![]() Author has written 6 stories for Burst Angel, SSX Tricky, and RWBY. Name: Oerba Yun Zafia Dusk Race: L'Cie Class: Sentinial, Commando, Ravenger Age: 19 (is in reality over 500 years or so old) Appearence: a young women with ravenblack hair dyed goldenblonde. (same haircolor as Fang) and cerulian colored eyes like Fang. Her hair is semilong and she wears a simple outfit with A blacktop under a leather jacket and jeans with a crystalinebelt and a few rips. On her back is a weopon hostler carrying her two swords. she is athletic built and semimuscular. She is Lightnings height. Her Mark is located in the palm of her left hand. She wears blackhighlaced boots Weopons: Her two twin gunblades. One is flamebased the other is Icebased. Equipment: AMP device like Lightning and upper body armorments Eldolon: Helios, a type of armored wolf type that weilds a single blade. He can also shoot a light beam from its mouth. its Gestalt is a normal 4 legged armored wolf with sharpclaws and speed. Zafia attacks from its back. He sprouts white wings in gestalt also Bio: Zafias real name is Oerba Yun Zafia. She was Fangs younger sister in the past. She lived a quiet and happy life with her sister and Vanille on Gran Pulse in the village of Oerba.Her life was shattered the day Fang was branded by a FalCie along with Vanille. It was then Zafia cursed the falCie and did all in her power to prevent Fang from fufilling her Focus but in the end Fang left her alone and went ahead with it anyway. Zafia watched as Fang became Ragnarock and began tearing Cocoon apart. The FalCie who branded Fang sealed Zafias memeories shortly after as if not wanting her to remember what she had seen. It then sent her away into the present day so she would be reborn and live a life without fear and lonelyness. It was as if the FalCie was showing compassion for the poor lost girl... However the act could be seen as the will of the mysterious Maker. She grew up alone until one day the seal was broken and she had a run in with Anima and was branded a LCie with a Focus that is linked to Fangs. Personality: Kind caring serious cold sarcastic reasonable. I apologize for my lack of story updates. Personal lifes been taking its toll and my creativity has been nullish. For those who want to know about me ive had this account for years sience 2oo5. I am 29 now and my hobbies include anime rping on forums and playing rpgs. i am very much into Final Fantasy 13 and its sequal and am eagerly awaiting Lightning Returns. Yes for those who dont know...13 is now a trillogy...last game to be released next year.Square please dont disappoint us... Thanks to my buddAy Dawn Fire Angel for her fanart of Zafia. Its on her devientart account Fire-and-Ice-Angel under the title Zafia Contact me at: AIM:ZoePayne2008 MSN: Oerba Yun Fang (ahote2005@) Yahoo: Crystal_Zephira. Fav. 13 pairings: Fang/Lightning Fang/Vanille Lightning/Vanille and Lightning and Serah. Favorite chars: Fang Lightning and Vanille. I love to chat about the game and other topics. Ok thats enough from me xd... anyway I have deleted my Negima fic. It was a early work that i wasnt especially proud of. Sorry to those who liked it but meh it wasnt my best work. my code lyoko oc bio. love code lyoko and just rewatchd the eps..ah brings back memories.. Name: Kyoko Ishiyama Age:16 Appearence: Kyoko stands a bit taller then Yumi and has longer black hair with red streaks.eye color is the same and she wears a red top short sleeved with jean shorts. Black sneakers and white socks and she has a dragon necklace around her neck. Personality: Caring but can be a bit stubborn and hot headed. Cold and a bit protective of Yumi Lyoko look/powers: a kunoichi outfit which is black with black boots and gloves. a black mask covering her face. on the back is the japanese symbol for fire. Weopons are twin swords that channel a flame element. she can teleport and has speed similar to ulrich. she and yumi can sync telekanesis and have a ability where kyoko can sacrifice a few life points and give them to yumi if needed. Bio: Kyoko is Yumis older sister who stayed in japan after a falling out. She came to kadic to check on her sister because her enstranged parents mr and miss Ishiyama asked first they had a falling out but later made up. one day kyoko followed yumi to the factory and learned of XANA and Lyoko. She also snuck into the scanners much to jeremys shock but after her first time she ended up brainwashed by a schiph and decieved by XANA.eventually she broke free and now sides with her sister and the lyoko warriors to stop xana. I have now divulged into the RWBY fandom. My latest story is based on this wonderful series by Monty and I hope that next year Volume 2 will be just as good. I have not abandoned my previous fandoms however tho my works will probably be more RWBY centered. Work lifes gotten pretty hecktic and it had left me with little to no time to get things done. If a story seemed ignored dont worry I will get to it. I plan to have more Updates for my RWBY fic so no I have not abandoned it. Writings may possibly be oneshots tho I may do some multichapters fics as well. I am always thinking of new stories to write for RWBY. My favorite pairings are Bumblebee and White Rose tho I may try to write for other pairings as well. I plan to get back to writing on this site so I can share my works with my fans and fellow readers. On that note..please enjoy my works and feel free to leave reviews or just browse. I am also willing to get involved in any good RWBY rps and I enjoy fanart. If anyone wants to draw fanart for my stories or whatever feel free xd. Also please be sure to visit my sister's and best friend Waters Knights profile. She also writes for RWBY and on occasion she and I will collab. On the note of stories. A Stray No More: Return of the Dark Flame is nearly complete. I am proud to say this is the longest fic I have possibly written. I admit I am surprised it turned out like this. In truth It was ment to be a one shot but at my reviewers requests I extended it. Thanks again to everyone who left feed back both good and bad as it is helping me become a better writer. |