This chapter is dedicated to: DemonZabuza1
YES! More Sasori and Deidara ideas! You rock!
Authors note: Hey guys! SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY! I'm so bad at updating! I have an excuse though! Schools been a real bitch and I'm in Grade 12 this year so it's been really hectic! Anyway I've been suffering artists block as well. I can't think of anything…school is sapping my creativity to the point I can't even think of what to draw anymore…it really sucks. However I'll try my best to get this going. It also depends on if I get enough ideas that is…(hint hint wink wink) So send in those ideas! Thank you for all your reviews and ideas! They are sassy and make me titter with happiness! (Can you tell I'm slightly hyper?) Okay you're probably bored by now so I'll stop rambling.
Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto…but I have a sassy pants Icha Icha paradise notebook!
Warning: May contain spoilers, (major ) OOCness, Random comments, and a balloon!
OH and I'm starting to think Deidara's a guy…I really couldn't tell before (One manga scan said 'she' and another one said 'he'). I really didn't want to make things confusing, but in the first chapter about the Gaara and the Akatsuki I had made Deidara a woman. I don't really want to hear any complaints so I'm only going to warn you:
(unless you don't really care I just DON'T want to be flamed or hear anything about it later)
-action or small event-
A day in the desert:
Kankurou was wandering through the desert around midday on a hot Monday afternoon. He was mad, and feeling under appreciated. Gaara had tried to set his puppets on fire…again! He sighed and walked on. A small bag bumped against his leg. It was the last of the bagels he was able to steal from hells kitchen (aka from under Temari's nose)
Flashback to earlier that day
Kankurou: Hey Gaara! Have you seen my…WHAT THE HELL! –he yells finding Gaara holding a match over Karasu-
Gaara: I'm seeing if your doll is fire proof. –Gaara states calmly trying to hide his sadistic grin-
Kankurou: Let me save you the trouble by telling you HE'S NOT! –Rushes over and tries to take Karasu away. Gaara merely blocks him with sand-
Gaara: Aw come on. You and Temari always say the best way to learn is to experiment. I'm just experimenting…and getting revenge at the same time!
Kankurou: -pauses- revenge for what? What did I do? –asks kind of skeptical-
Gaara: You ate the last boston cream donut this morning.
Kankurou: -vein- SO?
Gaara: It was supposed to be mine.
Kankurou: I don't care if it was a monkey in bowling shoes! Give Karasu back!
Gaara: Pathetic…fine take your stupid doll! –throws the doll at Kankurou-
Kankurou: HE'S SCRATCHED! You know how much money I spend on cleaning materials every month!"
Gaara: Does this look like a face that cares? –stares blankly at Kankurou-
Kankurou:Well…well…AH SCREW YOU WITH SOME SEXUAL HARRASMENT ON TOP! –runs out of the room carrying Karasu with him-
Gaara: My job is done…I guess I should go put a scorpion down Temari's shirt now. –looks at a clock- Yeah now should be a good time; she's all in to her soap opera and won't notice.
End flashback
Kankurou: That kids pisses me off sometimes…-kicks a rock-
Kankurou: -looks over to see a blond rubbing their head- Oh…hey sorry… -rubs the back of his head-
Deidara: Watch what you're doing yeah! –glares- I should kill you…yeah…-murmers-
Kankurou: HEY! Don't you dare threaten me! Do you know who I am?"
Deidara: A weirdo who carries dolls around...yeah –answers while glaring at Karasu-
Kankurou: Look here bitch! Don't make fun of Karasu!
Deidara: oh yeah? I'll do what I want to do! Yeah!
Kankurou: Oh Yeah? And what do you want to do?
Deidara: -ponders- I want to…-says something inaudibly-
Kankurou: -sweat drop- What'd you say?"
Deidara: I want to play with your puppet…yeah?-plays with her fingers kind of like Hinata-
Kankurou: -slightly surprised at the attitude change- uh…sure?
Deidara: -Looks up in excitement at Kankurou- Really? –she squeals happily and claps her hands- My sempai never lets me play with his puppets…yeah.
Kankurou: -Sighs- Just be careful.
5 minutes later
Kankurou: I can see why her sempai never lets her play with his puppets…Hey don't do that! –Pries a traumatized Karasu from Deidara-
Deidara: So you're brother with the Kazekage? And my next victim…yeah –evil laugh-
Kankurou: Yeah…it can be annoying sometimes…
Deidara: Mwahahaha…I will fix that. Once I abduct him! That's too bad. I hope things will get better between you guys…yeah. –Deidara puts up a sweet smile-
Kankurou: So why are you out here in the desert anyway?
Deidara: uhh…-starts to sweat- I-uh I was just out…looking…for…a…balloon yeah?
Kankurou: -sweat drop- A balloon? You don't have balloons from…wherever you're from?
Deidara: -shakes head frantically and obviously- no…yeah…
Kankurou: -ponders- But…if you don't have balloons where you're from then how do you know about balloons? Are you lying? Are you trying to deceive me? I'm NOT stupid you know! Only one time I ever had stupid written on my forehead was because Gaara was bored while I was sleeping…damn Naruto…he had to go and teach Gaara not to be lonely. I prefer him to be a sadistic killer rather then an immature prankster. Curse you ASHTON KUTCHER!(1)
Deidara: -sweat drop and acts confused at Kankurou's sudden rant- We had travelers who came by our village with balloons…yeah that's it.
Deidara lied quickly, hoping Kankurou would buy this deception.
Kankurou: oh….-Kankurou said simply blushing slightly-
Deidara: phew…that was close. Maybe I'll use this guy to get closer to Gaara…yeah
Deidara suddenly noticed something she hadn't before.
Deidara: Y-you…
Kankurou: I what?
Deidara: You…have…CAT EARS! –jumped up and began touching his pointy hat-
Kankurou: Uh…I do? –felt the top of his head- …why didn't I notice before! No wonder people look at me weird. I thought they just couldn't resist me. –Kankurou exclaims in surprise-
Deidara: What's this feeling…is it…gas? No…I didn't eat anything that gives me gas, except those damn peanuts I ate earlier…or could this feeling be…–gasp- love!
Kankurou: Are you okay? –asks seeing Deidara's face change suddenly-
Deidara: -shakes head quickly- I'm fine…yeah.
Kankurou: -stomach growls- I guess I'll eat my lunch… -rummages in his bag- Hey where did my bagel go?
Chew chew…
Kankurou turns in horror to see Deidara chewing on his bagel.
Deidara: -stops chewing- oops…yeah.
Kankurou: Do you know how hard it was to sneak that thing out of the house?
–he asks Deidara in disbelief-
Deidara: Nope. –continues munching on the bagel not noticing Kankurou's crest fallen expression-
Kankurou: I'm sorry…this just isn't going to work…-turns and walks away. Deidara just watches him munching on the bagel.-
Deidara: -swallows the bagel- Well…that plan flopped…yeah…-Deidara looks down sadly- Maybe…I really do like him…or it wouldn't feel like Sasori is using his iron sand thing to stab me in the chest repeatedly…yeah…
Kankurou stops at the village gate after running for a few minutes and looks back sadly. The wind blew and tears came to his eyes. The sun began to set and…
Deidara: Hey.
Kankurou: -jumps in surprise and looks beside him- What are you doing here?
Deidara: You forgot something...yeah.
Deidara threw a bag at Kankurou. Looking at it, Kankurou realized it was the bag he had the bagel in. He looked up about to say something when he noticed Deidara was gone.
Kankurou opened the bag and his eyes widened there was his bagel!
Kankurou: I'm…a huge idiot…
Kankurou walked home and opened the door; where he was met with an ear piercing scream and string of colourful curse words.
Kankurou: Looks like Gaara managed to put a scorpion down Temari's shirt…
Kankurou sighed and took a bite of his beloved bagel.
"GAH…what the hell? It's made of clay!"
(1) Ashton Kutcher: (For those of you who don't know who this guy is) This actor had his own reality TV show 'Punk'd' where he played pranks on celebrities and famous people. It's pretty funny. He also starred in the sitcom 'That 70's show' as Kelso.
Sorry for any grammar mistakes and such. I'm really tired at the moment. I've been meaning to post this for like a month, but I've never had anytime to spare. I just want to thank everyone who has reviewed so far! You guys rock!
Thank you for your patience. I'm a terrible updater.