A/N: Here is part two of my my oneshort, this is another little metaphor thing, because one again I was bored. Plus I wanted to do something sweet and sour!

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto... (goes into corner)

Blueberry Cupcake:

As a kid, have you ever gone to a candy shop. It just opened right around the corner of your street, and everyone wanted to go see it. Having the crave for something sweet, or sour. Everyone loves candy!Right? That's what you might think, but a little black haired boy didn't have the same taste buds as us. To him everything was either to bitter or just too sweet. The little boy was very complex and no one knew how to bribe him into coming with them. Well all it takes is a huge grin, big heart, obnoxius personality, and blonde sunny hair.Voila, you have a boy named Naruto dragging along his reluctant friend Sasuke.

The Uchiha had no time for silly tactics, he also hated large crowds. Once they got there, he noticed that not many where there, just a few local children looking around. Naruto flashed a smile has he began to run free to see everything he could see. Sasuke was disgusted at the sugary desserts. He saw a lemon pie, the first thing that caught his eye. It was decorated with yellow gum drops and blue hard candy. He didn't give it a second glance. He then noticed a batch of chocolate brownies which were honey glazed. He hated honey. He turned around to see what everyone else was so fascinated about.

Have you ever noticed that in a candy shop, there's always this one huge thing in the middle of the shop. Something so beautiful, so sweet looking that even the most health conscience person melts at the sight of it? No? Yes? Well our little Sasuke did. It was a tall strawberry cake decorated with pink icing and green flowers. Naruto was glued to the cake and so was a blacked haired kid with bushy eyebrows. Sasuke thought about it for a minute, and realized that he could give it a try. He opened his mouth to say a simple word: "Cavity." Naruto turned to him. "What?"

"I said, that cake over there its just one big cavity and cavities... are annoying." He said bluntly walking away. Naruto was confused but decided to ignore him. Sasuke was about to walk out, when he saw a little blue cupcake. It was vanilla, and had blue icing decorating it nicely. There was two blueberries and one white gumdrop on top of it.. He raised an eyebrow and frowned.


"Did you get anything?" Naruto asked holding a piece of the strawberry cake. "No." Sasuke answered. "There was so many good things there! How could you not have bought anything?" Naruto yelled. "I told I hated sweets! So get off my back!" Sasuke said turning to his home. Once he entered , out of the blonde's sight. Sasuke pulled out the little brown paper bag from his pocket and took out what was inside. He smirked at the little blueberry cupcake. He took a little bite and smiled.

So a little black haired boy did have a crave for sweets.

A/N: kinda short. A little sweet fic. Can anyone guess which dessert is who? Anywho...No Flames please!