Sorry it's been so computer decided to explode and I lost everything. Enjoy and review!

"This one?" Jack asked, running his fingertip along a small scar on her left wrist.

"I fell off my bike when I was seven." Dahlia explained. At his confused look she continued, "Uh, it's a machine with two wheels that move in tandem that you ride around. My front wheel hit a crack and I panicked and just kinda fell over sideways. It was pretty embarrassing at the time."

Jack smiled and ran his fingers through the mess of her hair. They had been confined to his bed for three days, leaving only for food and fresh air. "It must be a fascinating world you lived in."

Dahlia shrugged as she rolled onto her stomach. "It has its perks." She told him, tracing the tattoo over his heart. "I mean air conditioning is a blessing straight from God and every other type of technology is fantastic but I don't know."

Jack narrowed his eyes at the faraway tone. "Were you not happy there?"

Dahlia bit her bottom lip. "I was happy but I always felt like there was something missing. I didn't have family to spend all the holidays with and my friends were all getting married and having kids and I wasn't. I know that sounds trivial." She hesitated but then kept speaking. "Have you ever felt like you were completely alone even though you were surrounded by people?"

"All the time."

"I hate that feeling."

Before Jack could respond, a knock came against the door. The pirate climbed out of the bed, yanking on his pants as he went. He opened his door to see Barbossa standing on the other side. "What?"

"We're here."

"I'll be out in a minute." Jack shut the door and moved quickly around the room pulling on clothes. "Get dressed."

"What's going on?" Dahlia asked wrapping the duvet around her body. She could see a gleam in Jack's eyes and felt her nerves tingle.

"We've arrived at our destination." Jack turned on his heel and practically ran out of the room. She could hear his boots stomp against the steps and the deck just above her.

She dressed in a pair of black pants and a white blouse, then tugged on her boots. She ran her fingers through her hair trying to loosen the knots but knew she needed to shower before any real work could be done on the tangled mass. 'How do people just not shower here?' she thought as she carefully pinned her hair up.

She heard men laughing and moved toward the doorway. Dahlia climbed to the deck, her eyes narrowing when the bright sun hit her for the first time in a day and a half. Jack was staring at a tan scrap of paper, a smile playing at his lips. He muttered something to Barbossa who began yelling orders. Dahlia crossed the deck towards the pirate captain.

"What exactly is our destination?" she asked coming to stand beside him.

Jack lifted his hand and pointed towards a coastline about a mile away. "That."

"What's there?"

"The Fountain of Youth." He said, excitement painted across his face.

Dahlia stared at him in disbelief then brought a hand to her face. "What?" she finally asked.

"You don't know the story?"

"No. I know it but I just didn't think it was real. No one has ever found it."

Jack shot her a cocky grin. "That's because I haven't looked yet."

Dahlia couldn't help but smile at his confidence. She just shook her head and looked out at the deck. Barbossa was yelling at crewmen as they readied a smaller boat for the short trek from the Pearl to the shore. 'Who would've thought I'd be standing next to a man who is convinced the Fountain of Youth is an actual place? Holy shit.' She thought with a sigh.

"I want you to stay on the boat while we go."


Jack hesitated. "It could be dangerous and I don't want you to be at risk."

Every fiber in her being wanted to argue with him but she just nodded. Jack smiled and dropped a kiss on her swollen lips. He moved passed her only to be stopped by a hand on his wrist; he looked back to see Dahlia staring at him. "Be careful."

"Like anything could get to me." He teased. He made his way to the dinghy and climbed in; the boat dropped into the ocean and soon Barbossa and Jack were rowing towards the shore at a pace none of the crew had ever seen before.

Dahlia sighed for what seemed like the hundredth time and focused her eyes on a glow coming from the beach. "What is that?" she asked Anamaria who had come to stand next to her.

"What?" Anamaria asked.

"That." She said pointing at the figure.

"I don't see anything."

Dahlia looked at her incredulously. "You can't see that?"

"It's a beach Lia."

Dahlia shook her head and looked back at the beach, where the figure was moving away from the water into the wooded area just off the shoreline. She walked back down into Jack's room and stared at the bed. The duvet was on the floor, pillows scattered across the bed and the linen sheets were tangled. She felt her cheeks heat up as the memories of why the bed was in such disarray washed over her.

She couldn't shake the anxious feeling that washed over her and she began to pace the length of the room. Hours passed and still no sign of Jack or Barbossa. Her feet were beginning to hurt from the constant walking so she settled on the bed, her fingertips tapping against her thigh. Eventually she felt exhaustion begin to creep through the nervous energy and she fell into a restless sleep.

Jack Sparrow glanced back in time to see Barbossa tripping over yet another tree root. "Mate, watch where you are going." He snapped, irritation dripping from every word.

"Jack, it's time to go back. I'm hungry." Barbossa whined. Jack rolled his eyes and continued to climb over a massive log. His hands gripped the wood, pulling himself up on top of the fallen tree. "Jack."

"Just a little further." Jack said over his shoulder then dropped to the other side of the log. He tried to take a step forward only to find his boots trapped in what looked like mud. "Bloody hell." He muttered, trying again. Suddenly it felt as if something grabbed at his ankles and before he had time to yell for Barbossa, Jack was pulled down and collapsed against a stone floor.

He lay there for a moment, blinded by a bright light engulfing the room. "Hello Mr. Sparrow." A woman's voice called from somewhere in front of him.

"Captain." He mumbled pushing himself onto his knees. A soft laugh echoed through the room. Jack looked up to see a dark haired woman staring out of a window; he quickly got to his feet and took a step towards her. Beyond her he could see the ocean and the Pearl. 'How am I above it?' he thought when he realized he was pulled down through the earth but was now somehow well above the shoreline.

"Magic." The woman answered his unspoken question, still staring down at the waters. "It's quite a ship you have Captain Sparrow. Must have cost you a lot to get it."

"Just my soul." Jack said staring at the woman. A deep purple chiton clung to her curves, a bit of her leg exposed. Her skin was tanned and flawless.

"That's a mighty big price to pay." The woman said turning to face Jack. A gasp escaped his lips when he stared down at Dahlia's face.

"What? Why?" Jack asked, unable to form a coherent sentence.

"This is your ideal woman." She explained waving a hand in front of her body. "Does it upset you to see?"

"Yes." At her raised eyebrows he continued, "No, I mean no it doesn't upset me it's just strange. Who are you?"

"My name is Hebe."

Jack wracked his brain for why he knew the name. His eyes widened when he realized where he knew it from. "Goddess of Youth."

"Very good. You are well read for a pirate."

"Pirate's know treasure."

"You think I'm a treasure?" Jack didn't like to see Dahlia's face marred by the look that could only be known as disdain.

Jack nodded, forcing his cockiness to win out over fear. "You have a certain fountain…"

Hebe raised her hand, halting his words. "I know why you're here Jack." She told him closing the gap between them. Jack felt his heart speed up when he felt her hand drop to the hem of his pants. "What will you give me to get to my fountain?" Innuendo echoed through her words as her hand slipped down against the fabric of his pants, her hand gripping him through his trousers.

Jack stared down at Dahlia's face in shock but something about the eyes was wrong. 'It's not her.' His mind screamed and he stepped out of Hebe's reach. "What do you want?" his voice cracked slightly.

The woman laughed and turned to walk towards an ornate chair Jack hadn't noticed before. "Well you've given away your soul for the gift of a ship, so I don't know how much more I could take from you for the gift of immortality." Jack stood silently as the woman seemed to lose herself in thought. He saw a light in her eyes as an idea struck her. "But of course."


"Love, Jack. You give me your love."

"You give me the gift of immortality and I will give you my love freely. I'll love you forever."

A mischievous glint played in the slightly off blue eyes of the Dahlia look-a-like. "The fountain isn't here, this is just my home. Take this." She said handing him a rolled map that had appeared in her hand. "Bring me the water from the fountain you find and I will give you what you wish."

"That's it?"

"That is it. I've already taken my payment." Hebe told him. She got to her feet and moved to stand directly in front of him. "You give things away so freely Jack. I don't know if you realize this."

Jack stared at her, eyes narrowed in confusion. Her face looked sad, almost haunted looking. "I don't give away anything I think I need."

She smiled sadly. "That's the worst part." She turned and walked back towards the window. "Go. Your friend is waiting for you."

Jack saw her wave her hand and then felt the hard ground beneath him. He was staring up at the sky peeking through the trees; Barbossa's face came into view. "I found it." He said getting to his feet. Jack passed the rolled up map to Barbossa and began the trek back down towards the shore, adrenaline pumping through his veins. He could hear Barbossa asking question after question as he tried to keep up with Jack but the only thing Jack could think of was telling Dahlia about what he had seen.