So, eating out it is again, thought Sakura, as she gazed forlornly at her empty cupboard shelves. Might as well go to the ramen place Naruto loves so much. And besides, she did miss her teammate, his determination to become Hokage and protect his friends.

And isn't Gaara kind of like that? Sakura suddenly thought. She didn't know much about his personal life, but she knew that when he did care about someone enough, he did protect them. No, no, no, they are nothing alike. Gaara was a foil for Naruto, something that brought out Naruto's shine and provided him with some competition. Sakura wondered whether she would even be in this position is it weren't for Naruto. Oh well, she concluded. It doesn't matter. Things are as they are, and you can't change anything but the future.

Feeling very wise, Sakura went into the bedroom to tell Gaara where they were going to go for dinner, and then froze. His back turned to her, she had caught Gaara in the act of changing after his training session. She couldn't help but admire the fine tautness of his back, the strong back of his legs, and oh my, his very fine arse. Well, then. She squeaked and retreated back into the kitchen, and was silent by the time Gaara joined her.

"We're-we're going out to eat. Are you ready, or-"

"Yes." Gaara turned and went ahead of her, stopping on the steps, making her realize that he did not know the way.

"It's just this way…"

She was trying to convince herself that she felt nothing at seeing Gaara nearly stark naked, well, from behind, anyway. Inner Sakura, was cheering at the chance to see more of a body that promised to be delicious at the way around. She inwardly shushed herself, and sped up a bit to match Gaara's pace.

Sakura was getting used to the stares of 'what-the-hell-are-you-doing-with-a-murderer' as well as the jealous glares that she got whenever she went out with Gaara. To tell the truth, she was kind of sick of trying to convince people that she was not following Gaara around because she had a death wish, but also that she couldn't tell them the reason why she did. And people tended to get pissed when they are left out of the loop of things. Sakura was aware of some of the rumors that were circling around the Konohagakure, and was trying not to care. Not a few of them thought that she was actually in a relationship with Gaara. At least her good friends weren't so easily taken in by…

"Oh, hey, strange meeting you here. And…Gaara. Hello."

Gaara inclined his head at Ino, and then turned his gaze out into the street, looking bored. Ino looked from him back to Sakura, then leaned in.

"Hey, Forehead, let's talk."

Ino bustled Sakura onto a bench, and ordered miso ramen for them both. Gaara sat a while away, sitting backwards on the bench and watching the people on the street.

"Okay, Forehead, let's have it straight. First off, are you sleeping with him?"

Sakura spat out her mouthful of ramen.

"And just where did you get that little idea, Ino-pig?"

"Oh, I don't know, maybe it could have something to do with the fact that you two are now living together?"

"That's out of necessity."

"Oh, do explain, Forehead."

And do Sakura explained as quietly as she could about the jutsu that had hit her and Gaara, and about the tests that 3rd Hokage had placed upon them. Ino looked mildly breathless.

"Okay, that explains that, but, what's it like?"

"What's what like?"

"Touching him. Is his skin rough and calloused or smooth?"

"Uh, mostly smooth, I guess." Sakura said, trying not to let it show that she had spent quite a long time contemplating the exact texture of his skin after the first time she touched it.

"Well, that makes sense, seeing as he's likely to kill anyone who got near him…" Ino mused.

"Anyway, why do you care? He's Gaara, not Sasuke."

Ino looked surprised that Sakura had brought up the subject of Sasuke, but didn't venture into that topic.

"Sakura, he's like, the hottest Sand-nin ever. Hell, maybe the hottest in all of Konohagakure! I can't believe how lucky you are. I suggest you take advantage of it."

Ino stood up, saying she had promised that she would help out at the shop today, and gave Sakura an unclear and yet meaningful look that she was obviously supposed to understand, and left. That left Sakura and Gaara, sitting very far apart on the bench, her trying to not make it awkward, and him not caring.

Sakura eventually gesture-asked if he would like to leave, and Gaara nodded. She had noticed that, although he was very quiet, almost silent, he did communicate himself quite nicely through body language.

Body language. Unbidden, a mental image of Gaara, panting, his erection straining against his pants, pressing it against her, begging her silently to…

Whoa there, Sakura thought Where-where did those thoughts come from? Must be the talk with Ino. Sakura glanced at Gaara, who was paying her no mind, and was glad that he could not see her blush.