"Cheer up," he said, turning from her and starting up the stairs, "maybe you'll have a miscarriage."

He regretted the words a split second after he had said them. Turn around, take it back, a voice in his head shouted. He didn't get a chance though, because out of the corner of his eye, he saw her lunging for him, swift as a cat. Instinctively, he sidestepped, throwing up his arm to ward her off. She was standing on the edge of the freshly waxed top step, and as her arm, with the whole weight of her body behind it, struck his out-thrust arm, she lost her balance. She made a wild clutch for the newel-post and missed it, but Rhett, with a readiness he would later marvel at, grabbed her arm and pulled her so forcefully that he fell backwards. He landed on his back taking Scarlett with him as he did, stopping her fall. For a moment none of them moved, shocked as they were from what had almost happened, their breaths coming out in pants. But then he put his arms around her tightly and just when he did, her body began to shake uncontrollably as she gave in to a frantic sobbing.

"Are you alright? Are you hurt?" he panicked. No answer, only louder sobbing. "Talk to me, Scarlett. Are you hurt?"

"The baby…" she breathed and his heart stopped.

He stood up with her in his arms and quickly carried her to her bedroom, yelling for Pork to go fetch the doctor. He made a move to lay her down, but she cried 'no' and clenched him even more.

"Shhh… Shhhh…" he sat on the bed holding her close trying to calm her down. "It's alright, darling. You're alright. You're safe now."

He kept murmuring the same words over and over again, rocking her like a child, endlessly caressing her hair and her back, until eventually the sobs seized. Yet, she didn't move, her hands clasped on his shirt, her face hidden in his chest, breathing heavily. God, she was so small, he wondered once more at how perfectly she fitted in his arms.

"Are you hurt?" his mouth buried in her hair.

"No," a shaky whisper and he sighed in relief. "I was just scared…" Her body began to tremble again.

Just then, Dr. Meade came into the room closely followed by Mammy.

"Scarlett, what happened?" his tone authoritative.

She tried to give him an answer, but a new round of tears drowned her voice barely after the first words came out of her mouth, and Rhett had to step in and fill in the details.

"You look more shaken than hurt," the doctor said, "but let me check on you just to be on the safe side. Captain Butler, if you please."

Rhett set to put her on the bed. "Don't go," her eyes enormous.

He took her face in his hands and he looked deep into those eyes. "I'll be right outside. I won't go anywhere."

She complied uncertainly and climbed off his lap.

He stepped out in the hall and the moment the door closed behind him, he bent on his knees with a loud heave. The mere thought of what could have happened turned his stomach. The baby would have… and she… Oh, God, she could have… No, no, NO! He tried to shake it off, to stop his trembling hands and quiet his racing heart but failed to do any. It was his fault, his words, his actions. Maybe you'll have a miscarriage. What kind of a man says that to the woman who had just told him she would make him a father again? To the woman he loved. He had longed for her and for another child coming from her for years. He had missed her so damn much. Just the sight of her on the top of the stairs hugging their daughter had made his heart leap. And when she looked at him… There was a faint smile for him there he was certain, now that his anger was wasted.

Dr. Meade came out of her bedroom.

"How is she?"

"Like I said, just shaken," he provided.

"And the baby?"

"The baby is fine. It was a very close call, Captain Butler. I trust you realize that. And given that her nerves have been quite overwrought during the last couple of months, I gave her a sedative to help her calm down."

A simple nod was all he could manage, taken aback by the hint behind the words. Was it the aftermath of the scandal the cause of her distress or could this possibly mean that she…?

When he returned to her bedroom, she was deep in sleep, Mammy still hovering over her in evident worry. He took a chair and sat next to the bed.

"She done give me a scare dis morning, Mister Rhett. I dunno wanna think what'd happened if you wuzn' there to catch her."

The sting of guilt again. Maybe you'll have a miscarriage.

"Can you make sure the children won't be in our way today? She has to rest and I need to stay with her."

She nodded approvingly. "I send them to Miss Pitty wid Prissy."

"Thank you, Mammy. That would be all."

"Tis good you is back, Mister Rhett," she said as she made her way out of the room. "My lamp's been miserable dese tree months. She done miss you and Lil Miss very much."

The breath was caught on his throat. What?

Rhett was not a man who would second guess a decision. Leaving her three months ago was the only possible option for him. He had to get away from her or else break her neck and Ashley's, hurt and blind with jealousy as he was. He knew fully well he was throwing her into the lions' den that the Old Guard was by doing so; the husband taking off barely three days after the party and taking their daughter with him. He might as well have pinned a scarlet letter on her. He was so angry at the time he didn't care. She had to face the consequences of her actions alone, he had reasoned. Her mess, her responsibility to get out of it. And he wasn't anywhere near making it easier for her. The possibility of a pregnancy never once had it crossed his mind. In the light of those news, however, it dawned upon him that he had thrown their unborn child in that chaos too. Who's the happy father? The question the whole city would have asked if he hadn't returned when he did. Had word about her pregnancy reached their ears already? It probably had. No, Rhett was not a man who would second guess a decision. But he would be damned if he let anyone second guess his baby.

He placed his hand on the barely noticeable curve of her belly caressing it softly. This frustrating ability she had, to dig the worst in him out. He was merely through the threshold and she had infuriated him already. And she certainly knew how to cut him deep. So, he pushed it even further. Far enough to almost have her fall off those stairs. He said too many God damn stupid things today. He had a lot of apologizing to do, if she was to be anywhere near letting them go.

"Any more questions about the baby's father?" her voice startled him and he raised his eyes to her. She was pale, bewilderment knitting her brows as she stared at his hand.

He definitely deserved that. He sat on the bed next to her.

"No more cads claiming the title, I hope," he tried to humor her, but much as it was expected, she didn't bulge. And her bewilderment turned into anger. Too soon to joke, you idiot.

"You think this is funny?" she made a hasty move to sit up, but met with his stopping hand.

"Take it easy now, will you?" he fretted.

"Don't tell me what to do!" she threw his hand off her. "I don't want to take it easy! How could you say such a thing to me? Ask something like that after… after…" her cheeks flushed a delicious red color, "when you know…"

Sure she was cross, but modesty prevailed. She was so beautiful!

"Yes, I know." How could he forget? "I know I am the father of your baby, Scarlett. And I am sorry."

"For being the father?" she breathed.

"No," he chuckled. "I am not one bit sorry for that. In fact, I am absolutely thrilled with the idea."

"You are?" a ghost of a smile was slowly forming on her lips, former fume totally forgotten.

"Why wouldn't I?" he smiled back. "Bonnie is more precious to me than dear life. And now another baby?" he placed his hand on her stomach anew.

"Then why did you say all those nasty things, if you didn't mean them?" fresh tears prickled her eyes. This pregnancy was already taking a swirl on her mood.

"Because I was mad at you," he sighed.

"You were mad at me? You left me for three months, took my child away from me, and YOU were mad at ME?" she cried.

"You should really work on how to make announcements like this, Scarlett. You blurt it out on me with as much disgust as the very first time."

The venom in her eyes when she spoke the words. It hurt more than a dozen of lashes. Both times. His hand on her turned into a fist in an attempt to fight back the memory. She dropped her eyes evidently embarrassed.

"I understand that you don't want it. Especially given the circumstances of its conception. I get that. But still…"

"I do want it, Rhett."

She said that so very quietly he was sure his ears played tricks on him. Did she just…? His heartbeat quickened so rapidly he felt dizzy. He cupped her face and gently forced her head up, his eyes boring into hers.

"You want the baby?"

She nodded once into his hand. He leaned a bit closer, enough to feel her unsteady breath caressing his skin. Under his fingers her pulse was pounding frantically. His lips touched hers ever so lightly and she moaned softly.

"Why?" he couldn't help the question. She gasped.

Did he really care for an answer? Would it make any difference? She wanted it and that was all that mattered for now. She. Wanted. His. Baby. Under his gaze the darkest shade of green spread in her eyes and he could feel her shivering.

"The circumstances," she whispered.

And it made all the difference in the world. And his undoing. He hadn't been mistaken. That night… It was real. She was there, body and mind, for the first time ever, responding to him, wanting him. As much as he wanted her.

His mouth assaulted hers with such intensity that her body momentarily froze. Before he could reflect upon it, her hands swathed his neck and she was kissing him back, trying to match his fervor with her own. His tongue dived in her mouth, his arms wrapped around her crashing her thin form on his chest. God, her taste, her smell! His hands roamed all over her back. He wanted to touch her skin, to feel her bare flesh, he wanted all of her. Don't push your luck, his mind reasoned, not yet. He had to master all his willpower to force himself to stop. Another gentle kiss —this woman would be the end of him— and he broke apart. They stared at each other, chests heaving, breathless as they both were. His thumb caressed her swollen lips and she rewarded him with a weak smile.

"That was more like the welcome home I had in mind," he teased. She tensed.

"Everything is a joke to you, isn't it?" she sat back on the bed, untangling herself from his embrace.

He cursed himself. Again, too soon.

"What happened while I was away, Scarlett?" the time for that talk had come. She shrank and took her eyes away from him. "I will find out one way or another," he reminded her. "I'd rather hear it from you."

"Melly…" she murmured. Of course, good old loyal Melanie. "She… She threw Archie out and she… India too. And called Mrs. Elsing out for lying."

"And the Old Guard?"

"Melly wouldn't leave me alone." It wasn't an accusation. Still, it stung like one, cause he had. "She was with me the whole time. The store, the lumber yard, each and every morning. And she took me calling with her every afternoon."

Shielding her like a hound and daring anyone to speak their minds in her presence. Chapeau, Melanie.

"Sounds like your hands were full."

"Yes, hiding behind Melly's skirts," she sighed.

"How long have you known about the baby?"

"A month or so."

His jaw tightened. If he had known…

"Why didn't you write to me? You knew where I was."

"Did I?" her voice grew colder than ice. "I believe your exact words were 'an extended trip'. You could have been half way across the world for all I knew."

"I told you I was going to Charleston."

"Oh, yes, that much you did. How chivalrous of you! So, did you have a pleasant trip?" she was boiling with fury. "Or were you miserable that your darling wife didn't accompany you because of her many unwomanly business affairs. Such a devoted husband that you are."

"So, you did know where I was," he fought really hard to keep a straight face. Her aunts had definitely spilled the bins.

"Did you have fun? Humiliating me like this?" she ignored him.

"Would you rather have me tell the truth?" the horrified look on her face gave him the answer. "I didn't think so. This isn't my mess to fix, Scarlett."

"No, it isn't," she breathed. "But you could have stayed."

"The cheated-yet-magnanimous husband isn't a part I find very becoming," he said bluntly.

"Of course not. You find the bedding-the-wife-and-then-cheating-her-with-a-whore one far more fitting," the pain in her eyes took his breath away.

Was she jealous? Was she actually jealous? The revelation shook him to the very core. When he threw it to her face, he was watching her closely. Yes, she was shocked. He fully intended her to be. But she recovered almost immediately, didn't she? He always boasted that he could read her like an open book. How had he missed that? Hard-headed and selfish, both of them. Betrayed and wounded, she retreated and masked her feelings; scared and drunk, he assumed the worst and didn't look harder. She cared?

"An eye for an eye, my pet," he stated carefully.

"That's your idea of revenge?" she blinked in dread. "You treated me like that to get back at me? I didn't cheat on you."

"So they didn't catch you in Wilkes' arms."

"They did, but…"

"But what, Scarlett?"

"It wasn't like that… like with you and…" she clutched the bedsheets so hard her knuckles turned white, all color drained from her face. Just thinking about it was clearly making her physically sick.

"You didn't sleep with him? That I know."

"It wasn't… It was… We were talking. He was talking actually, about the old days. And it stroke me just then that he can't get past them. He never will. He is broken and resigned and old. It's pointless to look back. And painful and heart-wrecking and infectious. Because somehow I was sad too. Sad for him, sad for me, sad for everything we've lost since then. And he hugged me to comfort me I guess. But it didn't… feel the same," her voice quivered.

He was pushing her to her breaking point, he knew it, but he needed her to put it into words. Only when spitted out of her, would she realize everything.

"Your knight has lost his touch?" he pressed harder. "You know what they say. Practice makes perfect."

"No… no…." she shook her head, tears finally wetting her face. "It was different… I felt different…"

"What did you feel?"

"You won't understand."

"Then make me understand," he took her hands in his.

She lifted her watery eyes to him, perplexed by the unexpected gentleness of his gesture.

"What did you feel, Scarlett?"

Say it, he silently urged. Just say it.

"Nothing," she mumbled.

His heart stopped.


"Well, not what I expected to feel."

"You did feel something then."

"Just tenderness. Like the one you feel for an old friend."

Ten years. He waited for this very moment ten years. For her to finally realize that she was leaving in a fantasy. For her to rid herself of the burden that Ashley was in her entire adult life.

"So, you see, I didn't cheat on you."

"Yes, I see. Yet, you both acted as guilty as charged."

"I couldn't explain it back then… I didn't know how… And you were so angry, so drunk… And then so spiteful…"

"Can you blame me?"

"No, for that I can't," her voice barely audible.

"What do you blame me for?"

"For going to that woman. For abandoning me. For talking to me like you did when you came back. You need more?"

"No, that would be enough for now," he couldn't keep the teasing tone from creeping in his words.

He raised his hand and slowly caressed her face with his finger, wiping away the tears, her skin soft and blushing under his touch. He tucked a stray strand behind her ear. His hand slid down her neck slowly tracing her collarbone back and forth. He leaned closer. His lips began to follow the same path, from her temple to her jaw and down her long neck —her heart was throbbing by now—, leaving wet gooseflesh behind.

"Did I hurt you, darling?"

"Yes," her breath near his ear was coming out hot and erratic.

"I asked you this morning if you've missed me, and you got mad," a soft bite on her earlobe. "Because you have."

It wasn't a question, but she nodded faintly. Her parted lips were only a few inches away.

"Have," loud gulp, "you?"

"Oh, yes, baby," he smiled warmly. "I've missed you too damn much."

I've been away from this fantom too long, I know. But this what-if has been tickling my fingers for quite some time... I thought I should give it a chance. I have no idea how long it would be. I have a couple of chapters in mind. I'm thinking about shifting from Rhett's POV to Scarlett's from chapter to chapter. I'll try it and see how it goes. Obviously, this chapter is from Rhett's POV. The bold text is taken directly from the book, just to get the story going. Naturally, I own nothing.

What do you think? Open to suggestions, as always. Chris xxx