I can't seem to finish any stories of mine cos i keep coming up with new idea's. As some of you may know my dad past away a few months ago so i've not been writing a lot but i'm going to try and update a lot more cos writing makes me happy lol. I hope you enjoy this story. Please R&R. Xx
Gwen slowly entered the hub through the cog door. She felt crap after yet another argument with Rhys. They were becoming more and more frequent and Gwen was beggining to doubt her marriage.
"Good morning Gwen" Ianto said chirpily.
"No it isn't actually" She replied glumly. She trodded off to her desk and slumped down on the chair. A few minutes later she felt two strong warm hands settle on her shoulders and she instantly relaxed.
"Morning Jack" Gwen sighed.
"Morning. What's wrong?" He asked her. He could tell something wasn't right from the moment she walked in.
"Nothing, just a bit tired is all" She replied quickly.
"Don't lie Gwen I know you well enough by now" He told her. "If it's something that you don't wanna tell me just say but I know somethings wrong" He finished. She thought for a minute before sighing. She knew he'd find out some way so she just told him the basic of it.
"Just Rhys problems is all"
"Should have guessed really" He murmered. Just then she burst into tears. He swiftly turned her around and pulled her into a loving embrace. "Hey, come on don't cry Gwen. Shhh" He soothed.
"I'm sorry it's just I don't... Oh forget it. This is the last thing you need to be thinking about. I won't get you involved" She sighed.
"Gwen, you're upset. Thats the last thing I want. Just tell me please" He begged her.
"It's just, things with Rhys are so bad lately, i'm really starting to doubt if I made the right choice on my wedding day. Maybe all the havoc and turmoil was a sign of what was to come." As much as it was all distressing to her, Jack couldn't help but feel happy that she was beggining to see a bad side of that prick she called her husband. He didn't know why but Jack hated Rhys. It was obvious that Rhys hated him too because of all the jealousy and attempts to get Gwen to quit Torchwood. It seemed to Jack like Rhys was controlling Gwen. And that angered him to the soul.
"Why, what's he been doing?" Jack edged for more details of Rhys' behaviour.
"He's...He's so controlling. It's constant arguing and he's always saying bad stuff about Torchwood, and you, and trying to get me to leave. I'm sick of it. He argue's for no reason and it's like he uses you as an excuse cos there's nothing else for him to be mad at and he knows it." Gwen sighed. She just wanted to tell Jack everything and get it off her chest. She knew Jack would listen to her.
"Look how bout we get a cup of coffee and go out and get some fresh air. And if you want you can explain things more to me. Yeah?" Jack asked. Gwen smiled warmly.
"Yeah" She whispered. Jack smiled back and kissed her on the cheek. He held it there a bit longer than needed as a wave of emotion coursed through them. He suddenly pulled away and tried to forget about it. A slight blush tinted Gwen's cheek's and Jack found her even more irresistible. He quickly walked up to the board room.
"Ianto, me and Gwen are just nipping out to get some coffee and something to eat. You want anything?" Jack shouted.
"No i'm ok thanks i'm just on the phone to melissa. I'll keep an eye on the computers" He replied. And with that They went off. Jack was glad Ianto had found Melissa. He was proud of Ianto for some reason. He knew that both him and Ianto were happier apart. Ianto had settled down with his new girlfriend and Jack...well Jack was still alone, it dawned on him, because as much as he truly loved Gwen they still weren't a couple and Gwen was married whether they were having problems or not. Jack pushed his thoughts to the side and walked towards the coffee shop with Gwen wrapped in his arms.
"Ok, bye sweetheart. Love you too. Ok cya bye love love love" Ianto said down the phone "Bye" He whispered. He closed his phone and smiled to himself. He was totally besotted. Completely smitten. He was most deffinately in love. He went down the stairs to the computers. He had to admit it was harder managing things with Tosh and Owen gone.
They'd gone off on there honeymoon for FOUR weeks after there beautiful ceramony At the small church in the welsh countryside. Ianto thought they were extreamly lucky, if not spoilt that most couples have two weeks honeymoon and they got four. But he didn't mind the idea of him and Mel getting married and jetting off for four weeks. His mind started to run away with itself about marriage and Mel in a wedding dress when the alarms started to go off. Rift alert. He grabbed his comm and called for Jack.
"Jack we've got a rift spike. Can you hear me?" He asked through the earpiece.
"Yeah I hear you Ianto. Where's it coming from?" Jack replied.
"The garage round the corner from where you are now. It's in the far left corner from the looks of it. It's stationary at the moment."
"Ok we're heading there now Ianto" And with that Jakckand Gwen set off running.
When Jack and Gwen arrived there they saw a small figure hudled in the corner. It wasn't moving at all. They cautiously walked up to it and Jack pulled back the blanket ,on top, swiftly and held his gun forward only to pull back again when he saw the figure of an unconcious human girl, age of about 6 to 7 years old. Gwen stepped forward and quickly checked the girls pulse. It was faint but it was there. Jack picked her up just as they heard the screaching of tyres outside and Ianto ran in, his gun
held up. He saw what it was and returned his gun to its holder and walked towards them with a quizzical look.
"It looks like a human girl 'bout six, seven years old." Gwen shrugged. "She's got a pulse but faint so we'll need to get her back to the hub straight away. Come on" She walked out the doors and climbed into the back. Jack followed her and placed the little girl on Gwen's lap and climbed into the drivers seat with Ianto in passenger.
They arrived a the Hub and swiftly set about routine of hooking her up to a machine to help her breath and took some blood test to make sure she was human.
After mant hours waiting for test results and recording and comparing things, Gwen sat at the side of the medical bed waiting for the girl to wake up. She looked closely at her when the girl suddenly woke up. The first thing that jumped out at Gwen was a pair of dazzling ice blue eyes.
"mummy?" The little girl whispered. Gwen was taken aback.
"I don't think so sweetie no" Gwen replied. "Where are you from?" She asked her.
"Wales Cardiff. You know that mummy you live here too" The little girl giggled. She had a lop sied goofy grin. The girl suddenly leaped from the bed and dived into Gwne's arms giving her a tight hug.
"I missed you mummy. I had a really bad dream. I thought I was on fire. I was burning and there was lots of orange light. But its ok now cos it was just a dream and your here now" The little girl smiled cutely. Gwen couldn't help but smile too no matter how bedazzled she was.
"Look sweetie, I think you may be a little confused because i'm n-"
"DADDY!!" The little girl screamed. She ran forward and jumped into a very shocked Jack's arms.
"Wha-" Jack was so shocked he didn't know what to say. The little girl jumped back down to the floor.
"Mummy, Daddy where are we, this isn't our house you silly billy's. Are we lost?" She giggled looking from Jack to Gwen and back again. No matter how conused they were, this little girl had and infectious smile because Jack and Gwne both started laughing. Gwen finally composed herself and knelt down in front of the little girl.
"Look honey, your really cute, but obviously your a little bit confused because we're not your mummy and daddy" Gwen said softly. They little girl started to cry suddenly and ran towards Jack who picked her up.
"Look, she obviously doesn't know who or where she is at the moment but it's probs not a good idea to tell her we're not her parent's if she adamant we are at the moment" Jack whispered. Gwen smiled apologetically.
"Ill let you deal with her then seeing as your so good" Gwen stuck her tongue between her teeth and giggled slightly before walking off. Leaving Jack once again mesmerized by this beautiful woman. He
quickly snapped back to the problem in hand. He decided he liked this little girl. She reminded him of someone.
"Ok, so whats your name sweetie?" He asked her. The little girl looked up to him with a wierd expression.
"It's Rosie you silly billy. You should know you named me" The little girl laughed. Jack smiled widely.
Gwen was looking from around the corner in the distance and couldn't help but smile at Jack with the little girl.
"And what year is it right now?" Jack asked Rosie.
"2015. Nearly 2016 because it's November and we've only got Christmas month before the next year comes! Rosie smiled with her tongue between her teeth.
Jack's mind suddenly clicked. If she was from the future by seven years, and she was about 6 years old.
So there you have the first chapter of my new story. Did anyone fall for the little bit about Tosh and Owen. Did anyone think they'd died before I added the little cute bit in. Cos if it was up to me they wouldn't be dead and would deffo be happily married now lol. Please review I hoped you liked it. xx