If I could organize an angry mob to storm the Capcom of America headquarters, I would.

"Wright, I've been looking for you. I wanted to extend my condolences. It's come to my attention that Ben Judd has been fired from Capcom. I know this must be difficult for you."


"It is a great loss for me as well, Wright. Mr. Judd was instrumental in bringing the Ace Attorney series overseas, and of course his most memorable contribution was that he provided the voice talent for your objection."


"Although it's upsetting, all things considered it shouldn't surprise anybody. Capcom seems to have a history of burning their bridges with members of their staff that one would think they'd consider invaluable assets. It's to my understanding that after the phenomenal success of Resident Evil 4, the staff that created the game was publicly humiliated, no small matter in Japanese culture, which in turn resulted in them all resigning from Capcom."


"Anyway, as I said, I'm truly sorry for this great loss, Wright. However, you being mute will make the lives of every prosecutor all the more simple and increase the likelihood of me being the star of more games. Farewell, Wright. Good luck finding an adequate translator."

Nobody should be sitting around wondering why Resident Evil 5 was such a piece of steaming shit. I'm pretty sure if the series continues it'll do just fine, but it was just sad news to hear that Mr. Judd as let go. I should keep record of how many times Capcom royally fucks up.