Author has written 4 stories for Danny Phantom. "Then I said goodnight and tucked you away in a place called Nostalgia, where you'll always remain unspoiled, somewhere between my lungs that used to breath ocean air, and my belly that fluttered with hope." - Victoria Erickson A lot of people look at nostalgia with distrust, noting it as nothing more than a moment of bittersweet feelings that smooth the rough edges of past memories. Others see it as a place in time that they would like to go back to, only to be reminded that they are stuck in the present and are forced to move forward into the future. I see it as both, in a way. The things that make us nostalgic will always have a soft place in our hearts, but that doesn't mean we should pretend that life is better than it once was or that we should live in the past regretfully. We should embrace our past as we continue on with the journey ahead of us that is life. And that is what brings me here. I have always wanted to put myself out there with my story ideas, but when it comes to actually writing anything of substance I simply distract myself. I put it off all the while my brain overflows with different plots and details. This is something I want to change if I am to get anywhere with my writing, but the only way to do that is to give myself a push and hope that I land on my feet. My fanfics here will range from different shows as I test my writing abilities on characters created by far more brilliant minds than my own. They could be from things I've watched from as early as I can remember to as late as only yesterday. Or today, if I have time to binge-watch and write something worthy enough to be posted publicly. I will forever and always be my own harshest critic, but that does not mean I will not openly accept any form of constructive criticism. Really, if I have any grammar errors or anything, please let me know. If you like any of my works, let me know. My fics are not only for my experience, but for your enjoyment. And if you have any ideas or requests, it never hurts to just ask. Or if you just want to talk or something, I'd be down with that. Thanks for popping by, now enjoy your stay! |