I don't know where this came from.

I just noticed one day that not a lot of fanfics are Zabuza, Haku centered, and I've also noticed that I've only seen ONE SasuHaku. ONE

That's totally going to change.

This story begins during the Land of Waves Ark, before their first encounter with Zabuza. The storyline goes completely DDB after that.

The titles of the chapters will be strange as well. I'm just in one of those moods…

It'll start in first person, but only for this chapter and around half of the next one. I'm horrible at first person stories, I think.

But then again, I might be wrong.

The beginning is similar to what we all know, but at the very end, something changes.

It's different, but I hope it's good.

Read and review!


Promises Not Made are Promises Never Kept

It began as a C ranked mission.

It's the familiar way to begin it – Sakura, Naruto, Kakashi and I were charged to protect a man called Tazuna – a bridge builder who wanted to return to his home.

He paid for protection from robbers and highwaymen – NOT rouge ninja assassins, hired by a man who wanted the bridge builder's blood to splash.

He didn't pay for that kind of protection.

Yet he was getting it.

From us.

I hate that man.

But yet how could I hate him? He was just an old man from a poor country, lying so he could return to his home and save it from certain destruction.

Call me selfish if you like. I have no reason to tell you differently.

All of us are selfish in our own way. I'm just another.

Like all the rest.

Now, as the fight progressed between us and the Demon Hidden in the Mist, Kakashi was caught and restrained, leaving US – his students – to save him and protect the bridge builder.

Fuck that. The old geezer deserves to die anyway.

Yet why am I protecting him?

Heh – like I said – we're all selfish in our own way.

Mine's just stranger than others'.

Chapter One – Taken (Hostage)

"Kakashi-sensei!" Sakura cried as the water prison whirled around our teacher.

Zabuza smirked and raised his remaining hand, creating a water clone before us.

The one that was going to kill us all.

"We have to save him," I murmured. "We can't run – that way disappeared the moment Kakashi got caught. Tazuna?" I turned my head slightly, looking at the bridge builder through my left eye. The man looked at me and then sighed.

"I got you into this mess. Save your teacher," he decided, eyes growing hard. "Do whatever it takes!"

I plan to. I thought, shifting to look back at the water clone, who was staring us down in cold blood. I'm not going to die – not here – not now.

The water clone's eyes were on me.

But I felt no fear.

My eyes narrowed.

"We have to do it," I murmured. A reckless determination settled on my chest. I leaped forward. "LET'S GO!"

"Sasuke-kun!" I heard Sakura cry.

The water clone chuckled darkly.

"C'mon then – stupid Genin. Let's go."

My hands flew to the Kunai holsters at my thigh and the shuriken pouch at my hip. I released three of each in quick succession.

He blocked them easily, and I leaped into the air.

No thoughts passed through my mind as he located me and reached for me. Only breathless anticipation filled my heart as I whirled in the air to dodge his grasp, and pain flared in my abdomen as his foot slammed into my stomach, making me fly backwards.

I landed on the earth and rolled, opening my eyes just in time to see Zabuza sending his elbow downwards.

I threw myself away from him and managed to flip back onto my feet, breathless and my stomach aching.

"Very well then."

He came for me again.

"You go first!"

The sword swung –

I ducked, leaping away from his swinging reach after the sword passed over my head.

But before I could get completely out of range, he stopped his swing short and powered the sword backwards, slamming the other, blunter edge of the sword into my side.

Multiple sounds that reminded me vaguely of gunshots filled the air, and I cried out as pain flashed like fire through my side.

A few shattered ribs – if not more.

The collision sent me spinning head over heels into a nearby tree, and I felt something in my shoulder blade crack as I collided with it.

My feet landed on the earth with a dull thump, and my vision swam horribly as I fought to stay standing.

Someone beat me to it.

A powerful hand gripped my shirt collar and roughly pulled me up, lifting me up off the ground. I knew instantly who had a hold of me, but my vision was so blurry – I couldn't see him – couldn't react.

Dammit I feel so helpless!

Let go of me!

"Hmm… you're a feisty child," Zabuza murmured, lifting me up higher. I couldn't move my arms to wrap around his wrist – to try to push him off me. My ribs were burning like acid as it was – any twitch on my part would aggravate them.

Besides – I wasn't choking. Not yet.

I closed my eyes. I couldn't see anything anyway. Pain exploded behind my eyes and I felt my lips purse together in a grim line.

"You show a lot of promise boy."

So? Tsk – I knew that. People have been telling that to me ever since I enrolled into the academy.

"I'm tempted to take you with me."

I've heard that to– wait – what?

I fought to open my eyes – to see his face – to see if he was really serious or not – but I couldn't. Pain not only clouded my vision – but my mind as well. I couldn't think clearly enough to open them. My breath came in quick, ragged gasps.

"Yes – I think I will."


The combined cries of both Sakura and Naruto fell upon deaf ears as my mind shut down and darkness claimed me.

End Chapter One – Taken (Hostage)

Turn for the worst it would seem. XD

I really don't know where the title of the story came from either. In about chapter three, if I'm still not a fan of the title, I'll ask you guys for suggestions. But for the time being, I'm good.

I hope a different story like this was refreshing!

Please review!

Oh – and I just found out that Haku's birthday is on January 9th! My birthday! –squeals-

So cool!

Review please!

Ja ne!