![]() Author has written 11 stories for Final Fantasy VII, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Naruto. U P D A T E D OCTOBER 2 0 0 7 I'm horribly sorry for the sudden disappearance! Usually when I go on hiatus, I...never really tell anyone. Because I don't plan on it. And what's brought me back is a little interest in the couple Ichigo & Orihime from BLEACH. I read a fanfic, loved it, reviewed and then thought to myself, "Hmm...I should check up on my stuff." Only to find that Piano Lessons has 53 reviews. When I had left I blame Japanese Dramas and college the story had just 2. So yeah, that's a huge incentive to jump back into my writing stuffie. So I'm back. With a few things to do now. =) I plan on doing YAOI! for some reason I shall write stories on ICHIGO AND ORIHIME! why exactly is her name not on the character list here? I now heart j-dramas! long live Yamashita Tomohisa! ...My profile's updated? I'm ABFirestar, your host for this ongoing show of my world and creations. This profile is set up for you to see just who is the maniac behind the words that I shall soon be uploading into stories of various categories. Just like everyone here, I'm into a lot of different things so it's going to be very hard for me to stay within the cannon of one "genre" so to speak. Not genre as in romance and comedy or even action (I always shove all of that into one story or something) but rather the different classes of stories! But I'll get into that much later. For now, just skim around my trivial dossier and enjoy! Name: Mrs. Depp! Yet in Japan, I am known as Mrs. Kakashi! -- And Miyavi-San. And Yamapi-San. Age: 18 summers old Going to Major in: English Education Favorite Snack: Sunflower Seeds All Time Favorite Disney Character: Peter Pan Drive: 2006 Toyota Corolla Favorite Video Game: Kingdom Hearts II Ethnicity: Hispanic (Cuban with Spaniard, French, African and Chinese in me) FAVORITE BOOKS: Demon in my View by Amelia Rhode-Water Hamlet by Shakespeare The Giver by Louis Lowry The Catcher in the Rye by J.D Salinger The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom Jude the Obscure by Thomas Hardy On the Road by Jack Kerouac Fushigi Yugi Genbu Kaiden (manga) by Yuu Watase just to name a few WORD I MISSPELL OFTEN: retrieve Quote of the Month: "A wind at your back forever, sir." Favorite Word of the Month: D'artagnan I know it's a name...but it's fun to say! TOPICS I SHALL COVER I definitely want to write about Pirates of the Caribbean, Final Fantasy VII, Fushigi Yugi Genbu Kaiden, Naruto, Kingdom Hearts, even Willy Wonka! Well, those are off the top of my head. I'm sure I'll be writing fanfictions about several other things. My flavor changes quite sporadically. And I won't be following the general crowd, either. I'm quite the fan of Jack Sparrow and Anamaria (I despise Elizabeth, thanks to her kissing Johnny Depp), I really want to develop stories on Axel from KH II and I think the stories on Aerith and Sephiroth are interesting. On top of that, I'm an avid fan of Naruto and Hinata but I've a growing passion for Sasuke and Hinata; they're so beautiful together! And of course, anything with Kakashi in it must be read! I'm the girl that wishes the Little Mermaid would just get caught in a fishnet and end up a dish at Red Lobster. Natalie Portman is my inspiration (along with Angelina Jolie, Halle Berry and Julie Andrews). I like the Power Rangers (the original ones). I'm the insane Johnny Depp lover who loves him for every movie he's done --and I didn't go rent them all at once at Blockbuster in 2004 like some people -- and I adore every old actor in this world. Gary Oldman is the sexiest man on this planet (aside from Johnny), Anthony Hopkins rox my sox, Ian Mckellen is beyond words and Sean Connery is hot!...And I don't really find Marlon Brando that great...muahahaha! Oh! And as much as I love Harry Potter, I don't really like J.K Rowling -- SHE KILLED OFF SIRIUS AND DUMBLEDORE!!! FAIR WARNINGS Sorry about that little outburst...But continuing with this random profile, I want to give all readers a heads up: 1. I don't update on a weekly basis 2. I do not update on a monthly basis 3. I update when I feel inspired 4. I update when I feel bad about leaving you guys waiting for so long 5. I think some Mary-Sue stories kick ass...wait...never mind. I hate the ditzy, exotic beauty, ever perfect character. Rarely do I like some Mary Sues... 6. I do include a surplus amount of profane diction in my work because I do so in reality. 7. ...I heart you guys! Now that you know what you'll be dealing with, please feel free to email me at AfterPurpleFive@and/or IM me as BABYFACEDNYMPH on Yahoo. And if you're ever bored, you can always check out my "art" at , I do graphics as well. And if anyone wants a BETA, please feel free to ask me! I may make mistakes on my own stuff but I catch every detail on others' papers, I don't know why lol. Thanks for viewing! I hope I didn't come off snobby or anything! ©2007 ABFIRESTAR |