Dance of Diamonds

Chapter Nine – Sweet

Neji sighed from where he sat, gazing out the window at the decidedly gloomy day. It had been raining constantly ever since the sun had gone up, and now said sun was hidden behind a thick layer of clouds.

"Take a chance on something Star, you got

All the live long day.

It had been a month since Naruto had separated from Sasuke, and his face had been all over the news. He wouldn't give any true reasons why he decided to separate – simply that he wanted to see if he would be successful in his own solo career. Sasuke hadn't appeared at all, refusing to give onscreen interviews. Neji had read a few interviews from the dancer in magazines and on the internet, and he seemed to be playing off the nonchalant, 'oh yeah, we've been talking about this forever' type of persona. It was back to simply Sasuke, and Sasuke alone.

"If I had to name one thing you think would data

Be hard pressed to say…

The dance studio had also been rather quiet since the breakup. If anything, Sasuke's group of friends were acting colder to Neji than ever, as if knowing somehow that he possibly had a part in Sasuke and Naruto's separation. It made him a little sad, but it also made him a little happy too.

"You can say that I'm gushing,

At least you know what I think.

Sasuke was free.

"I know that I'm lucky, I know you on the brink you got it

Good, good, good…

Gah, idiot. Don't think like that!

"You got it…

But he was beginning to worry. He hadn't heard from Sasuke in over a MONTH. It was worrying him. What if something had happened to him?

"Good, so good.

Neji silently scoffed.

"You make up ridiculous words,

Which mean exactly nothing.

You idiot. If something happened to Sasuke, you'd KNOW about it. He's a fucking CELEBRITY. Shut the fuck up.

"I know just what you mean,

And that's the funny thing…

He glanced at his coffee/dining table, where Kakashi's card lay. The manager had given it to him before they had left to go find Sasuke.

"It's understood, it's…

Before they had left to find Sasuke crushed.


Neji's eyes narrowed.

"Buddy, buddy, buddy…

I swear, if it would've made Sasuke feel better, I would've CHOKED that blonde bastard.

"I know why you wander…

And that was saying something. Usually Neji was something of a pacifist, but the nerve of Naruto pissed him off like nothing else ever had. His fingers – even a month later – itched to wrap themselves around the blonde's throat.

"Through the sweetness on the ground…

Five minutes… that's all I would need…

He glanced at the table again.

"The sweetness of the flowers…

Gah, fuck it.

Standing up from his spot near the window, he walked over to the table and picked up the card, heading for the house phone.

"You make your way…

On a cloudy day…

Picking it up, he dialed Kakashi's number and waited patiently until someone that sounded like a secretary responded.

"You've got to move…

"Hi there, is Kakashi Hatake there? This is Neji Hyuuga, could you put me through please? …Mr. Hatake? Oh, thank God! Listen, this is Neji. Is Sasuke okay? …Yes, yes… Right. Yeah, I can. Okay, where do you want to meet…?"

"The world you prove is too sweet, yeah…

----------------- ------------------------------- -------------------------------

Neji looked around nervously from where he waited a few hours later, gazing out at the waters of the bay as the sky – now clear – began to change color with the descent of the sun.

"We parted much too soon, I know but that's how it goes.

He leaped up when an unmarked car drove up, newly washed.

"There's someone better out there for you and me.

Immediately the doors opened and Sasuke appeared, looking ever so glamorous as a woman and rushing to Neji, wrapping him in a hug. He could tell she was trying her best to be cheerful.

"Can't wait to get on the road and feel the shows

And be like, phenomenon number one and two and three…

"Ah, my diamond!" She breathed as Neji hugged her back. "I've missed you! I'm sorry I haven't been to see you! I've been so busy, like you have no idea!"

Neji laughed.


I don't mean to brag and I don't mean to boast but,

"That's fine, that's fine," he replied, pulling away to look at her. He decided she looked a lot more worn than she had a month before. "I'm just glad you're okay. How is everything?"

Sasuke rolled her eyes, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"I am the guy that can give you the most, it's…"

"I suppose it doesn't really matter," she replied sadly. "I refuse to talk to Naruto, and whenever he comes onto the screen talking about how he wants to just 'see if he can do it' makes me wanna hurl!" She shook her head. "That brat is SO immature."

"Good, good, good…


"Yeah," Kakashi agreed, leaning against the other side of the car with his elbows on the roof. "Blonde idiot won't accept any of my calls. Won't even call me back. He refuses to talk about it."


Sasuke shrugged.

"Buddy, buddy, buddy…

"But that's to be expected from a stubborn one such as him," she replied simply before looking back at Neji. "So tell me my dear, how are you? I heard midterms are coming up for your classes – what do you need to do with that?"

"I know why you wonder…

Neji shrugged.

"A solo," he replied simply. "We get to choose the song and the choreography, but we need to have some basic moves and stuff in it. We'll be graded on technique, mastery, creativity, etcetera, etcetera." He shrugged. "No big deal."

"Through the sweetness on the ground…

Sasuke laughed.

"Oh, but it IS a big deal!" She stated. "That midterm decides whether you pass or fail the semester. It also decides if the school pays for your intuition for the second semester because you're on a scholarship now, if I remember correctly. You won some competition a couple of months ago. Am I right?"

"The sweetness of a flower…

Neji nodded.

"Yes," he replied. "I am, and I know. If I don't pass the semester, they don't pay for the next one. I know, I know…"

The other smiled at him.

"You make your way…

"I'm glad you know," she answered simply. "It would be bad if you didn't!"

Neji cleared his throat awkwardly.

"On a cloudy day…

"So…" he breathed in an attempt to change the subject. "How's business going? Have you got any plans now?"

Sasuke blinked and then shrugged.

"I suppose," she replied. "I'm probably going to do a solo or a duet with a guest performer at the next show. It's not for another two or three months, so I have time to decide." She gazed at Neji. "I would like to go see your midterm though. When is it?"

Neji blushed.

"Ah, sometime next month…" he replied. "Before Christmas Break."

Sasuke smiled and nodded.

"Okay, cool!" She exclaimed before turning to her manager, who was playing with his handheld computer. "Kakashi, make a note: D Midterm, before XB."

"You've got to move…

Kakashi nodded, switching modes to do as she said.

"You got it," he stated simply. "I'll call the school and find out the exact date later."

Sasuke nodded back and then turned to Neji once more, who blushed.

"Ah…" he breathed before nodding his head. "I'm sorry I dragged you all the way out here just to say hello. I was worried about you, is all…"

Sasuke laughed merrily.

"Oh, my dear, it makes me very happy that you've been worried," she replied cheerfully. "It shows you care about me! But don't worry anymore!" She winked at him. "I'll be fine, so there's no reason to fret! I'll try to keep in touch more often!" She laughed. "I'm such a bad friend, neglecting you! Oh, I'm so awful!" She grinned at him.

Kakashi glanced at his watch.

"Sasuke, five minutes," he stated simply. Sasuke blinked and then nodded to him.

"The world you prove…

"Okay!" She turned back to Neji. "Well my dear, I must fly! I have a conference with the media regarding…" her eyes darkened for an instant. "The-Blonde-of-Heart-Rending." But then she brightened once more. "I'll send a message to you soon." She took a moment to run her fingers gently through Neji's hair, making him turn red. "Farewell, my diamond. Work hard, and be fabulous! I want to be impressed at that midterm!" She waved to him as Kakashi opened her door for her. "Goodbye, Diamond-dear! Get home safe, and stay away from raves!"

Then the car began to pull away. Neji began to wave.

"Goodbye!" He called. "Good luck!"

The car vanished into the distance, and Neji lowered his hand, a beaming smile on his face and for some reason, his heart a lot lighter than before.

"Is too sweet, yeah…"

End Chapter – Sweet

So there is the new chapter. I sincerely hope you aren't all mad and out for my blood right now, but real life – and gaia, sadly enough, -.- – seem to take precedence in my mind.


And I also have a myspace now. (.com/xkissofshadowsx) Look me up and send me an add, if you like. :3

So, thank you all for reading and – though I probably don't deserve it – reviewing. I love you all so much.

The song was Sweet, by 311.

I'm going to go tackle my inbox now.

With so much love, ja ne!

DDB: Alive and Well.

For those who still care.