Reviews for Cardinal Virtues
Guest chapter 1 . 5/17/2015
Beautiful tribute to a great show, now almost at it's 50th anniversary. Thanks for sharing.
The Nth Degree chapter 1 . 2/3/2007
This is a beautiful story, and one I can relate to completely.

Gives it a more human quality, doesn't it? And it shows us that we're not alone in the world. We might be strange, mocked by many and even cursed by a few, but we're Trek fans and we have each other.

dangerousdame chapter 1 . 10/28/2006
This is such a wonderful story. Although my introduction to Star Trek was alot less romantic (a marathon on the sci-fi channel), this is truly the way people have been changed around the world. Lovely.
SonOfTed chapter 1 . 9/9/2006
That was WONDERFUL Le'letha!

(Yes, I'm still hanging around!)

I think it's really neat that at 5 years old you were already in love with a show that I've liked since I was a kid myself. I was too young when the original show first aired but my cousin had cable when my family didn't.

"Cause & Effect" is still one of the most amazing and clever storylines I have ever seen...

I visited my cousin one day and he had this show on... it was a real life version of a Saturday morning CARTOON I had watched and loved. Yes, I first saw "Star Trek" the animated series and never knew that it had been a real life show and the actors and actresses had loved it so much they had agreed to do a cartoon!

I don't remember what the first animated episode I saw was, but I do remember clearly the first original episode. It was "The Savage Curtain", the one where Kirk ends up talking to a living lava rock and President Lincoln stops by for a visit.

I was hooked from that day forward, and in the 80's when my family could finally afford a VCR I bought one and recorded all 79 of the original Treks.

By the time TNG started in 1988 I had lots of blank tapes at the ready.

Everybody has their own special things in life that are meaningful to them and lots more have their own favorite shows. But there only has been, and ever will be, one "Star Trek".

I join you in congratulating Gene Roddenberry and all who have supported him over the years. What special memories and inspiration we have had because of them!

I hope all is well with you Le'letha... please keep writing!