Here's a sneak preview of "Poison," the sequel to "Power."


Power can be a poison. Depending on its potency, a little bit of it may be harmless,

but any more could do you in.

The camera mounted on the wall pivoted as it watched the students file into the gym. Several of the teens pointed at the camera, which was a new addition to the gym's decor. Some didn't even notice the camera, simply chatting with their friends as they stepped up into the bleachers to take their seats.

For most Casper High students, these new security cameras that now lurked in every corner of the school were a bit unsettling, but nothing to freak out about or dwell on.

Only one student chose to make a fuss about the new cameras, her arms crossed in stubborn resistance as she stomped into the gym.

"I can't believe this!" Sam fumed as she walked up into the bleachers and took her seat next to Danny. "This is totally unreasonable, a complete invasion of our privacy…"

"Don't worry, Sam," Danny said. "Tucker's going to hack into the cameras and… you know. Fix this."

"I wouldn't be so sure, Danny," Tucker said, huddled over his PDA. "I can't seem to shut them down. Maybe if I got a little closer to the source…"

"You can't, Tucker," Sam said, still seething. "You know we're not allowed to leave the gym during a school assembly."

It was a Monday morning, and the entire Casper High student body had been called into the gym for a special assembly. Most of the students were betting that it was about the new security cameras installed over the weekend.

"You really can't hack into the cameras?" Danny asked Tucker.

"Sorry, dude," Tucker said, putting down his PDA with a sigh. "They're state of the art."

"This is ridiculous!" Sam cried. "Why aren't you two freaking out? Do you realize how hard this is going to make it for us? Danny can't go ghost when he's constantly being watched by security cameras! Not to mention the fact that this is a total invasion of our privacy! Casper High is one of the smallest, safest public schools you could find! Why in the heck do we need security cameras?"

"Calm down, Sam," Danny said, watching Sam anxiously. Ever since Sam had developed ghost powers a couple of months ago, Danny had been keeping an especially close eye on her. He feared that if she got too worked up, she could really hurt somebody with what Tucker had dubbed her "ghostly telekinesis."

"I will not calm down!" Sam said. "Don't you see? This is so stupid, so uncalled for, so…"

"Vlad,"Danny said.

"Huh?" Sam and Tucker said in unison.

Danny pointed to the back of the gym, where Vlad Masters now stood, smiling up at the three teens in the bleachers menacingly.

"What the heck is he doing here?" Tucker said, scowling.

"Isn't it obvious?" Danny sighed. "He probably paid for the cameras. He did this to us."

"Why?" Tucker asked.

"Who knows?" Danny said. "To spy on me, to make it so that I can't go ghost easily… who cares? All I know is that he's going to pay."

"That's right, Danny," Sam said, now glaring at Vlad. "But wait until after the assembly. I'd like to see what our principal has to say about this."

Danny nodded in Sam's direction, not daring to take his eyes off Vlad. Obviously, his arch-nemesis had something up his sleeve…

Suddenly, the gym lights dimmed, and the spotlight shone on the middle of the gym, where a makeshift stage had been set up. Mr. Lancer stepped onto the stage and took the microphone.

"Hello, students," Mr. Lancer said. "I'm sure you've noticed the new security cameras that have been installed around the school. We're here today in order to give a hearty thanks to the man who provided the money for these gadgets. Please welcome Mr. Vlad Masters!"

Mr. Lancer stepped over to the side of the stage as Vlad came up and took the microphone. Applause greeted Vlad as he waved at the audience.

"Hello, students of Casper High," Vlad said. "As I'm sure you're all aware, I myself attended Casper High when I was your age."

There were murmurs in the crowd; obviously, many were notaware of this. Vlad paid no attention to the whispers and continued speaking.

"My intention is that by providing the school with this security equipment, the school can keep a better eye on certain problem students," Vlad pointedly looked at Danny while he said this, "and make sure that this school stays safe."

Next to Danny, Sam was fuming. Who did Vlad think he was? Sam understood that he wanted to bring Danny down, but did he really have to invade the rest of the Casper High student body's privacy in doing so?

A familiar chilling sensation was spreading through Sam's body, and she recognized it as her Ghost Powers. Part of her told her to calm down and to control her powers, but another part of her really, really wanted to teach Vlad a lesson.

Sam shook her head, trying to shake away the last thought. Sam wasn't normally so… violent. What had come over her?

"I really care about Casper High, and I just wanted to ensure the safety of the students who go here," Vlad said, sounding eerily sincere. "I only did this for you, the students."

Sam fidgeted in her chair, biting her tongue to keep from screaming.

For us? He did this for us?

Too late, Sam realized that she was over the edge. Her powers overwhelmed her as they pulsated through her body. Her heart seemed to be beating overtime, and her common sense became blurred as adrenaline kicked in.

Sam's eyes shifted up to the ceiling, and all she wanted to do was take it down. She wanted to crush Vlad, to make him suffer.

No! The small, sane part of Sam protested. This isn't you! What are you doing?

But it was too late. There was a loud rumble as the portion of the ceiling above the stage started to fall.

"Vlad and Lancer looked up, their eyes growing wide as they saw the ceiling above them break into large chunks and come hurtling down at them.

"Crime and Punishment!" Mr. Lancer gasped.

Vlad lunged to the side, barely avoiding the crash, but Mr. Lancer wasn't nearly as quick on his feet. The students watched in horror as their teacher was crushed.

Sam flung her hands to her mouth, watching the commotion below as tears started in her eyes.

Did I just do that? Sam thought. Did I really just do that?

Vlad stood up, brushing himself off, glaring out into the audience angrily. Vlad knew that Danny must have done this, but when he caught the ghost-boy's eyes, he was surprised to find that the boy looked just as surprised as the rest.

Suddenly, Vlad noticed something. The Goth girl sitting next to Danny looked hysterical; her eyes were filled with tears. Could she have done this somehow?

Vlad ran outside, quickly going ghost, before turning invisible and flying back inside. He flew over to where the ghost boy sat.

"Where did Vlad run off to?" Danny Phantom said. "Stay here, you two. Sam- we'll talk later."

Sam nodded. Danny ran out of the gym.

"Did- did you do that?" Tucker Foley asked, looking at Sam.

Sam nodded.

"I- it got out of hand. My powers have a mind of their own," Sam's voice cracked on the last word. "How could I do this, Tucker? I'm a monster!" Suddenly, the Goth was full-out crying, and Tucker was leaning in to comfort his friend.

Vlad's eyes widened. How was it possible for a mere human to do that? Was she a half-ghost like him and Danny? How was this possible?

Vlad didn't know the answers to any of these questions. Yet.

But he was going to find out.

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