Author has written 12 stories for Gone with the Wind. I read Gone with the Wind for the first time when I was thirteen. I didn't understand a lot of it. I watched the movie several times and would always think if only? The movie portrays Rhett a lot better than the book. I have recently read the book. I found this site and loved all the stories of "What if" Now I have started writing fanfiction. I remember in a magazine (I don't remember the name of the magazine) at monthly article that was titled "Can this marriage be saved?" If Rhett and Scarlett were featured in that article the answer would be no! The only way our favorite couple could have a successful marriage is with lots of personal growth from both of them. Rhett and Scarlett are both self-centered, stubborn, and proud. Not good traits for a happy relationship. When I read Gone with the Wind I think what a wonderful writer Margaret Mitchell was. I hate both Scarlett and Rhett but I want them to have a happy ending. I also remember that MM wrote the last chapter first. With that fact I know they never had a chance of a happy ever after. I think were MM is most talented is how she portrays all the chances they had to make their relationship work and failed. Both of them are responsible for the mess their lives are in at the end of the book. Sadly one could say they both reaped what they sowed. Both the Scarlett and Rhett are immature. So many times I want to scream at Scarlett that Ashley is useless. So many times I want to bitch-slap Rhett Butler. He is so rude to her and then expects her to love him. Both of them need to grow up. I write off canon and give them personal growth and discovery. There is something about these characters that make me want them to have a happy ending. So, I give them one. I have noticed two items I repeat. The use of prophylactics and vasectomy. Prophylactics have been around since Egyptian times. In the late nineteenth century, they could be bought in brothels. They were mostly used for the man to not get a disease from the ladies. It was quickly discovered their other useful benefit to prevent pregnancies. The first vasectomy was performed in London in 1823. It was performed on a dog but was soon performed on a man. Besides the benefit of sterilization, it was also believed it would increase a man's virility. I am sure Rhett would be aware of this procedure. All most all of my stories are going to have a happy ending. I love reviews. |