Hellbreaker, glad that you liked the brutality of that chapter. Thanks for reviewing for all my stories. I do love to make some gruesome stories, but I need to work more of it into my Danny Phantom fics as soon as I get the gist of how the ghost word fights.

"Thanks," Skulker said as he turned to the pair of halfas. Sam smiled at Ember as the teens turned to their mates, their eyes full of love for the males that completed them.

A few months later found a very sick halfa female, her body leaning over the toilet for what felt like the third time in the last thirty minutes.

"Sam," a male said in concern as he walked into the small bathroom, his ice blue eyes taking in Sam's hunched up form. "Sick again?" he inquired as he leaned down with a glass of ice water in hand and a moistened rag in the other. Giving her the glass he used the rag to clean her face and to cool off her face.

"Thanks," the dark haired female said before drinking the cold water. "This sucks so much." Danny smiled as he took the empty glass from her and after laying the rag on the counter he took his mate in his arms gently.

"That happens when you get pregnant, but I still can't figure how you got that pregnant so quickly." The teen in his arms looked as baffled as Danny laid her on the bed. "We have used protection except for the first time, but I guess it doesn't take much," he said as a blush crept over both their faces. "We have an appointment with the doctor since after confirming your pregnancy she found it strange that you are having such an issue with morning sickness and the fact that you are showing so soon." His hand touched her slight baby bump with care as his mate looked up at him, her eyes shining with the same love that glistened in his own.

"That is weird since your mother told me that at five or six months the bump should show," her hand found his own one on the baby that was growing rapidly in her womb. "Your mom tested my blood back when we first came home from the Ghost Zone. Did she find anything abnormal?" Danny shrugged.

"She never mentioned anything to me." Sam looked thoughtful. "What's on your mind?"

"Well, I remember Vlad talking about something quite repeatedly as I grew up and those last moments that I was in his care." Danny waited as she mulled it over. "Never mind, I don't even want to think about him and his plans."

"Well, get some sleep, okay?" The female in the bed looked up at him and nodded as a yawn overtook her and with a soft kiss from her mate found her asleep in seconds. Danny gazed down at her as she passed out. He was a little concerned with how the pregnancy was affecting his mate, but there was nothing he could do but wait until after they visited the doctor. Heading downstairs where his mother sat at the table, another invention in front of her. "Hey mom," he greeted the red head who looked up at him with a soft smile. Ever since Sam had found out that she was pregnant they had housed her as well as ran constant tests on her. They now were working on making a crib as well as other inventions to help her as her pregnancy progressed and for when the child was born. "Sam was asking me about the test that you ran on our blood back when we first headed back from Ghost Zone. She wondered about her blood. Was there anything abnormal, something off about it?"

"Well, there was a high sugar concentration in it, but that's not abnormal. Is there something in particular that you want me to research?"

"She told me that he fed her a drink every morning while she was with him. Can you find out what that was?" Maddie nodded. She did still have those blood tests so that shouldn't be too hard to locate a substance that didn't belong in ones normal blood.

"I will get to that and should have answers by the time that you get home from the doctor," his mother said as she headed down for the lab, her invention left behind.

Later that day found Sam and Danny in the doctor's office waiting for said doctor to tell them the results of all her prodding.

"Well," said the female doctor as she entered the small room with a sheet of paper in her hand. "Seems that there is nothing wrong with you, but I need to check a few other things. Sam, would you mind taking off your shirt and laying on the table?" Sam nodded as she followed the doctor's request as a large machine was brought in by one of the nurses. "Usually we don't do a sonogram this early, but something is still bothering me about your size and the extreme morning sickness that you have been experiencing." Pulling on some gloves and applying a cold gel to Sam's stomach as Danny held his mate's hand. Rubbing what appeared to be a small wand over the gel the doctor glanced over at the screen before her and after a few minutes of rubbing it over the small baby bump a smile crept over the doctor's face. "Well that explains a lot." Danny leaned close to the screen as the screen flickered with movement. "You see that jumble right there?" she inquired of the couple. "Those are your babies."

"Babies?" Danny inquired as he sat back, Sam's eyes wide as she looked at the black and white screen in shock. "Twins?" the male halfa inquired. The doctor shook her head.

"Triplets," was the doctor's one word response just as the phone rang.

"On moment," Danny said as he answered the phone, his mother's voice greeting him on the other end. "Well, mom, I have good news." A scream was heard on the other end after his announcement.

"Well, that makes more sense when I add my news to yours. Vlad was giving Sam hormones to drink. Fertility hormones." It all made sense now. He had wanted to make sure she became pregnant from the one time that he…ew…Danny didn't even want to think that far.

"Thanks mom. I will see you in a few." Danny turned to his mate as she turned to him, shock and happiness as well as apprehension. "It will be okay," he said softly as he he pulled her toward him, both sets of eyes looking at the screen again. "As long as we have each other." Sam smiled as she felt his soft kiss on her temple. Yes, they would be. Forever intertwined because of Destiny. Forever bonded with love.

The end. I hope that you enjoyed the end of this fiction. I am working on a new one, but it will not be posted for a while.