![]() Author has written 13 stories for StarTrek: Voyager, Azumanga Daioh, Harry Potter, Saki/咲, Lucky Star, K-ON!/けいおん!, and Naruto. ABOUT ME First of all, thanks for checking out this page - it means that you are actually interested in what I want to say, or at least trying to uncover something weird/private/arousing about me! (That's why I usually check authors out, anyway.) I have been on the fanfiction.net for a few years now, and I even started publishing a little. I have been going through various phases of reading material here, starting with Diablo and Reboot, then moving on to Harry Potter, Star Trek: Voyager, Naruto, Azumanga Daioh, and many more. Of course, it doesn't mean that I read nothing else or that I don't go back to the previous phases - I'm just showing the trend here (I'm a sociologist, so I care about this kind of stuff). I'm also a proud member of Zokusho's Mostly Lucky Star Forum. Everybody's invited, and we have a special community for fan fiction challenges - fun to both write and read! MY FICS I'm picking new interests once in a while, but my main area of work is Azumanga Daioh and Lucky Star. I wrote some other stuff too, but essentially nobody's reading that. :P I would like to thank my usual betas Dioxine and Shadowfox026 - check their stuff out! ABOUT FAN FICTION REVIEWS Let me explain the basics of my guidelines, so that you could understand what you could expect from my reviews. What is it that I consider the most important thing in a fanfic? Being true to the details. I dislike characters being/acting OOC more than anything else, marysuism included (this extends to weird pairing, although I'm not against yaoi/yuri/incest/whatever on principle, only it usually looks unbelievable). To a lesser degree, this applies to the world or environment: a Hogwart kid listening to Linkin Park on his "magical walkman" is silly beyond measure, not matter how big of a Linkin Park fan the author might be. Of course, a parody or AU is a different matter altogether - they are using incoherence for a purpose, and they can be really enjoyable. On second thought, there is something that is even worse: careless writing. I have absolutely no idea why some people decide to write a story and forget to use punctuation - short attention span, perhaps? I'm not saying that everybody must write on an academic level, but honestly - there's only so much amount of language mutilation I can stand, even if it's not my maternal language. Enough said. To sum up: if the characters are behaving more or less as we know them from the original work and the author respects the language he writes in, I'm basically happy and I suppose every reader should be. Of course there are other subjective things on themes and characters that one might like or not, but it's too specific to cover here. Let's just say that I like adventure fics with elaborate plot, comedy fics (if they're actually funny), and sometimes stories with tons of fluff with my favourite characters, so they're the most likely to attract my attention... But well, that's not very productive to write about, is it? Having written all that, there is one thing that can never be overstated: fan fiction is born from love and imagination, and read for the very same reasons. Even if it's not perfect (what is?), it deserves some respect, simply because it is a tribute to what makes us happy. That fact alone is something I always have in mind when writing reviews, and I try to reflect it in the actual comments (unless something makes me really angry, but it's quite rare). I bow to all the authors on the fanfiction.net, for they are obviously the only reason why this site rocks! POLITICAL ACTIVISM While I do have my beliefs and values like everyone else, I don't think that filling this section with 150 KB of text about social issues (like children abuse, or gay rights) is such a great idea. I agree that these things are important, but putting it on my profile (like some people do) is almost spam. I think nobody checks people's profiles to read another preaching... So no Hyde Park here. Just read my damn works, or begone! :P |