The last chapter of this story! Finally! Again sorry for the big delay...I was on vacation for a while(6 weeks) and got the chapter of my beta a while ago...hadn't had the time to look at it there(or upload it for that matter)...
So one final big thank you to Sarai for her beta'ing work! and on with the story...
Chapter 12
Sam stayed with Jack overnight and the next morning they decided to go back to the base to look for Daniel and discuss things with Hammond. Although Sam had already asked for a transfer they needed to talk to him; to have his approval. When they arrived together at Hammond's office he looked like he knew what they wanted. The talk was short but to the point; the Joint Chiefs had come quickly to an agreement and approved Sam's transfer. Hammond graciously approved their relationship as long as they kept it professional on base. He also told them that Woolsey had left and hadn't found any evidence that they had done things wrong on the mission. Emmet Bregman got the tape and would soon be back at the SGC for the documentary, apparently he wanted the approval of the General before he would hand it in to the President.
After that they went to see Daniel. When they arrived in the infirmary he was awake. Teal'c was sitting next to him. Sam went to see Janet for a moment while Jack went to his friend.
"Janet." Sam walked into Janet's office.
"Hey Sam," Janet said with faked enthusiasm.
"How is he?"
"Good as far as possible. He's going to make it, but," she swallowed; the news was hard to come to terms with, "he will stay paralyzed. We can't fix the damage to his nerves. The blasts hit him on exact the right places to make it impossible for us to fix it. We should be happy that it missed the aorta, just barely." Sam nodded.
It was so unfair, Daniel didn't deserve this. He had dedicated his life to protecting and helping others, only to be rewarded with this. The Goa'uld could come back from the death unharmed while they couldn't even rescue someone and give him the ability to walk.
Suddenly Sam realized something. The Goa'uld. Their technology. They still had a healing device. Sam could try to heal Daniel with it. She had to try it. He deserved it. Certainly since the Tok'ra had practically ex-communicated them, this was the only hope Daniel ever had of walking again.
"Janet, could we," she hesitated before clenching her fists, "could we try the healing device?" Janet looked at Sam.
"We could. But last time you weren't able to do it, the damage to his spine is severe Sam."
"I have to try it. I'm going to see General Hammond now if you approve this. Please Janet, we have to try it." Sam saw Janet thinking for a second. The guilt she still had eating her away, but then she nodded, it seemed she wanted Daniel healed just as badly as Sam knew she had to try it.
Understanding the risks, Hammond gave the matter some thought before approving her efforts. When Sam arrived, together with Hammond the device was already laying there.
"Daniel," Sam had to ask him; last time she tried this on him it went wrong. She took the healing device last time when Daniel died two years ago.
"Daniel. I didn't suggest this before because the truth is, I'm not really sure what I'm doing with this thing. I could make things worse." Daniel nodded; he had confidence in her just like now.
Daniel nodded now too, he gave Sam permission. Sam lifted the healing device above Daniel just like last time. The device started to glow.
Daniel started to seize. The device was only making it worse. He was dying. Doctor Fraiser went to Daniel and Sam stopped and stepped behind. She was in shock.
"Help me get him on his side. Valium's in. Set up an ambubag; draw 2 grams of magnesium sulphate. Put him back, easy." It helped, but Daniel was in a coma now without any hope of survival.
Sam blinked; this time it was different. He wasn't seizing, he lay there twitching slightly as she felt the power of the device and fixed what was wrong in his body. No adverse effects. She could almost see in front of her the nerves that were getting glued together. The molecules that were binding. And suddenly, without any hope of explanation, it felt 'good' again; Daniel was healed.
Sam stopped and looked at Daniel. "You alright?" Daniel was quiet for a moment, all eyes in the room watched his face intently.
"I hope so." Janet stepped in and touched Daniel's foot.
"Can you feel this?" Daniel started to smile.
"Yes. Yes I can feel it." He answered.
Sam felt the beginnings of a smile on her lips. Her guilt melted away as Janet continued to work her way onto Daniel's other leg. He could feel; and in time perhaps he could walk again.
Everything was going to be ok. The relief squeezed at her shoulders and it was a moment for she realised it was Jack standing behind her, his warm hand on her shoulder. He flashed her a huge smile and she covered his hand with hers, a small gesture, but big for them. She smiled back at him in relief, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. At his side Teal'c nodded once, smiling a little. Sam knew what he meant and she nodded back. General Hammond beamed and said; "Well done Major. I knew you could do it." She smiled back at him and looked at everyone around her. She hadn't let them down. She hadn't messed things up. She could do this. Work at the SGC and have a love life.
As General Hammond left he chuckled a little, hearing the laughter emanating from behind him. You tell yourself that everyone under your command means the same to you, you have to if you're to make the kind of life and death decisions I do every day, he thought to himself, but sometimes people get under your skin. You care more for some than for others.
SG-1 were more than a team; they were a family, one which he felt privileged to know and in some ways, belong to.
Sam and Jack left Daniel later that day when Janet insisted that Daniel still needed to rest. They could come back during visiting hours. Sam drove Jack home and after a little gentle persuasion, stayed.
They ordered pizza and joked over what was on the TV. Just happy to be together and getting used to their new formed relationship. It wasn't awkward at all, they were comfortable. Really comfortable. Sam cuddled up next to Jack, she was happy now. Not just content, she was really and truly happy.
Suddenly Jack spoke up; "You did well. Thank you." He was talking about Daniel, Sam understood that. Jack cared a lot about him, Daniel was his best friend. Sam just smiled and gave him a quick kiss. It was only a moment later that she realised how easy that was now that there weren't any regulations standing in their way. It felt weird but oh so right. She was planning to do that very often.
"You know," Jack started, "when you were injured on that planet a while ago you kissed me." Sam looked him in his eyes, was he serious? He grinned. He was serious.
"Why didn't you tell me before?" Sam glared at him.
"I thought that you only did it because you were delusional." And Jack quickly gave her a cute smile that melted her heart.
"I don't remember that."
"I know."
"So you knew that I still had feelings for you?" He took a sip of his beer and smiled at her. It was his answer for saying yes, but he had kept his distance just for her. To let her take the step.
"Thank you." She said, thanking him for waiting for her. Till she had found her grace. He smiled and kissed her. Senselessly and passionately. Soon she was on his lap with her hands under his T-shirt.
"So do you want to go on dates, or shall we start with dessert?" Jack asked and Sam giggled; music to his ears.
"I always liked dessert." Sam answered. Jack smiled and kissed her on the nose. She felt like her heart could burst. Like Major Samantha Carter was the happiest and luckiest person in the world.
Getting bumped on the head and nearly killed a couple of times was the best thing that ever happened to her.
The end!
I hope you all liked the story and if you can, please leave a review! I always like to know what other people think of my writing:)