and a whore. I'm YOUNG, so I MUST be naive. I'm RICH, so I MUST be a conceited snob I'm MEXICAN, so I MUST have hopped the border. I GOT A CAR FOR MY BIRTHDAY, so I MUST be a spoiled brat. I'm BLACK, so I MUST love watermelon I'm BI, so I MUST think every person I see is hot. I'm an ASIAN GUY, so I MUST have a small penis. I'm a GUY CHEERLEADER, so I MUST be gay. I'm a PREP, so I MUST be rich. I don't like the SUN so I MUST be an albino. I have a lot of FRIENDS, so I MUST love to drink and party. I wear tight PANTS and I'm a guy, so I MUST be emo. I couldn't hurt a FLY, So I MUST be a pussy. I support GAY RIGHTS, so I MUST fit in with everyone. I hang out with teenage drinkers and smokers, so I MUST smoke and drink too. I have ARTISTIC TALENT, so I MUST think little of those who don't. I don't like to be in a BIG GROUP, so I MUST be anti-social. I have a DIFFERENT sense of HUMOR, so I MUST be crazy. I tell people OFF, so I MUST be an over controlling bitch. My hair gets GREASY a lot, so I MUST have no hygiene skills. I'm DEFENSIVE, so I MUST be over controlling and a bitch. I'm a NUDIST, so I MUST want everyone to see my boobs. I read Comics, so I MUST be a loser. I hang out with a FORMER PROSTITUTE.. So I MUST be a whore myself. I'm TEXAN so I MUST ride a horse I’m a GOTH, so I MUST be a Satanist I’m a CROSSDRESSER, so I must be homosexual. I draw ANIME so I MUST be a freak. I am a FANGIRL so I MUST be a crazy, obsessed stalker. I WATCH PORN so I MUST be perverted. I'm an ONLY CHILD so I MUST be spoiled. I'm INTELLIGENT so I MUST be weak. I am AMERICAN so I MUST be obese, loud-mouthed and arrogant. I'm WELSH so I MUST love sheep I'm a YOUNG WRITER, so I MUST be emo. I’m CANADIAN, so I MUST talk with a funny accent. I'm a GUY, so I MUST ditch my pregnant girlfriend. I'm CANADIAN, so I MUST love hockey and beavers. I'm DISABLED, so I MUST be on Welfare. I'm a FEMINIST, so I MUST have a problem with sexuality and I want to castrate every man on the earth. I'm a TEENAGER, so I MUST have a STEREOTYPE. I WEAR A BIG SUNHAT when I go outside, so I MUST be stupid. I like BLOOD, so I must be a VAMPIRE. I'm an ALBINO, so I MUST be an evil person with mental abilities and is A MURDERER! I'm ENGLISH, so I MUST speak with either a cockney or a posh accent, love tea and cricket, and have bad teeth. I’m WHITE, so I MUST be responsible for everything going wrong on the planet: past, present, and future. I don't like YAOI or YURI, so I must be a HOMOPHOBE I'm not the most POPULAR person in school, so I MUST be a loser I care about the ENVIRONMENT...I MUST be a tree hugging hippy I have a FAN CHARACTER, so I MUST be an annoying Mary-sue. I CHAT, I MUST be having cyber sex. I'm PAGAN so I MUST sacrifice babies and drink the blood of virgins I'm PAGAN so I MUST worship Satan I'm CONSERVATIVE, so I MUST be against Abortion I'm SWEDISH so I MUST be a tall blond blue-eyed lesbian. I'm a LESBIAN so I MUST want to get with every single girl that I see. I like CARTOONS, so I MUST be IRRESPONSIBLE. I like READING, so I MUST be a LONER. I have my OWN spiritual ideology; therefore I MUST be WRONG or MISGUIDED. I am WICCAN, so I MUST be a SATANIST. I DISAGREE with my government, so I MUST be a TERRORIST. I am a WITCH, so I MUST be and OLD HAG and fly on a broomstick. I love YAOI, so I MUST be GAY. I'm a PERSON, so I MUST be LABELED I DON'T CURSE, so I MUST be an outcast I like GAMES, ANIME and COMICS, so I MUST be childish I'm SWEDISH, therefore I MUST be WHITE. I SPOT GRAMMATICAL ERRORS, so I MUST be a pedantic bastard. I'm GOTHIC, so I MUST be mean. I'm STRONG so I MUST be stupid. I'm Australian so I MUST hunt crocodiles and talk to kangaroo’s I go to RENFAIRES, so I MUST talk weird, be a loser, and not be up with the times I'm GAY so I'm after EVERY straight guy around. I don't want a BOYFRIEND so I MUST be Lesbian. I'm NOT CHRISTIAN so I MUST just need converting. I love marching band, so I MUST be a friendless freak. I DRINK and SMOKE, so I MUST have no life. Yours, FireFlyFlicker (aka Ells) NUMBER 1 On the first day of school a first grade teacher explains to her class that she is a Steelers fan. She asks her students to raise their hands if they, too, are Steelers fans. Wanting to impress their teacher, everyone in the class raises their hand except one little girl. The teacher looks at the girl with surprise, 'Janie, why didn't you raise your hand?' Because I'm not a Steelers fan,' she replied. The teacher, still shocked, asked, 'Well, if you are not a Steelers fan, then who are you a fan of?' 'I am a Ravens fan, and proud of it,' Janie replied. The teacher could not believe her ears. 'Janie please tell us why you are a Ravens fan?' Because my mom is a Ravens fan, and my dad is Ravens fan, so I'm a Ravens fan too!'' Well,' said the teacher in a obviously annoyed tone, 'that is no reason for you to be a Ravens fan. You don't have to be just like your parents all of the time. What if your mom was an idiot and your dad was a moron, wha t would you be then?' Then,' Janie smiled, 'I'd be a Steelers fan.' NUMBER 2 A Redskins fan, an Eagles fan, a Ravens fan, and a Steelers fan are climbing a mountain and arguing about who loves his team more. The Redskins fan insists he is the most loyal. 'This is for the Redskins! ' he yells, and jumps off the side of the mountain. Not to be outdone, the Eagles fan shouts, 'This is for the Eagles!' and throws himself off the mountain. The Ravens fan is next to profess his love for his team. He yells, 'This is for everyone!' and pushes the Steelers fan off the mountain. NUMBER 3 A Ravens fan liked to amuse himself by scaring every Steelers fan he saw strutting down the street in an obnoxious Black & Gold shirt. He would swerve his van as if to hit them then swerve back just missing them. One day while driving along, he saw a priest. He thought he would do a good deed, so he pulled over and asked the priest, 'Where are you going, Father?' 'I'm going to give Mass at St. Francis church, about two miles down the road,' replied the priest. 'Climb in, Father. I'll give you a lift!' The priest climbed into the passenger seat, and they continued down the road. Suddenly, the driver saw a Steelers fan walking down the road, and he instinctively swerved as if to hit him. But, as usual, he swerved back onto the road just in time. Even though he was certain that he had missed the guy, he still heard a loud THUD. Not knowing where the noise came from, he glanced in his mirrors but still didn't see anything. He then remembered the priest, and he turned to the priest and said, sorry Father , I almost hit that Steelers fan.' 'That's OK,' replied the priest 'I got him with the door.' (A/N: hey now hey now doesnt that just go to say something about the Catholic Church? lol i love it! GO RAVENS!!) as you can tell i LOVE the ravens. pass these along if you love them too! |
AliceInNeverLand (1) CaptianCuppyCake (4) DarkxBeforexDawn (4) DeirdreLaelia (3) | Habit (67) lebxeb (39) Nami-Lass (8) Sailor X (5) silverstorm94 (2) | SincereSilver (7) Tom's GG (2) |