Take My Hand

"Sasha, look at these shoes!" Breann called to me, pointing at the most hideous pairs of shoes in history.

"You could so rock those!" I cheerfully call back.

"Guys, I'm hungry." Steph whined. "Can we go get something to eat, PLEASE?!"

"Sure," I replied, "To the Food court!"

We were giggling when I happened to look over my shoulder and see a couple showing major PDA. The boy looked like my boyfriend of two years, Jake. So of course I pull out my cell and text Jake. Once the message was sent I looked back at the couple and sure enough, the boy breaks the kiss to take out his phone. My god, you should've seen the look on my face when I realized it was Jake! I slowly got up and calmly walked over to him but when I saw that the girl was his ex-girlfriend I flipped.

"Jake, you asshole! How could you do this to me? And you Katherine! You snake! We're over Jake!"

"Sash, please, I'm sorry!" Jake called to my retreating back.

I slowly turned around and said, "Your not sorry, you're just sorry you got caught." And with that I turned and ran out of the mall.

My phone went off so I slowly opened it, still walking towards Steph's car. It was Breann.

Where the hell did you go? Was that Jake?! Are you OK?

I quickly sent back, Went out to the car, yes it was Jake, I ended it... I'm fine, finish shopping.

I had finally reached the car! I opened the door and with a shaky hand, turned the key part way so I could turn the music on. I quickly changed the song to one of my favourites by Tokio Hotel, Don't Jump. The door was still open so I leaned out, the tears were sliding down my face. The music was so loud and I was completely lost in it so I didn't even notice when someone approached me and turned down the music. Then they started singing the line I needed to hear the most. "Just take my hand, and give it a chance. Don't Jump." I slowly looked up and saw Bill Kaulitz and he whispered, "Don't cry pretty girl!"

Wiping frantically at my racoon eyes I said, "You have an amazing voice Mr. Kaulitz. Thank you."

"Please, do call me Bill." He stated with a friendly smile, "Are you alright?"

"Yes I'm fine, your music is a release. My name is Sasha by the way." I told him, returning the smile.

We talked for a while when I noticed the rest of the band so he whispered to me, "You should call them by their first names to!"

When Bill asked me to go into the mall with them By Your Side came on. He told the others we'd catch up then sang it to me and I melted to the floor. "You are the sweetest guy Bill. Thank you so much. Do I look OK?"

"You look beautiful!" He exclaimed. "I'm just going to text Tom to see where they are."

"OK, I should probably text my friends too." I said, taking out my phone. "So where are they?" I asked after he received a message.

"Tom drug them all off to the food court." He said, laughing.

"Sounds like he'd get along with my friend Steph, she's still holding Breann there hostage while the eats!"

As we were walking into the mall I saw Jake again and went rigid. "What's wrong?" Bill asked.

"Nothing," I said, relaxing knowing he was there. "It's nothing."

Once we reached the guys I said, "Wait here, my friends will want to meet you. Or, is that OK?"

"Sure!" Tom was the first to answer, "I never pass on an opportunity to meet new girls!" I walked away from the laughing group with the biggest smile on my face.


"Dude, how do you always end up finding these chicks?" Tom asked me.

"Tom, I know how it feels to be all alone if you don't remember. She just seemed so sad." I replied.

"Well this one is definitely the hottest of the bunch. I mean, did you see her blonde hair?!"

"Stay away from her Tom or I'll kick you ass!" I threatened him in German.

"You two are so immature! Tom, she's not a prize so stop fighting for her. Just think, one of her friends might be just as hot!" Georg interrupted.

"Gustav, your always so quiet when it comes to girls. Get involved man, get your flirt on!" Tom exclaimed, ignoring Georg's remark.

"Guys, shut up, she's heading back over here!" I exclaimed, trying to make my hair stick out better and checking my eyeliner for smudging.


"I'm back!" I exclaimed, giving Bill my best smile, noticing he must've touched up a bit. "Guys, this is Breann," I pointed to my dark-haired friend. "And this is Steph," I pointed to my friend that had some crazy dyed hair.

"Well, Hello." Tom said directly to Breann, "I'm Tom."

"I know!" she squeaked. "Oh my gosh! I can't believe I'm finally meeting you!"

"You're a fan?!" He asked with a smirk. "That's quite the coincidence because I just happen to be a new huge fan of you."

Breann giggled with a faint blush. "Thanks for the compliment Tom."

"Are you two done your flirtfest?!" I asked, amused. Breann has had the biggest crush on Tom for two years.

"So how did you three start listening to our music?" Bill asked while indicating we should take a seat.

"Well, actually, it was after a dance two years ago. I was visiting them and I had known about you for a while but Sasha was a bit down in the dumps so I introduced her to your music. Breann was there to and once she saw a picture of Tom, She fell in love." Steph started, earning a blush from Breann.

"The first song I heard by you guys was Spring Nicht. I fell completely head over heels in love with the music and lyrics, they were my release." I stated, "Then I saw a picture of one certain Mr. Bill Kaulitz, and fell in love with the appearance too. I also thought it was so cool that you were all so different and not just one style."

"Then Sasha got your CD, well that got a lot of us in school hooked on your music. And I know for a fact that she listened to your music no matter what mood she was in." Breann continued.

"Wow, that's pretty deep." Tom commented. "And you don't look like the type of person who would listen to our music." He indicated to me.

"I have to keep an appearance. I'm the oldest in my family, and my parents are kinda old-fashioned. There is a lot you wouldn't be able to tell about me from my appearance."

"I'd love to get to know those things," Bill whispered into my ear, making me shiver.

"So you wanna part and go shopping?" Georg asked.

"Sure, who's going with who?" I asked.

"Well I think Breann and I are going to go to American Eagle." Tom volunteered.

"I think I'll go with Georg and Gustav so you two can go together." Steph said with a secretive smile. Letting me know she was up to something.

"I guess that leaves the two of us!" Bill said happily. "Where to?"

"Let's go to The Garage right now." I offered.

"Ok, sounds good." After a while of shopping, talking, and trying on ridiculous outfits Bill asked me, "Do you want to come to our sound check with us?

"I'd really like that Bill."


God she's hot. I thought to myself. I can't believe one of Bill's girls has this hot of friends, not to mention she's pretty smoking hot herself!

"Tom! Look at these shoes!" Breann called to me.

"Awesome! Would you be able to walk in those even?!" I asked, amazed at the height.

"Yes, I would!" She laughingly replied. "I'm obsessed with shoes if you didn't notice."

"Well that's OK because I'm obsessed with hats! Check out this one," I said, trying on the stupidest one there just to hear her laugh and it worked. She had the cutest laugh. "Would you like to come backstage at our concert?" I asked, surprising both of us.

"I'd really like that. What do you think the others will say?"

"I think Bill asked Sasha the exact same question. But I don't know what the others will say to your friend Steph." I commented. "I'll ask her if no-one else does. K?"

"Mhm," Breann replied, already focussed on another pair of shoes. "Dangit" I heard her mutter.

"What's wrong?" I asked, hearing her.

"It's nothing, I'll just have to come back here next month after my paycheck."

"I'll buy them for you if you want. It would be my pleasure if you'd let me." I offered.

"Tom, I thought you were the player boy, but I guess I was wrong! You don't have to though!" She exclaimed.

"Please, let me get them for you?!" I pretended to beg.

"I guess, but you have to let me get you a hat!"

"Fair enough," I agreed.


"Have you guys met Cinema Bizzare?" Steph questioned.

"Ya, actually. There pretty wicked." Georg answered, "Why do you ask?"

"I was just wondering, when is their new CD dropping?"

"What do you mean 'dropping'?"I asked her, genuinely confused by the terms here.

"I mean when does the CD come out into stores." She answered, giving me the biggest smile.

"Oh! Well it should come out about the middle of next month if I'm not mistaken." I replied, returning the smile. This girl is so interesting. Exactly the opposite of all the other girls I've dated. I mean, check out her wicked hair! I couldn't stop looking at her and she noticed. "Georg," I whispered when she wasn't looking, "Do you think the others will be offended if I invited her to come backstage at the concert?"

"No man, I don't think they'd mind." He replied quickly, she was turning around.

"Umm, Steph?" I asked, Georg had suddenly become very interested in the Country CD section.

"Ya Gustav?"

"I was just wondering if you'd like to come backstage at the concert tonight?"

"Oh, I'd love that! We could hang out! When you're not performing of course."

"Sounds good." I told her, giving her my best smile.


"Bill, you don't have to get me anything!" I exclaimed.

"But I want to get you a gift! And this outfit looked gorgeous on you!" He argued.

"Look at us, arguing!" I said, starting to laugh. Pretty soon I couldn't even stand.


My god... look at her. She's so cute when she laughs. I wonder what happened to make her so sad today. I soon caught her laughing bug. When I regained some of my breath I asked, "Sasha, why are we laughing again?!" Which just threw this beautiful girl into another fit of laughter.

"Oh shit! We've got to get going if we're going to make it to the sound check!" I exclaimed, "You still wanna come?"



Oh my god! Bill Kaulitz is so hot! And he basically just asked me out! I'm falling in love all over again and I don't know if he feels the same way.

"I'll text Breann and tell her to meet us at the car if you want to text Georg of Gustav." I told Bill.

"Sure thing."


"Oh my goodness! It looks huge from here!" I exclaimed. "I've never been on a stage this big before even though it's been my dream."

"What's been your dream?" Bill asks from behind me, making me jump.

"To be a singer, and be able to perform on stage." I replied.

"Well Sasha, can you sing?" Tom asks with his trademark smirk on.

"I think so... maybe I'll give you a listen later." I replied, hinting.

"Sounds good but we have to get this sound check under way. Lets go!" Their manager called.

"What should we perform first?" Gustav asked.

"Don't Jump." Bill replied instantly, though he was looking at me.

They performed the song and I got lost in myself again. It always seemed to numb me in my darkest times, and now I have Bill to help me through this recent heartbreak. He looked over and saw me there and decided to let me be. They then performed Ready, Set, Go! It was amazing.

"Wow you guys are good!" I exclaimed when they were done.

"Thanks, pretty girl!" Bill said, "Is this the first time you've seen or heard us live?"

"Yes except for your Monsoon Live In Milan video on your Scream CD." I answered.

"We'll did we rock your socks off or what?!" Georg asked, he was high on an adrenaline rush.

"You rocked!" I answered. "Now I'm even more excited for your real concert!"


The crowd is HUGE tonight! One of the most energetic we've had in a while! Bill thought to himself. Why can't I stop thinking about Sasha? She's the prettiest girl I've ever seen. I would've never thought she listened to our music if I didn't see her in the parking lot today. But now I'm falling for her and I don't know how she feels about me. Woah, get back to the song!

"Everyone is watching, her arms are so sore. But she doesn't care anymore. And falling from the edge, the scars will stay forever. Side to side with death, this last time even better." I looked back at her to see her smiling back at me, not taking her eyes away from me.


When I saw Bill look my way I winked at him and continued watching him once he turned back again.

"Aren't they awesome?!" Breann exclaimed. "Tom is so sweet, he's not at all like the player he portrays!"

"And I see he got you a nice present too." Steph said with a smirk.

"Well, yah... but I bought him a hat in return." She replied with a blush.

"Nice!" I exclaim, "Bill got me these awesome skinny jeans and the cutest top. So I got him an eyebrow ring."

"Wow, you two are already closer than I would have ever expected." Steph said slowly, "Umm, Gustav asked me to come here tonight, I think he's going to ask me out."

The last song that Tokio Hotel sang was By Your Side and I got lost yet again. After the concert was over I was still sitting there with my eyes closed. Bill came up, put his arm around me and said, "Hey pretty girl, did you enjoy the concert?"

"Mhm," I answered, leaning my head onto his shoulder. "You're twice as good as you were at sound check when you have a bigger audience!" I finally opened my eyes.

"So where are you girls staying tonight?" Tom asked looking directly at Breann again.

"The Sherriton." I answer.

"Hey, that's where we're staying! We have two suites there!" Tom exclaimed with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Do you want to come to the after party for awhile?" Bill asked all of us.

I quickly looked at the girls and received nods and smiles so I said, "We'd love to. You boys are spoiling us like crazy!"

"But it's so fun spoiling such beautiful girls." Tom answered looking at me this time and not noticing Bill's glare.


We got back to the hotel at 2 am. "May I help you?" The receptionist asked.

"Umm, no thanks. Unless you could let us go into the pool right now." Tom said, giving her a flirtatious smile, much to Breann's chagrin.

"Who do you think you are?! I could get fired!" The young lady said.

"I think I'm Tom Kaulitz." He said to her. "Guitarist of Tokio Hotel, and believe me, our body guard Saki will be there." When Saki heard his name he appeared beside Tom. "Right Saki, you'll watch us at the pool so we don't get hurt."

"Sure," He answered in a gruff voice. "You can trust them miss, their good guys."

"Will it just be you guys?" She asked.

"We'll be bringing our friends as well." Bill told her then walked back to me.

"Ok, have a good stay guys! Be safe!" She exclaimed before we left.


"Bill!" I exclaimed when he hugged me from behind. "What are you doing back there?!"

"Enjoying the luxurious view!" He told me with a lazy grin. "You wanna come into the hot-tub with me?"

"Sure." I replied, grabbing the offered hand.

"Look, Saki's sleeping!" Bill laughed. "Do you think we should wake him?"

"Nah, he's not bugging us." I answered.

"Well then, will you tell me why you were crying today?"

"I guess," So I told him all about Jake and all that he'd done to me throughout our relationship and by the time I was done Bill looked like he was ready to murder.

"How could he to that to you?!The jerk! If I ever see him, I'll kill him and place his ass on my wall as a trophy!." Bill started ranting.

"You may not want that ugly ass up on your walls." I told him, starting to giggle like crazy.

"You're always so positive no matter what happens to you as far as I can tell!" Bill exclaimed, leaning in ever so slightly.

Authors Notes:

Hope you guys like the begining of this story... i have a major writers block with the Harry Potter one. I am a huge fan of Tokio Hotel, a german band so I decided to write about them...

Plz read and review!