Author has written 12 stories for Stargate: SG-1, Torchwood, Pirates of the Caribbean, Doctor Who, Roswell, and Labyrinth. Update- I'm writing more now and I have found Roswell Polar fanfiction. I am writing my own now. So, Dreamers, I'm sorry but I much prefer Michael and Liz or Liz and Rath. My story Righting The Wrongs is my longest story yet at 135 pages, I have already written it. Now I'm double checking it. Enjoy! :) I am working on a sequel to my in the line Of Duty sequel and a few more stories. For all those waiting on my stories, I am so sorry about the wait! Real life got in the way of my writing a bit but I am getting back into it now. I'm looking for my beta and her name is angel, her real name is Thais, thais_nit88@ or t.moreira.andrade@ and I've lost track of her. If anyone can help, I'd be grateful as she knows all my ideas. Thank you. I'm an avid shipper and I ship for torchwood- Jack/Gwen, Potc- Sparrabeth, Doctor who- d/rose, stargate sg1- Sam/Jack and Stargate Atlantis- Sparky. I'm married, have been with my husband since 15th of November 2008 and I'm writing new stories. The Secrets Revealed story is not finished and is being reworked, as I have found the original ending for the story in my writing box with other stories also being improved and worked on or added to with new stories being written. Please read and review on all my stories, which'll encourage me to write more and God bless everyone. Lutherian. |
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