Author has written 7 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, Constantine, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and Brothers Grim. Well, hello there. I've been using FF.N since early 2003, and I'm still here. Still here. Still writing. I will finish IAAV, and Pretty- even if it kills me, because they have been left hanging for much too long. I will not be continuing Never Okay. Never Okay was a brain child of mine while I thought that Kaiba Mokuba and Kaiba Seto would make a perfect couple. Some people can pull it off. I am not one of those people. The story was base. Thinly plotted to get to the smut, and had a breasty Mary-Sue. A lesbian Mary-Sue. Sides, I'm now a huge fan of Yuna/Mokuba, if ya know what I mean. hopeless fangirl The rest of my stories will remain one shots. It's a bit scary how much I've grown up since first coming to this site. I'm sure a few of you can relate. I came to this site a scared little girl who was a fan of yaoi, and now I'm an adult ready to get married- which I vowed to never do. I grew up with being a big part of my life, and I can say this, now and until the day I die, I will stay. And if you've read this entire thing, I give you an e-cookie! e-cookies On , my name is KitsuneRyu-San. Refer to said site for any and all explicit scenes. FANDOMS- Favorite Couples- CatCF- YGO- Inuyasha- Static Shock- HP- Constantine- Utena- FMA- MGS- |