Torn was sitting in the common room of the hideout as usual. But this time he wasn't looking over maps, he was talking with some of the other Underground members. They convinced him to put it all down and take a break. So with the metalheads dimming down on attacks recently he did take a break and he was actually enjoying it. Or he was until Jinx came bursting in the room almost out of breath.

"Hey, man, what's wrong?" Torn said getting up with a worried look on. "Are there metalheads attacking, dammit I knew I shouldn't have taken a break! Now we're unprepared – "

"Torn, the metalheads ain't attackin'." Jinx said catching his breath. "No, it's somthin' else. I was talkin' with Ashelin and when we were talkin' she got a call on 'er communicator from another KG. The boy escaped. He's free wanderin' the city somewhere, the KG couldn't stop 'im."

"So there's a kid all hyped on dark eco wandering the city now?" Torn asked and Jinx nodded. "Good." He said and sat back down in his chair picking up his beer.

"What? Just 'good'?" Vee asked, "we've been tryin' t' get this kid out fer years and now that he is it's just 'good'? Shouldn't we go and find 'im?" She had a completly confused expression on along with a couple other of the members.

"Why bother? He's free, if he's smart he'll stay away until they forget about him. If he's dumb he'll get recaptured, he's not our problem anymore." Torn explained calmly.

Jinx sighed and plopped down on one of the beds. "So wha' now?" He asked them looking around and lighting a cigar in his mouth.

"Now, we drink to the fact that we no longer have to worry about a kid imprisoned in the palace anymore." Jen said and lifted her beer up. The others agreed and lifted theirs up as well.

"I'll drink to that." Karne said smirking.

They sat there for a few more minutes enjoying their free time until they saw Tess walking down the steps she never left them she only went down far enough as to where she could see them clearly. "Hey, Torn, you better get out here, I just got word we're getting a visitor. One of our men was walking by and he overheard Kor and some kid talking, said he wants to help fight the Baron."

"I'm coming." Torn sighed and got up. He walked outside and squinted ant the rush of light before his eyes adjusted. He looked around and saw no one, wander over to the other end of the alley he waited. For several seconds he stared at the walls and tapped his foot before he heard someone walking up, he turned around and spotted a blond kid walking up with an orange rat on his shoulder. So that's the kid the Baron had, Torn recognized him, but he looked a lot different, guess that's what happens after two years of being tortured with dark eco.

He saw Tess walking up to him with a threatening look on her face. She glared at him and he spoke. "We're lookin' for a guy named Torn, Kor sent us." Torn began walking up to him glaring daggers and Tess stepped out of the way. "Um… are you Torn?" He asked as Torn got all up in his face looking him over he remained silent for a second.

"Maybe this guy's a mute, like you used to be." The little orange rat said popping out from behind him.

Torn gave him a sharp glare making him shut up. "New faces make me nervous." He spat at him, all his happy jokingly attitude that he had with his friends completly gone. "Word is you're out to join the fight for the city, picking the wrong side could be… unhealthy."

"We wanna see The Shadow." He said.

Damn this kid was persistent but this just made Torn laugh, did he really think he could just see The Shadow? "Heheheh, not likely." He turned his back to them. "If you wanna join somthin' why don't you and your pet go join the circus." The orange rat was about to say something before Torn turned back around and whipped out his dagger in a threatening way and ran his finger along the blade. "Unless you've got the fur, for a really tough task, steal the Barons banner at the top of the ruined tower. Then maybe we'll talk." He threw the knife up and caught it again smirking at the kid.

The kid nodded and ran off in the opposite direction, Torn saw him steal a zoomer from a guy on the rode and fly away on it recklessly. He smirked and turned his back walking back to the hideout.

When he walked back in he got a lot of questioning looks from his companions. "It's him, it's the kid. I sent him to get the Barons flag from the rouge tower, if he can do it I may consider him for the Underground."

"How come we never had to do any dangerous stuff when we wanted to join?" Karne said.

"Well back then we could take anyone we could get." He explained shrugging.

"Don't we still?" Jen asked.

"Yeah," Torn smirked. "But I wanna have a little fun with this kid."

"Yer so evil." Vee said smiling at him.

"I know, now if you will excuse me I have to go watch this kid and see what he's made of." Torn said and began walking back up the stairs.

"Need anyone to go with?" Vee called up after him.

"No, I'll be fine." He said and they heard the door shut behind him.

"Hm, so what do you guys think 'bout all dis?" Jinx asked the group after a pause.

"I think that this might be kinda weird, if this kid's in ya know." Karne said shifting in his seat. "I mean think about it, a kid not even out of his teens yet walking around pumped full of dark eco. He could take any one of us out in a second with all that power."

"Then I guess we should be thankful he's on our side." Jen said taking another drink.

"I'll drink to that." Vee said mimicking Karne's voice from what he said earlier.

"You'll drink to the birth of a cockroach." Jen countered and Vee thought about it for a second before nodding in agreement.

Torn was driving down the rode keeping the kid in his sights. He really was a reckless driver, going with near misses with many zoomers and he was always switching hover zones. A few times he even missed KG zoomers by a hair, thank Mar that the abandoned city wasn't to far away, Torn really wasn't looking for an accident right now.

Finally the kid jumped off the zoomer and went into the small alley way and down to the doors. Torn parked his zoomer far away and decided to walk to rest of the way as top not bring up suspicion. In a few minutes he walked into the abandoned city, he scanned the area for the kid and when he looked up he saw him on the rouge tower jumping the platforms as the crumbled under his feet. When the kid was out of sight Torn sighed in frustration and taped his foot impatiently waiting for him to come around again, eventually he saw him coming out of the top and to the banner, he pulled it out and when he placed it back down the stone under his feet cracked and he fell. Torn stiffed a laugh as he watched him fall down and couldn't help but laugh a little as the orange rat fell wrong on the wire, the kid jumped down in front of him and landed perfectly. Torn couldn't help but have a look of shock on how perfectly he landed, well except for the rat.

The laughed had completely died down and Torns mouth was open slightly in shock. He looked up and saw the tower completely collapse, when he looked back down the boy showed him the banner.

"Yeah," He said after a small pause. "I guess you guys are in."

AN: There it is, it's over. So sad, I'll miss it. Thanks to everyone who ever reviewed and to the ones who reviewed the last chapter, East Coastie 1500 and cOme as yOu are, thanks again, all the people who read this gave me the will to finish it. And there may even be a sequel someday, but that's just a maybe usually when it comes to sequels I'm all talk and no action unless I'm already working on it. But it's not a definite no at this point. Okay so see ya!