![]() Author has written 17 stories for Gravitation, Yu Yu Hakusho, FAKE, Inuyasha, Love Mode, Junjō Romantica, Ai no Kusabi, and Haru wo Daite Ita. I'm Jarakuheart My fanfictions and my origional stories(meaning I came up with on my own with no help XD) are also posted on http:// and http:// (Fictionpress under Tamerai and Ficwad stories are under the name Tamurai) I love writing and have like multiple stories going on at once. I really draw out my ideas when I'm just sitting down and staring into space. That's when these crazy openings just hit me and I have to write them down. I'm also a very spontaneous writer, so if some one tells me to sit down and write a story, I end up procastinating because there's no spark. Hello! I am the other Jarakuheart. Me and a friend share this account so the stories are both of ours. I only wrote 'Unwanted Curses', 'Letters' and 'Sometimes'. I absolutly love Sesshoumaru. He is a god amungst gods! I totally love the pairing of him with Kagome, and that is all I will read and write. If anyone cares, the username comes after a story I am writing (not Sess/Kag) about...well I don't really know what it's about, but it will be good! Once the school year starts, I will have to slow down with my writing. I am in 5 advanced classes, and I want to make all A's. I will write though! I promise this to myslef and anyone who cares. Oh, If anyone wants to draw a picture for any of my stories, I would totally woreship you (but not as much as Sesshoumaru _) |