Reviews for Catalyst
puppyface1000 chapter 18 . 6/24/2015
awesome story please add another chapter to it
a chapter 18 . 12/30/2014
I don't remember if I read this story before, but I decided to read the latest chapter anyway. I really enjoyed Ryou and Yugi's conversation - it seems that they're very close despite (or maybe because of) their crazy circumstance. My favourite line must be when Ryou says, "we're quite the mental patients, aren't we?"
Wow chapter 15 . 1/4/2014
Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease update! This is freaking amazing! I love stories with badass Yuugi with an attitude! It's so brilliant and well written and just an awesome story! Seriously!
XNinja KaylaX chapter 15 . 6/9/2013
I love this oh plz make more. :)
XNinja KaylaX chapter 6 . 6/7/2013
XD Kaiba Iz Wasted Never thought I see that XD!
Goshikku Hime wa Yami-san chapter 15 . 2/10/2013
lovin' this stori! continue soooooon! i love how yuugi fell off of a skyscraper...THREE FLIPPING TIMES! and how he and Ryou are all badass(BAR-FIGHT!), but still so...submissive? in the presence of their vampiric lovers! when it was the scene of the bar-fight, the song gaybar played in my head xD! continue sooooon! i LOVE this!
dragonlady222 chapter 15 . 2/8/2013
I hope that Yuugi will not be the human sacrifice. I'm glad they are getting along so well. Yami needs to figure out why they formed a link that is so strong.
sdrtyuikl chapter 14 . 1/21/2013
By some random fluke, I managed to find this story, and I am so not regretting it at all! I am completely loving it!

You're writing style is so amazing, and it flows together so well even with the parts that seem to confuse yet make complete sense at parts (its just me and how I read things that is probably confusing me at times lol).

And the idea is quite original too. Instead of a vampire meets a human and immediately falls in love and everythng is flowers and rainbows, the two actually have to go through a shitload of crap to realise what they want. It's so different that it makes it really good!

So excited to know what else you're gonna dish out on everyone :) !
dragonlady222 chapter 14 . 1/8/2013
I was just thinking about this story and up pops a new chapter. I like the way Yuugi is acting in this fic. He and Yami really do suit each other personality wise.
YGOfangirl4ever chapter 13 . 11/27/2012
XDDDD Please tell me you plan on finishing this! All this ammout of OOC'ness... I just need more! I love you for this storry! But please, finish it! _
littlerostte chapter 13 . 10/27/2012
lol i fell of my seat reading this
Guest chapter 13 . 7/5/2012
" "So then," Yuug prompted " ... I think he's missing a letter. (And you could always go back and rectify everything - future readers will have no idea something was edited.)

*does a victory dance* You need to update! I wanna see Bakura's reaction! XD
Guest chapter 10 . 7/5/2012
Guest chapter 8 . 7/5/2012
Have, not half - "half-your-way-with-me"

(My, is Yami throwing a temper tantrum. Must be Yugi's fault.)
Enzarika Nevarro chapter 13 . 1/28/2012
This is a awesome, action-filled, and fucking funny story! D

Why haven't you updated in about half a year? writers block? if so please get over this writer's block soon because this story must go on! D
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