When I awoke I found myself back in the dark void from my nightmeres. This time Yin wore no cape nor looked full of malice.
"So you kept your promise.." I said. "Now what?"
Yin turned to me. Her aura was normal and not menacing. It was almost calm.
"I owe you a apology for what I did to you six years ago. Well five. That time I turned Ruby against you. It was to show you just what you might have been capable of if you continue down this path. Senseless violence..even that brough on by that burning passion of yours...can end up hurting those you love."
"My path? Are you saying that my aura is...?"
"Yang..." Yin said. "At it's full potential it is possible something could happen which would burn or destroy more then a simple club or enviroment. The flames could somehow rage out of control. Your aura could evidently cause a calamity..even the death of all those you hold dear.."
I did not know what to say. My aura was never a problem. But from what we both saw during our battle maybe if I did use it without a reason or purpose.."Then what else can I do? I just can't stop using my aura. My soul is strong." I hoped she had a answer for me.
"Yang I am not saying stop doing what you believe in. You just need better control. Only advice I have to offer you. " Yin replied. "In the end it is your choise.."
I thought about her words. "Alright fine I will try to be more careful. No guarentees." I smirked.
"Stubborn as always." Yin said smiling back. "However it is time for you to go back to the people who need you.." Having said that she waved her hand. It created a opening within the void. I understood.
"Thank you Yin. I hope someday.." I gave her a brief hug as I departed from this world of nothingness. She gave me one last look before vanishing in a dark flame like always...
The voices loomed over me as I slowely opened my eyes. Somehow I was back in the dorm.
"Yang!" Ruby said in a relieved tone of voice using her sleeve to wipe some tears which were apparent on her face.
"Ruby I am sorry to worry you. Um how long was I out?" I asked.
Blake who had been sitting by my bed the whole time looked at me shaking her head. "A few hours. We all thought you would never wake up. What happened?"
"Oh nothing importaint. " I said pecking Blake on the cheek. I then pulled my sister into a hug.
"Yang...you might want to...be careful of how much force you use.." Ruby said. I realized I was holding her too tightly so I put her down. "I'm sorry sis."
Weiss said nothing just glanced at me.
"Um Weiss?" I asked. "Look I am sorry everybody got dragged in this.."
"You dunce! This whole mess could have been avoided if you had just come to us earlier. Because of your reckless actions not to mention that whole mess with Dark Flame I had to work myself practically twice as hard. Making me worry.."
Ruby sighed. "Sis in otherwords that is Weiss's way of expressing how worried she was.."
"Dunce you think I was actually worried about her.." Weiss began however Ruby cut her off with a kiss. She sighed.
'"Anyways what happened to Sun?" I asked Blake.
"He left a short while ago. Someone must have tipped off the Vale police her was around. He sends his reguards and best wishes tho." Blake replied.
"Now that sucks. Well I am sure he can handle himself." I replied.
I then looked at all my teammates. Everyone was special to me in someway and I realized what Yin was really trying to show me. She was trying to help me understand my aura better to some extent however I was sure my aura would never rage out of control. Hell I would die before something like that happened. I would continue to keep everyone safe. This was a promise I made to myself.
"What are you looking at?" Weiss deadpanned as I met her eye.
"Nothing much. Just how lucky I am to have the best teammates and girlfriend ever." I said holding my hand out for a low five.
"Mocking me?" Weiss said.
Ruby giggled and gladly lowfived as did Blake. "Oh cmon Weiss..live a little right?"
Seeing everyone else was eager she reluctantly low fived me.
"Team RWBY will always come out on top in the end.." I said as Ruby cheered.
So life was back to normal for us. Or at least as normal as it could get. I still wondered if Yin was alright whereever she was. Even if she was a part of me I could somehow think of her like a sister or a friend in a sence.
"Yin whereever you are..please stay strong and take care.." I said softly. Blake looked at me. "Who are you talking to. Cmon. Ruby wants to go to the cafeteria to celebrate.
"Sure thing." I said taking the hand she offered me. Ruby was dragging Weiss along which I could not help but chuckle at. They made a good couple after all.
The moon outside shown brightly. If one were to look up they would see a black cloaked figure standing on the roof looking down then landing on the windowsil peering in. As if it was watching us with a hint of a smile.
"Take care Yang, Team RWBY," A faint voice said as the figure vanished into the night.