![]() Author has written 41 stories for Frankenstein, Dracula, Bible, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Heathers, Lost Boys, Book X-overs, StarTrek: The Original Series, Poppy Z Brite, Neverwinter Nights, Phantom of the Opera, A Clockwork Orange, Misc. Plays/Musicals, Batman Begins/Dark Knight, Sandman, Kill Bill, Discworld, Sweeney Todd, Shakespeare, Dracula, Cthulhu Mythos, Fallout, Soul Calibur, and Amnesia: The Dark Descent. Hey there! I've had this account for a long time now. As a result, some of my older stories are not my best, but I still have a fondness for them despite their clumsiness. With that warning in mind, here are just a few of my fandoms: Phantom of the Opera: My feelings about this fandom have changed a lot since I was fifteen. I've gone from a mild EC shipper, to only reading or writing stories about the Daroga, to a staunch RC shipper. Being exposed to multiple movie incarnations will do that to a girl, as will seeing Geoff Packard play a very dashing Raoul on Broadway! Sweeney Todd: My fics for this fandom are pretty exclusively set in the revival-verse; the movie was very pretty, but it's not what made me love the story. My major ship is Toby/Lovett (part of the reason why I like the revival- he's played as a mentally ill teenager as opposed to a small boy,) though not in a safe or fluffy way. The Lost Boys: This was the first fandom I ever wrote fic for. I've taken down a lot of my more embarassing stories, but those that remain tell of my fumbling teenage love for this movie- a love I still have, even if I can better recognise its flaws. Random Crossovers: Some people have slash goggles, I have crossover goggles. I try to treat my cracky crossover fics as seriously as I can, but you don't have to! Some of them were written based on livejournal prompts, some were not. You can also find my stories at AO3 under the name RobberBaroness. |