Hello everyone ^_^ I haven't written a fic for a long time. The last one was around 5 years ago I think? Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the story.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Vocaloid. This story is based on Akuno-P's (mothy) Story of Evil song series.



"Once upon a time in a far away place, there was an evil kingdom that no person dared to face.

The ruler was a cruel pink haired princess who was of age twenty.

Fine furniture littered her palace and she had a loyal teal haired servant who always stood by her side.

She had a magnificent horse named Elizabeth and all the riches of the world belonged to her."


Chapter I: The Daughter of Evil


"Now, kneel before me!"

A heavy silence filled the air as the people in the audience hall watched the princess on the throne. She wore a marvellous pink gown made by the finest tailors in the land and the rarest jewels that money could buy. Pink hair was common in their country, but the Princess's hair was exceptionally radiant and beautiful. It reached just below the waist and it was an object of envy among many women. Her eyes had a sapphire color that reminded people of the ocean and her skin was light and soft. The Princess's voice was exceptionally beautiful as well; everyone would fall silent in amazement whenever she would sing.

She could have been the perfect woman that every man could dream of; however…her attitude far contrasts her perfect physical appearance. The infamous Princess of the Rose Kingdom was the cruelest person to ever walk the land. The selfish and proud girl did not care about the hardships that her people were undergoing. She mistreated her servants and threw them in the dungeon for the tiniest mistakes.

What she wants is what she gets. Everything belonged to her and everyone was expected to obey her every whim. Everyone was under her control and she showed no mercy to anyone; not to her servants, not to her soldiers, not to the nobles, and most definitely not to the girl before her begging on her knees.

"Please Princess Luka, have mercy on my family," a brown haired girl bowed so low that her forehead was touching the floor. "My mother is dying from sickness and my brother is weak from hunger. I'm the only one in the family with a job and it's not enough to pay the taxes. We barely have enough to eat."

The princess continued to observe her emotionlessly. The peasant before Luka looked like she was around 21 to 25 years old. Her shoulder length hair was messy and she was thin from hunger.

"What is your name, peasant?" Luka propped her elbow on the throne's arm and rested her chin on her hand.

"Meiko, your highness," the girl wearing the flimsy red dress answered.

"You're the daughter of late Captain Leon are you not?" Luka asked. She remembered that Leon served her ever since her parents became the monarchs, but she had him secretly murdered when she found out that he was stealing food from the palace and giving it to his family and neighbours. The following day, his body was found by his daughter in the river, but she doesn't know who was responsible for his death.

Meiko finally looked up from the floor and to the Princess's cold eyes, hoping that Luka might actually grant her request because of her father's position in the castle. But all her hopes were shattered when the princess leered at her.

"Your request is denied," said Luka, her voice ringing across the room. Luka thought these people were foolish. Almost everyday, people would ask for an audience with her, requesting her to lower the tax even by just a little because they did not have enough money to survive. Her answer was always the same unless the person could offer her something that will benefit her.

"B-but…why?" Meiko asked in a shaky voice mixed with sorrow and anger. "You have all the riches in the world! Isn't the money you have more than enough? You don't have a family to take care of, unlike us! All I'm asking is a little cut in the tax, it won't even affect you!"

"Silence, fool!" Luka crossed her legs and flipped her elegant pink hair. "Nobody questions my word! Now leave before you anger me any further."


"Guards, seize her!" a voice from Luka's side shouted. Before Meiko could take another step forward, two guards grabbed her arms and pulled her back to her original position.

Luka raised an eyebrow at Meiko. Many people sobbed uncontrollably when their request was denied, but Meiko was the first one to yell at her, and call her a heartless monster to add. The princess let out an amused chuckle and looked to her right, from where the voice came from. Beside her stood a teal haired servant girl who looked no less than 16, wearing a black knee-length dress with white frills and long sleeves.

The pink haired princess stood from her throne and looked down at Meiko from her high position. "I'm in a good mood today, so I'll let you leave in peace." From the way Meiko's lips trembled, it seems that she was about to say something, but Luka interrupted her before she could continue. "If I hear another word from you, peasant…I will double your taxes and have your house burned to the ground. Do I make myself clear?" Meiko's eyes widened in surprise; she clenched her fist and nodded slowly as she tried to control her anger, she was completely powerless against her. "Good," Luka sat back down on her throne and smirked at the poor girl once more. "You are dismissed."

'She truly is…the Daughter of Evil…' Meiko thought to her self as the guards escorted her out of the room, still not letting go of her arms.

When the doors closed, all that remained in the room was the princess and the teal haired girl standing next to her throne. Luka may be a cruel towards her servants, but this one was special case. This servant was the person Luka trusts the most.

"Miku, what time is it?" Luka asked her, breaking the short silence in the room.

"I believe it is around 2:30, Princess Luka," the servant replied as she turned her head to face her. The princess looked directly at Miku's teal eyes as she paused for a while.

"Miku, don't you remember what I said yesterday?"


"I told you you're allowed to call me Luka when it's just the two of us." It wasn't actually a request or permission; it was more of an order.

"Yes P-pr…Luka," Miku managed to say her name without the title. "As you wish."

"Much better," Luka said as she stood up and smiled contently. Contrary to what most people say, Luka can actually express kindness, tolerance, and patience…but only towards her special servant. Miku walked slightly behind Luka as she and the princess made their way through the halls of her castle. "Please bring my afternoon tea to the usual spot in the garden. I also want it to be Chamomille."

"Of course, Luka," Miku smiled at her before heading towards the kitchen. Luka took a glance at Miku's back as she walked down the other hallway. Miku physical looks were above average…well, except for her small chest size. But what stood out the most was her hair. She was the only one in the Rose Kingdom, and perhaps the entire continent, with teal hair. It was usually tied in two twin tails, but if she lets it down, it reaches all the way to the ground.

Luka smiled at her loyal servant's back momentarily as she headed towards her favorite spot in the garden.


Miku walked across the garden with a silver tray of tea and snacks. Luka liked having her tea in the patio beside the garden's gigantic pond. The area was covered by a few trees, so the patio cannot be seen clearly from the castle, giving Luka the right amount of privacy. When the princess took notice of a familiar shadow drawing closer, she turned her head from the pond to face her servant. Luka smiled at her teal haired servant as she placed the contents of the tray before her; she always had her snack at 3:00 and Miku would always bring it to her on the dot. Miku smiled back at her as she poured tea on the expensive looking cup.

"How is the tea?" Miku asked as she watched her princess sip it slowly.

"It's perfect like always," Luka replied while putting down the cup to take a bite of her pastry. "You always make the best tea after all. That's why I never let anyone else make it except you."

"I'm glad you like them," said Miku as her smile got wider. Other than her teal hair and eyes, Luka also liked the way Miku smiled. It was so charming and bright that it could light up an entire room; it was a smile fitting for a kind and gentle girl like Miku. She was in fact, the complete opposite of Princess Luka. Miku was a patient girl who followed Luka's every order without complain, but nobody understood how a person like Miku was able to put up with the cruel Luka. What's even stranger is that the girl claims that Luka always treats her nicely, even if she messes up sometimes. If Miku was just an ordinary servant, she would've been thrown in the dungeon already, or worse, executed.

The pink haired girl swirled the contents of her cup and stared at it before taking another drink. The red color of the chamomile tea reminded her of her audience earlier.

"That foolish peasant should've known better than to argue with me," said Luka with an arrogant tone. "If I didn't have that fabulous tuna for lunch earlier, then I wouldn't have been in the mood to spare her. If she had yelled at me on another day, I would've sent her to the guillotine immediately."

"I guess Ms. Meiko should consider herself lucky then," Miku answered as she stood next to Luka.

"Exactly!" Luka finished the last drop of tea in her cup and put it down, a signal for Miku to pour more tea. When Miku put down the teapot, Luka smiled at her, "Why don't you take a seat and help yourself to some pastries?"

"Oh…no thank you, I wouldn't want to be rude and…"

"Oh, but I insist. Besides, I don't think I'd be able to finish all these by myself."

"Well, if you say so."

Miku took a seat across Luka and placed her hands on her lap. She stayed motionless for a few minutes until Luka slid the plate of pastries toward her. "Here, have some."

With a faint blush on her cheek, Miku took one from the plate. "T-Thank you."

Luka laughed softly as Miku took a bite of the bread; she always found it cute whenever her servant blushed or stuttered. Miku was quite close to Luka, but it still feels awkward when she is asked to act informally around the princess since she is just a servant. Even if she's been her personal servant for 3 years, she was still reserved and shy around her. Luka didn't mind however, because she liked her servant just they way she is.

While Luka found her servant's smile to be cute, Miku thought that the princess's laugh and smiles were beautiful as well. It was innocent and child-like, something that bought about a sense of nostalgia to Miku.



First chapter complete ^o^ It's my first time writing about this type of pairing, so I'm not sure if the beginning's that good.

Yup, the lyrics here are a bit different just to match the story. This is based on Story of Evil; however, character roles will also be different, so expect a few twists and turns. I already have the entire plot written down up to the end, so all I have to do is weave the words into a story. But since I have school, I'll be quite busy. So expect an update maybe around 1 or 2 weeks, 1 month at worst, but I promise it won't exceed for more than a month per update.

Don't forget to leave comments, reviews (even if it's anonymus), or suggestions so that I can write this story better. It also inspires me and helps me write faster.