Author has written 28 stories for Naruto, Fullmetal Alchemist, Dragon Ball Z, Mario, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Legend of Zelda, Dead Space, Metal Gear, and Gears of War. Real name: Michele Age: 25 Gender: Female Occupation: Optician Misc Facts: I like stuff and things I'm a gamer. Here's the games I've played and actually enjoyed. Legend of Zelda - I love these games. But honestly I'd really be so much more happy if they'd stop making lame DS titles. Apparently the DS titles sell millions of copies in Japan and only about half a million in the states and Europe, but console titles sell millions in Europe and the states and only about half a million in Japan. So Nintendo decides to completely ignore the success in anyplace but Japan and is milking a great franchise with stupid DS titles with stupid little Toon Link who sucks so hard he can outdo that British guy who makes revolutionary vacuums. That said, I hope the new Wii title holds the name well. -Update, it doesn't- Jak and Daxter series - Loved the first one, loved the second one, loved the third one, hell I even loved the racing one. Daxter was bullshit and chips and the new Final Frontier one I haven't bought yet and I probably won't until I have thirty bucks and nothing else to do. -Update, still haven't- Metal Gear Solid - I truly do love this series. I admit the story is sketchy and the cutscenes are waaaaaaaaay too long more times than not but I truly do love them. Hideo Kojima really needs to learn the meaning of the word "continuity" though and he needs to learn to take criticism. -Update, not buying Rising or the new Big Boss one- Fatal Frame series - Probably one of the only survival/horror games I enjoy. Finished 2 and 3 and I only just got 1. I'd play 4 if they'd stop being douchebags at Nintendo and bring it to the states. -Update, they're still douchebags- Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - These games have no action whatsoever but the fact that they are mentally trying and you will pick your brain at times to find out exactly what needs to be done to proceed or break a testimony is actually quite amazing. They really draw you in and keep you in. -Update, my 3DS is broken, can't play AA5 when it comes out- Miles Edgeworth: Ace Attorney Investigations - Same song, slightly different music and different singer. You really won't notice the absence of the courtroom in this game. It's worth it. -Update, only worth one play through- Dead Space - Fun and spooky. -Update, only the first one- God of War - Level design is gorgeous, puzzles are reminiscent of Zelda (which is awesome), button mashing in the combat won't get you more than a few hours into the game before you need to develop strategy and the story is well told and fitting for the time period it takes place in. Don't play if bare boobs bother you. -Update, they don't need anymore titles in this series- Gears of War - I used to not care about the story, then I read the novels and I realize how much story and character development you don't see in the games and now the story is wonderful, but you do come to love the characters and learn far more about them. Killing shit that's ugly is still fun as hell, but please read the books, then you'll know what the hell is going on in three. Believe me. -Update, I sincerely hope that Judgment is the final installment of this series or it'll end up like Metal Gear Solid or a Nintendo title. Also, I'm worried for it now that Cliff Blezinski and Rod Ferguson have left Epic Games- -Updatex2, Judgment was disappointing, now I doubley hope they leave the series alone to die with dignity.- Bioshock - Loved the first one despite my dislike of first person games but the second was great too but I would've liked for the developers to actually have made it seem like you're a Big Daddy like making you slower or taking your plasmids away or making the drill actually remotely useful or making the splicers actually fear you like they do the other Big Daddies. -Update, two was shitty and Infinite was great until the ending decided to suck a giant golden cock and balls- Mass Effect - As long as you don't talk to me about ME3, we're fine. Not because I haven't played it, I waited in line for it at midnight opening day, but I was incredibly unsatisfied with the ending (even the extended one) that I like to pretend it doesn't exist. I felt that being forced into those vague choices completely undermined everything that Shepard was all about. -Update, my feelings haven't changed- Bastion - For fuck's sake, all of you need to go to Steam and buy this right fucking now. Do it, bitch. -Update, if you haven't done it yet, then you apparently hate fantastic games- My favorite anime series are... Well, naturally I'd go through and name some but lately anime has been a huge bore for me. Everything that I once liked about it I've completely grown out of. Sure all the classics like DBZ I still love but stuff like Naruto and Bleach have gotten so drawn out and stupid that they've effectively lost their charm and what made them good in the first place. So sorry to say I've judged all because of the actions of few and effectively stopped watching anime almost completely. When Kishimoto realizes that I'd much rather him write a great story than drama revolving around the fact that he kisses the asses of fangirls so much that his wife considers it cheating then maybe I'll reconsider Naruto (since that's the prime example of anime going down the drain lately) but until then, I'll get my fix off of video games, which I should probably scroll back up and add in a few others I've played recently and love the crap out of. As far as pairings go...Nobody gives a crap... and frankly I've completely stopped caring about whether or not other people write or draw yaoi or yuri. Do whatever the hell you want. Just warn me about it before I click on your stuff and I'll be happy. I also cosplay. I used to have a list here of cosplays I've done and another of cosplays that plan to do in the future. Well, I've decided to condense all of that down to the few costumes that I still wear and that I'm not embarrassed to say I've worn or made. Ace Attorney - Mia Fey. I do this cosplay because I look a quite a bit like Mia. I have long brown hair, brown eyes and no those aren't the only reasons. But not needing a wig to complete a costume is actually really nice. That's the only one I'm not embarrassed to say I've worn. For the most part I have plenty of costumes planned, but with work and life it's trying to find time (and money) to make them. As far as fics I'm currently working on, I had quite a few Ace Attorney ones planned out and mostly finished but I ran straight into a wall when I couldn't figure out how to finish them and frankly I'm not as enthusiastic about the series anymore so they probably will never get finished. If anybody out there is still waiting for me to finish that god awful fic I wrote about five years ago called Akuma no Ketsueki then sorry to burst your patient bubble but that's not happening either. But to make you happy (or angry) here's how I, honestly, was going to end it. Naruto and Sasuke kill each other. The End. As far as Metal Gear fics well they're in about the same boat as Ace Attorney fics. If I could figure out a good way to finish them then yay they'd be here already but I can't so unless I get some amazing epiphany don't hold your breath waiting for them. I don't spend a lot of time on this site, it just happens to be three AM and I'm bored as hell so I came to wipe the cob webs off my profile so if you really want me to get your message then email me. -Update, it's actually one AM this time and my boyfriend is asleep- |
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