Trigun is owned by Yasuhiro Nightow.

Author's note: I was not aware until the completion of this fanfic that the changing of hair meant that it was the end game for the brothers. Forgive me for my mistake and enjoy the finally of "Forgotten".

See you around

It had taken nearly a month for Meryl to gain all her mobility back in her arm and shoulder. During that time she had taken to the children and spent most of her time entertaining them with songs and games that she had learned as a child that had been forgotten over time.

Vash was ever watchful while he and Knives built on an addition to the orphanage for Nick and Millie.

Days after Meryl had woken, the two had married. They had Vash and Meryl as the brides' maid and best man. The plants didn't need any ceremony to validate their connection.

Added to the time they spent there it took months for Bernadeli to receive and send back Meryl's resignation papers. Meryl had what money she had saved sent to the nearest town so that she might collect; everything in her apartment sold off and sent to her and her apartment rented out. The money from the sale of her furniture went to the new home that Vash and Knives worked on.


It was nearly a year since they had destroyed Seed and settled in the orphanage. The new addition had been finished and the six were enjoying a peaceful dinner. The children were sent off to bed and the adults with the exception of the nun, sat down to eat.

"Well we're all done. And might I say it look great guys!" gushed Nick as he looked around himself.

Knives nodded his head and began to eat. Vash grinned through his food.

"I hope you guys like it. I know how many splinters Vash got in retaliation." Chuckled Meryl, she had not been allowed to help so she had become the nurse for all the aches and pains that occurred. Vash, the goof that he was got many a splinter.

"Yes! I can't wait to see this placed filled with your kids instead of just the orphans. It'll be nice to be an aunt." Said Stella as she thought about how Millie and Nick's kids would look like. They all chuckled and ate their dinner.

Nick shooed Millie off to bed while the brothers and sisters stood out on the porch watching the suns set. Their identical silhouettes stretched long against the wood.


Nick woke bright and early and headed down to the kitchen to make a quick breakfast when he noticed a note on the table. He held it up and began to read,

Hey Nick, Millie,

I know this is short notice, and you thought we would be here when you woke up, but well - sorry. Knives and I think it's time that we headed out on our own. Meryl is all better thanks to you and Millie.

Don't worry, we'll come and visit often and any extra money we make on our travels it'll get to you. Oh…and Meryl wanted to say good luck with the baby. She said that she and Stella could feel it. I think you wanted to tell us last night, but you know me and my drunken ramblings.

Well, this isn't goodbye, more of a so long and thanks for the fun.

We'll miss you.





Nick blinked, and blinked at the letter, allowing it to sink in. when Millie came in still sleepy eyed he was still staring at the letter.

"Nick? What's the matter?" she glanced at Nick then the paper in his hands. She saw her name and read it around Nick's shoulder. When she finished and gasped lightly, then began to laugh. "I guess you didn't know did you Nick?" she asked between giggles.

Nick spun on her and glared at the woman. "You knew? How long?"

"A few weeks. I didn't think that sempai and Stella would know but I guess they did!"

"Well then. They'll have to be back for the birth. The god father has to be there for the birth." Asserted Nick as he draped an arm over Millie's shoulders. They looked out the window, both silently wondering which way the plants had gone.