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![]() Author has written 49 stories for Naruto. HUGS TOTAL! ANNOUNCEMENTS! I have a Gaia Account. My name is LovetoCauseMayhem. Wanna be roleplay buddies? Lemme know. Birthday - Jan. 9 (send me fuzzies! -heart-) Things that I detest: OC's paired with the main character of a fanfiction. Seriously? Good writers don't just make up some 'perfect' character to go with the main character just because they're too lazy/not imaginative enough to make relationships between two actual characters work. Come on. My favorite pairings: They are the ones I write. Simple as that. Other Things You Should Know About Me: I have graduated high school. I have graduated college. I hate drama. I go out of my way to avoid drama and people who cause drama. I now have a social life. It's like everyone and their mother wants to hang out with me. Totally not complaining, but it does consume much of my time. I am a flow artist. :) I am also seeking to give lessons and start workshops. However I still have a long way to go and much to learn. I am currently living on my own. I am in an amazing relationship. :3 Alcohol and I are not friends. Things I Have Recently Realized: 1) If you want reviews to your stories, take the time to reply to the reviews you get. They take the time to review, so you should take the time to respond, right? 2) If you want your friends to cry on you and lavish you in attention and adoration and goodies, tell them you're moving. 3) The person who you loved the most will treat you wrong, but in the end it takes more power to forgive them than extract revenge. 4) No matter how much you love your best girl friend (if you are a girl), she's going to love someone else unless you tell her how you feel. And even then, it might be too late. 5) The day your best friend asks you to choose between her and her ex-boyfriend who likes you after you poured out your soul to her is the day she stopped caring for you all together. 6) Dating your best friend will be either the biggest mistake of your life or the best thing you could ever do. It all depends on if you think it's worth it. 7) Sometimes you have to hurt someone you care greatly about to realize what true happiness is. It's just the matter of being courageous enough to do it. 8) If you don't like something, don't read it. If you don't like something you're reading, don't review to tell the author just how much you hate it. The reason we can review each other's stories is to give the authors criticism that they can use to further their talents as a writer. Don't say, "Wow your plot sucks" or "God I hate this pairing" or "This was a really stupid place to take the story" because those are all just matters of opinion. Authors will write things readers don't like. Differences of opinion is to be expected. Say, "I don't like it, but that's okay. Here's what I think you could do to further your writing." and then talk about grammar, punctuation, lack of detail that they could've used, what confused you, etc. Keep it focused ON THE WRITING, not on the plot. People don't care if you don't like the plot. They care if you can understand it, or if it flows correctly. That's all. Everything else negative, keep to yourself. 9) If you want to succeed at something everyone else is doing, you have to be the best of the best and blow them all away. Laziness will not pay off. But perfection will. 19 Ways To Maintain A Healthy Level Of Insanity 1. At Lunch Time, Sit In Your Parked Car With Sunglasses on and point a Hair Dryer At Passing Cars. "The strongest one among you may not wear a crown." "DO NOT FEAR!" he called. "WE ARE HERE TO STEAL YOUR WOMEN!" This...was so many levels past 'not good' there wasn't a word for it yet. - Headless Bingo. “So while you’re bound to die of caffeine-induced anaphylaxis, it seems that I’m destined to go insane from an overdose of a simple flavor enhancer. You have such a positive outlook on our futures.” - Much Ado about Nothing "So always remember these words, my child, "Raising a foot I step onto the smoothest face. Looking down I see that Heaven's in its rightful place. Leaving life, leaving love, it's all the same. Looking up, and looking down I see the same image again." "Oh, yeah, give the boy a heart attack before you ever fuck him, that's smart." One of my reviewers - buffyandspike-4ever - for my story Tireless Drive, Chapter 6. Fucking LOVED what she said. XD "My heart's crippled by the vein that I keep closing - you cut me open and I keep bleeding." - Gaia's Featured Profile: June 08. "I've got a wicked taste for trouble and am never satisfied. Yeah, I'm a whole lot of trouble BABY and my evil ways kill LIFE." - The same featured profile. "Say it again, and I'll rip out your spinal cord and shove it down your throat." - Atemu threatening Kaiba as he calls they're time together a 'date'. "Your ridiculous little opinion has been noted." Flying is simple. You just throw yourself at the ground and miss. Flying is simple. You just jump and forget how to fall. “So not only are you a chair-stealing freak with an ego-complex the size of Jupiter but you’re a stalker too?!” - Much Ado about Nothing ‘I want you, and although we’re in the middle of a huge argument, I’m still going to have you.’- (Effing LOVE this line.) From 'Come Out of the Rain' Earth first. We'll screw up the other planets later (Amen!) Never do anything that you wouldn't want to explain to the paramedics Man invented language to satisfy his deep need to complain (Yep.) "She's MY wife! You can't have her!" "You know what you do when you're sad? You do the CANCAN!!" - Mine. The CanCan solves ALL of life's problems. XD "(at Brit's wedding...) Brit: -stares at me- DDB? Me: -sips wine at the main table and acts polite- Yes, Brit? Brit: I need to go to the bathroom. You're not going to do anything STUPID, are you? You're going to stay in your chair and be a good girl? Me: -surprised- Why, Brit? Whatever gave you any reason not to TRUST me? Of COURSE I'll be good. -sips more wine- Brit: -surveys me for a minute- All right. You better. -leaves to go to the bathroom- -comes back to see everyone on the dance floor doing the Thriller with me in the front- Brit: DDB!!" - Muahahahahaha. Just talking between me and my (ex) good friend Brit on what I'd do at her wedding. She had no idea... but we both agreed that she could tie me to a chair and SOMEWAY, SOMEHOW, I'd manage to get everyone together to do Thriller as soon as she leaves to go somewhere. XD "I break the back of love for you, I break the back of love for you." - Placebo “Are you calling me fat?! You who has two breasts that each average out to be enough to feed three small third world countries?!” - Alucard, from Nibbles, a Hellsing Fanfic "Here lie the experiences of one Integra Hellsing. May its contents never be boring." - Integra, Nibbles "Women were insane. I’d always known that." -Alucard once more, from Nibbles "Didn’t he realize how irksome it is to watch someone who could kill people with bits of string pretend to be grandfatherly and kind? It was like watching Hitler dance the Nutcracker." - LOL ALUCARD FROM NIBBLES! "And then it hit me like a flying squirrel on crack." - Integra, from Nibbles “Wrath, thy name is woman.” She was just so damn good she could barely get over it. - Integra, again. xD “I was kissed once. See? I’m practically a wanton slut.” - OMG LOLINTEGRAFROMNIBBLES ‘He is Walter, all knowing and we can’t hurt him because we like him too much.’ - A look from Alucard, Nibbles. Hate is the consequence of fear; we fear something before we hate it; a child who fears noises becomes a man who hates noise. Cyril Connolly Like the greatest virtue and the worst dogs, the fiercest hatred is silent. Jean Paul Richter "It takes so much more power to forgive than to kill the person who broke your heart." "Regret is the painful knowledge needed to become wise." "Well, we're going to see each other again, so what's the point of goodbyes?" "It's so curious: one can resist tears and 'behave' very well in the hardest hours of grief. But then someone makes you a friendly sign behind a window, or one notices that a flower that was in bud only yesterday has suddenly blossomed, or a letter slips from a drawer... and everything collapses." Colette "The robbed that smiles, steals something from the thief." William Shakespeare, Othello "Jealousy is natural. It's the option of letting it control you that makes it a sin." Bitch is the new BLACK! Tina Fey (SNL) Why can't I just HUG a woman with my legs in FRIENDSHIP?! Female Star from Juno (SNL) The enemy of my enemy is my friend. : Arab proverb Tell me who's your friend and I'll tell you who you are. : Russian proverb Tell me what you laugh at, and I'll tell you who you are. : A Stand-up comedian. I forget who. Okay. I'm done. See ya! :D DDB "Sasuke - Those clothes look good on you, they'd look even better on my bedroom floor." |