CHAPTER ONE: The Portal (Emma's POV)

Before she even opened her eyes, Emma knew something had gone wrong. The air felt much too heavy and warm, far too alive with vibrant birdsong, and her landing upon expulsion from the portal had been overly soft. Tentatively, she flattened her palm against the ground …was that moss she felt beneath her fingertips? She rolled over onto her back and drew in a deep, shuddering breath, willing the anxious churning in the pit of her stomach to cease. Beside her, she heard Killian's low groan, followed by a rustle of fabric as he struggled to stand. With an increasing feeling of dread, Emma finally opened her eyes and was greeted by the unwelcome sight of an old growth forest canopy swaying gently in the slight breeze. Echoing Killian's groan, Emma sat up. The woman she'd rescued from Regina's dungeon was still unconscious, sprawled out on the ground a few feet away.

Killian offered Emma his hand and pulled her to her feet. "It appears we're still in the Enchanted Forest," he said, unnecessarily. "Look behind you."

Still holding Killian's hand, Emma slowly turned around. Her heart sank. There in the not-so-far-off distance, rising majestically out of a shroud of mist, was her mother's castle. Or was it Regina's castle? she wondered silently. She turned to face Killian, fighting back tears for what felt like the one hundredth time that day.

"I guess my magic failed," she whispered dejectedly. "I didn't reopen the time portal after all." She averted her eyes and tried to pull away, but he refused to let go of her hand.

"Your magic didn't fail," Killian insisted gently. "We're still in the Enchanted Forest, yes, but I'm willing to wager that we're in another time. The forest feels…different…to me somehow. Lighter." He lifted her chin with his hook, forcing her to look at him. His implicit trust and steadfast belief in her abilities shone brightly in the glacier blue depths of his eyes.

Usually Killian's unwavering faith in her gave Emma strength, especially when she doubted herself, but right now she felt only irritation. Angrily, she snatched her hand out of his grasp and took a step back. "You don't know that," she snapped.

"You forget how much time I've spent in dark places," he replied evenly, undeterred by her outburst. "This is definitely a place ruled by the light. Regardless, wherever – or whenever – we are, we're better off than we were in the Dark One's prison."

Emma couldn't deny that he was right about the last part, but it didn't change the fact that she'd obviously made a grievous error when she cast the spell. "Just stop, Hook," she growled. "Just accept the fact that I messed up and stop trying to defend me. I don't need a cheerleader." He frowned, and Emma realized that, not only was she being unfair, but her insult had probably also gone right over his head. Just like that, her anger evaporated and was immediately replaced by a deep feeling of despair. Henry, she thought. Mom…Dad…will I ever see you again?

"I'm sorry," she apologized, taking Killian's hand again and giving it a squeeze. "You don't deserve that. I'm just upset. I thought we were going home."

"I know, love," Killian said. "And we will. Just not as soon as we hoped." He drew her hand up to his chest, pressing it firmly against his heart, and smiled at her sadly. Their gazes locked and Emma felt her own heart flutter. It appeared that nothing – not imminent danger, threat of death, or even the prospect of being forever stuck in the wrong time – could stifle her wildfire attraction to and growing affection for this man. She'd been grateful for his presence during their trip to the past, and she was grateful for it now.

"Killian…I'm glad you're here with me," Emma admittedly shyly, watching his features soften when she called him by his given name. They were already standing close together, but Killian took a step forward, closing the last bit of distance and trapping their joined hands between them. Emma wasn't sure if the rapid heartbeat thudding against her hand was his or hers – maybe it was both.

"There's nowhere else I'd rather be," he said, his low tone sending a jolt right through her. Killian's gaze darted back and forth between her eyes, and Emma knew if she didn't look away soon she was going to kiss him.

"Hold it right there!" The loud female voice startled Emma and Killian, breaking the spell that had befallen them. They sprang apart, both spinning in the direction of the voice. Killian immediately shoved Emma behind him protectively, ignoring her huff of indignation. An arrow whizzed by their heads, frighteningly close.

"If you want to keep your heads, don't move!" the woman called out. Freezing on the spot, Emma and Killian scanned the surrounding forest, trying to discern where their attacker was hiding.

"Hey now!" Killian shouted angrily, raising his hand and hook in submission. Emma mimicked his actions. "We mean you no harm!"

The trees to their left parted as a woman stepped warily into the mossy clearing, her bow drawn. Emma first took in the cleverly camouflaging attire clothing her slender frame – no wonder they hadn't seen her – before her eyes landed on her face. Emma gasped. This woman could be her sister! Her long, wavy tumble of hair was a dark seal brown, but the color of her eyes matched Emma's jade green precisely. She had the same high cheekbones and delicate features, and although the shape of her mouth and chin were different, there was something decidedly familiar about the press of her lips and the determined set of her jaw. Beside Emma, Killian drew in a sharp breath, and she knew that he, too, could see the resemblance.

Apparently so could the woman. She stared at Emma, her rosebud mouth forming a perfect "oh" of surprise. The expression made her look younger, and Emma realized she was hardly more than a girl, probably in her very late teens, twenty at the most. Emma's brow furrowed as she watched the rapid succession of emotions flit across the face that was so much like her own. The young woman's bow arm trembled slightly, and then she seemed to shake herself as she struggled to regain her composure, quickly schooling her features into a neutral expression. Emma had no doubt – this girl had to be a relative of hers, and probably a close one.

Slowly, carefully, her eyes never leaving Emma's, the young woman lowered her weapon. "I saw a column of light in the sky," she said. There was a very slight lilt to her speech. "The kind that usually accompanies a portal." Her gaze shifted to Killian momentarily before she focused on Emma, her next question clearly directed at her. "Who are you and where did you come from? What have you done to this woman?" She gestured towards their unconscious companion with her bow.

Emma felt Killian's eyes on her. She glanced at him and immediately recognized his unspoken concern. This girl was obviously related to her. Depending on where they were in time – past or future - revealing their true identities to a member of Emma's family could have dire consequences.

"We did come through a portal," Emma responded carefully. She pointed to her dungeon companion. "This woman suffered a…a blow to the head. Her life was in danger, so we took her with us. We aren't going to hurt either her or you, I swear. I'll tell you who we are, but first, could you tell us whose kingdom this is?"

The young woman narrowed her eyes suspiciously. She was silent for so long that Emma was certain she wasn't going to answer, but then she said, "This is Snow White's kingdom."

Emma couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. At least they didn't have to worry about fighting off the Evil Queen, or some other notorious villain. She turned to Killian, expecting to see her relief mirrored on his face, but instead he only looked more concerned. Emma was perplexed, but then it hit her. Her mother had actually ruled the kingdom only briefly – first for a short period before Emma was born and again during the lost year she and Henry had spent in New York.

"Please, this is going to sound really strange...but how long has Snow White been queen?" Emma asked, trying and failing to keep the edge of desperation she was feeling out of her voice.

"How long?" the girl repeated. She fell silent again, studying Emma and Killian intently, cocking her head to one side as she considered her response. "Fifteen years," she said finally. "Since we came here from the Land Without Magic."

"You know about the Land Without Magic?" Emma blurted out, incredulous. She and Killian exchanged a meaningful glance. If the girl knew about the Land Without Magic, it could only mean one thing: they must've travelled to the Enchanted Forest of the future. A future in which Mary Margaret and god only knew how many other Storybrooke residents had once again returned to their homeland.

"Of course I do," the girl said. "I was born there." She looked Emma up and down, taking in her red leather jacket, skinny jeans, and boots. "If I had to guess, I'd say you were, too."

Emma could only gape at her speechlessly. A veritable tidal wave of questions surged around in her brain. How and, more importantly, why had her mother returned to the Enchanted Forest? Who else was here? Her father and brother, she assumed. But what about her? Was there an older version of herself – of Killian – here somewhere? And what about Henry? Emma focused her attention back on the young woman in front of her. Clearly she'd been shocked by the resemblance between herself and Emma when she'd first seen her, but she'd given no indication that she knew either Emma or Killian.

"You were going to tell me your names," the girl said, raising an eyebrow quizzically. Once again Emma was unnerved not only by her physical appearance but by the familiarity of her mannerisms.

Emma knew that this was the moment of truth. She found herself reaching for Killian, her fingers automatically entwining with his. "I'm Emma Swan," she said. "This is Killian Jones."

If their names meant anything to the girl, she didn't let on. "My name is Jocelyn," she replied automatically, then immediately grimaced as though she regretted having told them her name.

Beside Emma, Killian stiffened, clasping her hand so tightly she couldn't help but let out a little grunt of pain. He loosened his grip at the sound, smiling at her in nervous apology, but it was only too apparent the name struck some kind of chord with him. Emma frowned, but she couldn't very well ask him about it right now.

Unnerved by the sudden tension, Emma blurted out, "The portal that brought us here…we believe it was a time portal."

"I gathered that from your line of questioning," Jocelyn said seriously. With a deep sigh, she lowered her bow and returned her arrow to the quiver strapped to her back. "I can bring you to the castle," she offered hesitantly. "It's only a short walk by way of the Western Road."

"Is Mary – erm – the Queen at the castle?" Emma asked haltingly. She was unsure of the possible repercussions of interacting with her mother's future self, but the fact that Jocelyn didn't seem to know who she was disturbed her. Did that mean at some point her family had returned to the Enchanted Forest without her again?

"The King and Queen are away on a diplomatic mission," Jocelyn said. "The Crown Prince rules in their stead. He has studied magic and may be able to help you."

Emma looked at Killian in surprise. The Crown Prince? My brother? she wondered. He has magic, just like me. Her heart swelled momentarily before she remembered they hadn't made it back for her baby brother's naming ceremony. I don't even know his name, she thought sadly.

"Can we have a minute?" Emma asked, gesturing with her free hand between herself and Killian.

"I'll wait for you on the Western Road," Jocelyn said. To Emma's amazement, she hoisted the unconscious woman over her shoulder with a deft strength that belied her small stature. "It's just on the other side of these trees. I left my horse there. Can you follow my trail?"

"Aye," Killian said. Both Emma and Jocelyn jumped at his voice, the latter nearly dropping her burden. Emma realized he hadn't spoken since before Jocelyn first appeared. "We'll be right along, lass."

Jocelyn nodded and quickly turned to go, but not before Emma saw the fleeting look of sadness shadowing her lovely features. Emma found it difficult to get a read on the girl, and she couldn't fathom what might be behind that look. She watched as Jocelyn picked her way slowly through the trees, mindful of the unconscious woman's dangling legs.

Emma waited until she was certain Jocelyn was out of earshot before she spoke. "Whoa," she said, dropping Killian's hand so that she could bring both of hers up to cover her face. "So now we're in the future? How in the hell did we end up here?"

"I don't know, love," Killian said tonelessly, for once seeming to be at a loss for words. Emma narrowed her eyes at him, remembered his strong reaction when Jocelyn had introduced herself.

"Killian – "

"I think we should go to the castle," he said bluntly, interrupting her. "It seems like the most logical place to find some answers."

"You think that's a good idea?" Emma asked, wringing her hands. "What if we run into someone we know? Hell, what if we run into ourselves?" Emma's voice rose on a note of panic, and Killian's eyebrows shot up towards his hairline, his expression hovering somewhere between amusement and concern. Emma gave him a withering look before continuing, "Do you think we could we mess up the past if we interact with people we know here in the future?"

"My instinct says no," Killian answered. "The past is the past. I don't think anything we do now can change it. However, if someone recognizes us, it could be alarming for them, especially if our older selves are…not present…in this land during this time."

Emma really didn't want to think about what their absence from this time might imply, so she decided to change the subject. "Jocelyn," she said, noting again how Killian winced involuntarily at the name. "Do you trust her?"

He sighed heavily. "I don't think she's telling us everything she knows," he admitted. "But I don't think her intent is malicious. I just think she's being careful." He tilted his head to the side thoughtfully. "She covered it well, but she was startled by your resemblance to her. I think she's having a hard time figuring it out."

"She's not the only one," Emma muttered. "I'd like to think you're right about Jocelyn, but my super power doesn't seem to work on her. It's never been one hundred percent reliable, but my assessment of strangers is usually spot on. It's people I know well who tend to trip me up." She snorted as something occurred to her. "Funny, the only other person I couldn't read at all when I first met them was you."

"Is that so?" Killian considered this for a moment. "Then why did you tie me to a tree?"

Emma laughed. "I was bluffing! Apparently it did the trick because you sure came clean quickly after that."

"Honestly, Swan, I think you just enjoy tying me up." He eyed her lecherously for a moment, but quickly sobered as his expression became thoughtful. "Is that why you left me behind at the beanstalk?" he asked seriously. "Why you said you couldn't risk being wrong about me?"

Emma was taken aback, surprised he remembered what she'd said that day. It seemed so long ago now, almost like another lifetime after everything that had happened between them. "Yes," she replied softly. "I wanted to trust you, but I was…afraid." Ashamed, Emma stared at her feet. "I should have given you the benefit of the doubt. For what it's worth now, I regretted leaving you right afterwards, and I was sorry. I still am."

"No need to apologize, love," Killian said. "Captain Hook is no stranger to regrets, and I've got a lot more than you to be sorry for." Emma looked up then and was grateful to see only understanding and forgiveness in his eyes. "Perhaps this young lass deserves the benefit of your doubt as well," he said pointedly. His appealing smiled was so beautiful Emma couldn't help but return it.

"All right Captain Softy," she teased. "We'll go to the castle. But if we run into ourselves and the space-time continuum implodes, I'm blaming you."