Author has written 8 stories for Naruto, and Hellsing. Um... I really dont have anything to whrite here, so I´m just gonna whrite about my favoriet manga... Manga NARUTO (I love it), Blade Of The Immortal, Time Stranger Kyoko, One Piece, Dragon Ball (Z), Ranma 1/2, Lum Urusei Yatsura, Shaman King, Sailor Moon, Magic Knight Rayearth, Rebirth, Man of many faces, Girl got game,Rurouni Kenshin ...and so on...and of course my latest favorite! Kamikazekaito Jeanne! Anime Hellsing, Ghost In The Shell (the movie and the series...), Sailor Moon, Samuri X...and Urusei Yatsura... I alsow, LOVE!the Final Fantasy games...the best games in the world! Manga & Anime characters! (Naruto) ITACHI! just luv him, even if he killed everyone in his clan expect little Sasuke...but that just makes him more interessting! And I´m a naiv person so I belive there´s a really good reason for that event...but his still a strange dude... Kisame, or as I always call him ´fucking fish man´...he has interesting looks... Kakashi´s really cool and hot...and perverted. Iruka is sooooooooooo cute! You can´t hate him, his just too cute! Sasuke´s an idiot, he was very cute as a kid...(butI really like to whrite about him...odd...) Naruto´s so cool, cute, funny and missunderstud. Gaara are one of the best! Luv his red hair...I have a thing for red hair... Orochimaru! But mostly because he has this thing for snakes and so do I...hmmm...I just love snakes...they are so, they are wonderful! Sakura...I dont hate her I just...well lets just sayif she would let out her ´Inner Sakura´ then she would be much more cooler, she´s just to girly for me... (Sailor Moon) Bunny Tsukino a.k.a Sailor Moon...some of my freinds say that I´m just like her in my personality...wonder where they got that from...? I think she´s just like Sakura (naruto) too girly! (One Piece) Sanji! He is so bad he smokes so much...if he would have been a real person, he would have been dead by now... Luffy...was he born with out a brain? Zoro, we have one thing in comon...BAD SENSE OF DIRECTION! (Rurouni Kenshin) KENSHIN!!! ORO!!! His so oro sweet...?! Sanosuke...his a strange dude... Yahiko...he is so annoying! But thats why I like him... (Is this really interesting for you to read?) Before I forget it... I must warn you that I´m from Sweden and thats the reson why my spelling and grammar sucks... By the way special thanks to Velka! My best friend who have helped me alot with my stories! THANK YOU! Ta ta!... |