Thinking of You
By Keo Siph
AN: Future reference: in Japan, if you sneeze once, without due cause (dust), someone's thinking well or speaking of you.
Kakashi paused, turning into the forest on his right, leaving his students in the middle of the road without obvious cause. Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto just stared after him.
"Probably leaving for a-" Naruto was cut off by a back-hand from Sasuke.
"Did he sense something?" Uchiha voiced aloud.
"I don't think there's any Genjutsu around…" Sakura noted hopefully with a shake of her head. "And we didn't sense anything ourselves…"
"Gaww, Sa'ke, wha' wa' tha' for?" Naruto was viciously holding his nose. "As if ever'one didn' alrea'y thin' I wa' a perver'…"
Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura now stared in the direction of the source of the sound, which was the same direction as before.
"Aw!" Naruto finally took his hands away from his nose. "He left to go sneeze!"
"…Sneeze?" Sasuke's eye was twitching vigorously.
"That's so hygienic!"
"Which means we-" Naruto began.
"-missed a great chance-" Sakura continued.
"-to see under his mask again!"
"-to see why Kakashi was nominated 'Bishie of the Month' by the Ramen Girl!" Sakura squealed in pain. This earned her two stares, and after a moment, a third: Kakashi's. There was a pause.
"So… Ramen Girl has a crush on me, eh?"