A Legend Of Korra Erotic Tale
by Cartesian Planeswalker and Jessica X

Legend of Korra and related characters and settings are © their owners. Story and plot are ©2015 by Cartesian and Jessica. No flying bison were harmed in the making of this fanfiction.

WARNING: Extremely NSFW in multiple chapters, for sexual situations, coarse language, violence, dubious consent, and other crazy stuff. PLEASE watch the beginning of every chapter for more in-depth warnings about the content! If any of the kinks listed hold the possibility of triggering you, please DO NOT READ THIS FIC. If you disregard this warning, you do so at your own risk. Also, no kink-shaming and no mindless flaming. If your criticism of the fic only has to do with the kinks involved, keep it to yourself and go find something else to read.

Important note, however: please don't misconstrue all sexual acts in this fic as ones that Cartesian and/or myself actually participate in, have ever tried, or condone in reality. Most of them are all well and good, but there are a few of these that are simply not a good idea to try. PLEASE do your own research before attempting anything in this story with your own sexual partners! Be safe above all else!

CHAPTER WARNINGS: Just fluffy kisses. For now.

AUTHOR NOTES: Hey, it's us again! The two weirdos that brought you "My Sister's Mistress"! This was actually roleplayed a few months ago, but extenuating circumstances (especially a need for TONS of editing) prevented us from cleaning it up and presenting it to you sooner than now. However, given that today is the Korrasami anniversary, it seems prudent that I finish up chapter one and get it out to those of you who might enjoy it!

For those of you wondering about setting, it picks up right from the LoK series finale...


Thunderstruck. That's how Korra felt when the illustrious Asami Sato agreed to go on a private vacation with her, and yet more surprised when she requested the Spirit World be their destination. Korra had expected her to request a more high-profile locale, like Ember Island. But the Spirit World was at least one place where the Avatar could be sure to impress Asami, to show her something new and wonderful she hadn't ever seen before.

It didn't take them long to prepare for their getaway, eager as they both were to escape all the stress and trouble and painful memories they wanted to leave behind. Asami notified her secretary of their absence, and they both packed bags. Korra wasn't entirely sure what to bring with her to the Spirit World, but she settled on some clothes, a comb and some soap and the like, and a few snacks to sustain them until they found food there, as well as a blanket roll.

After that, the new Spirit Portal was just a few minutes' drive from the Sato Mansion, with a few shortcuts around wreckage and vines. Kuvira had done a number on Republic City, and Korra felt a little bad for cutting and running when there was such a mess to be cleaned up. But stopping Kuvira and her giant metal monster, the Avatar thought, had been enough. She deserved a break — no, she needed one — and the opportunity to be truly alone with the woman who had become her best friend over the past few years made her feel a little more cavalier about her "responsibilities." She'd been waiting far too long to find the perfect moment with the dark-haired beauty she'd admired for so long. Perhaps the solitude of the Spirit World would be exactly the right place, and time, for Korra to confess her intentions…

When they reached the Spirit Portal, they parked the car at the edge of the deep crater and went down into the sea of vines on foot. The sun was still an hour or two below the horizon, and the warm light of the Portal illumined the space around them like an earthbound moon. They both stopped just a few feet short of the light itself. Korra looked to her left and saw Asami gazing up in awe, hair and eyes shining like stars in its glow. Slowly the Avatar reached out, and after a moment's hesitation, took Asami's hand and smiled.

"Don't be afraid. It'll feel weird, but you'll be fine. I promise."

"Hey, I trust you." The fingers squeezed back. It was no idle comment. The energy surging through her friend, the Avatar who had brought balance to more than one world, was flowing into herself, as well. "But I still can't get over this being you. I don't think I ever will, you're so... so incredible."

Korra gulped audibly at Asami's words. Incredible! Well, she'd take that anyday! She grinned like an idiot and blushed as that beautiful face smiled at her and her fingers squeezed back. "Yeah, um… I'm still getting used to it too, to be honest. But it is incredible! I really think you'll like the Spirit World."

Hoping she was right, and that the Spirit World would look like it did when she landed there with Kuvira, the Avatar stepped forward with Asami by her side. Slowly, moving together, they stepped into the warm light. Korra heard the soft gasp beside her as they were both enveloped in its glow and their bodies seemed to soar in place.

"I'm right here," whispered Korra. She immediately regretted those words, it felt like a dumb thing to say; but Asami smiled at her, so she turned and joined both their hands.

In seconds, the soaring stopped, and Korra felt the earth beneath their feet again. She stepped forward, guiding Asami alongside her, and they moved through the brightness again into the Spirit World. It was like Korra remembered, and yet more beautiful, for the Spirits had moved into the new space and the world had bloomed as a result. The twisted trees, once bare and lifeless, had grown green leaves and white blossoms. Green grass surrounded the purple thistles around their feet, and little, skybourne Spirits floated all around them.

"Yeah, I'll probably never get used to this!" Korra laughed with overwhelmed wonder. She put her arm around Asami's shoulder and beamed with pride. "What do you think? Pretty cool, right?"

"I..." But the words died on her lips. Whatever they were going to be, she already knew they would be inadequate to give voice to the lush surreality. How could such a place exist just on the other side of their own universe?

At long last, Asami rediscovered speech as she reached up to place her hand atop Korra's. "Are... you sure I'm allowed to be in this place? I mean, for more than just a few minutes?"

Korra's smile drooped away when Asami expressed misgivings. "Huh? Oh, definitely!" the Avatar assured her confidently. "The Spirits around Republic City like me. And… you're with me! This is one place I can get you into." She winked and patted her shoulder. "Don't worry, I won't let anything bad happen."

It briefly occurred to Korra that her previous statement might be a promise she couldn't keep, but she was confident in her ability to Bend the will of Spirits when she needed to. And, if anything went profoundly wrong, Korra still had the rest of her Bending, as well. She couldn't imagine anything happening that she couldn't handle.

As if the Spirits knew her heart and wanted to give her a headstart with Asami, some of the little spirits moved down and hovered around them curiously. They looked like all manner of odd little creatures, from glowing fish to sparkling birds. Korra held out her hand and silently willed the Spirits to lend her a hand, and sure enough, little green bird perched upon her finger. Another two, purple and red, fluttered down to hover beside them.

"See? I think they like you."

A half-smile tugged at Asami's lips, and she followed Korra's lead. Sure enough, twin crimson sparrows alighted on her own finger, and she gasped in mild surprise. It was hard to be entirely shocked by anything after all she had seen as a member of Team Avatar.

"There's so much," she breathed, and they fluttered up to settle atop her raven locks. "It's... this goes on forever, doesn't it?" A few steps forward, as if it would make the slightest bit of difference to how much her mind could process.

"Yeah," Korra admitted softly. As they stepped forward together the bird-Spirits flew back up and moved in colorful circles around their heads, singing and whistling pleasantly. "I've seen quite a bit of it, but there's a ton more I haven't seen. But wherever you go in the Spirit World, it all just kind of responds to how you're feeling. So… as long as we're having a good time, everything should be great!"

"Then everything should be wonderful, since I definitely am." But again, Asami caught herself saying something like that, and she hid a shy smile behind a gesture: tucking her hair behind her ear. More and more frequently, such loaded phrases had been slipping past her defenses. "It's nice for us to be able to spend time together again." No better. "Without an evil, over-powered maniac trying to destroy us, I meant!"

Korra watched Asami smile and tuck her hair out of the way, making the Avatar blush quite clearly. "I'm glad, too! I've wanted to be alone with you for so long." She froze, eyes suddenly wide with embarrassment. Stupid! "I mean, without anybody watching us! Wait, I…" She smacked her palm against her forehead. "Oh man."

But Asami's smile only grew wider as she watched Korra blush. "No, don't beat yourself up on my account. You're completely fine." The words seemed to have no effect other than to make Korra shuffle more awkwardly, so she began to rub her hand up and down along the one resting so gently upon her shoulder. "We have time now. Plenty of time to talk about whatever we want, do whatever we want, anything!"

Korra flushed more and smiled bashfully as Asami's hand rubbed hers reassuringly. The other girl's easy-going acceptance boosted her confidence.

"Yeah," she began quietly. "About that. Asami, I… I know we can do whatever we want now, and now that we're here… I want this time away to be something really special. You know for a really long time I've wanted to, uh…" Her blue eyes darted towards those soft lips in front of her. "To talk to you. Ask you something."

The Avatar took a deep breath. Gods, she could defeat Spirits and criminals and terrible warlords but she couldn't talk to the person she loved! Steeling her resolve, she blurted out, "Ever since we started writing letters while I was away, I got this feeling there was something happening between us, but then more stuff started going down with Kuvira, and other people were around, and I… I guess I was just scared. But I'm not going to be scared anymore. I…" She took both of Asami's hands and smiled hopefully.

"A-Asami, I want to be with you."

There was the barest movement of her mouth, opening into a tiny "oh". But there was no true shock, no staggering back or pointed questions. Just the quickening of her pulse.

"You already are with me," Asami tried to reassure her. "Look around — do you see anyone else here? It's only the two of us. Alone, just as you wanted. And there's no one else I'd want to be this alone with... not Mako, not anyone."

Korra had panicked a little when Asami's mouth formed a small gasp. Then it seemed like she avoided the confession, even though it looked as though she probably knew what she meant. This was a horrible idea. She'd spoken too bluntly, been too reckless.

"I'm sorry," the Avatar stammered quickly. "I just thought you felt the same way because I thought I saw you looking and I was looking at you too, and I- NO! I don't mean you were looking at my boobs or something, that's- rrrgh! Look, I know it's weird and crazy and it doesn't make any sense but I can't stop thinking about you, with me, and…and…nnnnnn-Iwannabeyourboyfriend!"

Though she had been following along easily enough, patiently, her mouth quirked upward at the end. "Boyfriend? Is there... something you might need to tell me? Please do, if you must; I'll keep an open mind."

That wry smile made Korra certain that Asami was toying with her, and she grunted with frustration. "RRGH! I need to tell you that I'm in love with you and you make me feel like nobody else ever has, ever! Not Mako, or…or anyone! That's what!"

The baldness of that statement really did take her aback, and both dark eyes flew wide. Love? They had been circling affection that went deeper than mere acquaintances, it was true, but Korra reached straight for the brass ring. Was it really okay for her to respond to such an earnest confession?

"Korra, I... I love you, too." A light shrug accompanied Asami's words as she turned away slightly, and Korra squeezed her hand. Had she been too forward and scared her off? "But I don't know anything about being in love. I mean, this feels so much stronger than it did with Mako, but that turned out not to be the real thing, so... I am a bit nervous."

Now the Avatar was worried. She wanted to show her that this was so much stronger than what either of them had with Mako. But all the could think of to say was, "That's okay. I'm nervous, too."

"But if anyone makes me want to be absolutely sure, it's you, Korra." Asami bit her lip as her hand moved slowly forward and stroked Korra's strong, dusky jawline. "Nobody else."

The Avatar felt her heart race. Such an intimate touch was everything she'd been hoping for over the past few weeks, and yet it wasn't nearly enough. Impulsively, she caught the hand that touched her and placed a gentle kiss on the back of it, sighing as her lips ghosted over the pale skin, soft and smooth as she'd imagined it.

That gesture changed the game considerably. Before, they had just been expressing their affection; making sure there could be no ambiguity that they were interested in figuring out what their feelings meant. Both women were invested in this relationship to leave nothing to chance. Now, however...

"Korra," she breathed tightly, staring at the lips, at the spot where they had just left. "I... you know, sometimes I thought I was going crazy, that I was imagining the way you looked at me... wishful thinking, I don't know. Are you sure this is what you want? With me, of all people?"

"Of course!" Korra exclaimed, squeezing Asami's hand a little tighter and moving closer to her. "I've never felt like this about anyone, and never been more sure of anything in my life! You… you're perfect." She grinned awkwardly again and kissed her hand once more, this time in the center of her palm. The skin was so soft and warm, and Korra longed to feel the rest of Asami's gorgeous body with her lips. "You're so beautiful and smart, and… I just… everytime I even think about you, my heart starts to pound and I feel all shaky!"

Asami did her best to put on a serious look. "Then maybe you should see a doctor. What if it's the deadly Sato Fever?"

Korra paused a moment before laughing at Asami's mock-graveness. "That is definitely what it is," she replied. "I don't need a doctor to tell me that..." Taking a measured risk, she pulled Asami just a little closer, so their bodies were nearly touching. Korra's breath quickened. "I'm pretty sure there's no cure."

"But we could treat the symptoms. Let me check if you have it." Leaning upward, after only the briefest moment of indecision, she pressed her lips firmly against Korra's forehead, allowing her own eyes to close as she tested that sensation on her lips. Wonderful. Then she pulled back half an inch and whispered against the skin, "You're burning up."

Korra gasped a little when she felt Asami's breath against her fevered skin, and Korra couldn't withhold a trembling sigh at the feeling of those soft lips when they brushed it a second time. She looked up at the taller woman with adoration and desire, pulling her still closer. "You do that to me," she told her.

A breathy laugh escaped Asami at that admission. She had known Korra started having that effect on her, but to find out the feeling was mutual was beyond her wildest dreams. "Really? Just me? I'm no one special. Not anyone suitable for the great and mighty Avatar."

Korra openly rolled her eyes. "Now you're just being ridiculous!" she teased, placing a kiss of her own on Asami's forehead as her confidence returned. "You're Asami Sato, genius engineer and head of Future Industries! You basically put Republic City back together, and I know you're gonna come up with some amazing way to rebuild around the new Spirit Portal. You..." She paused with belated realization and grinned like a proud fool. "You think I'm great and mighty?"

"Of course! What I and my company can do is nothing compared with bridging this world to ours! Taking down Unalaq, Amon?" Then she dipped her voice lower. "And you're the hottest Probender of all time. I've heard other people say that — not just me."

"Of all time?" Korra repeated, blushing. The way Asami lowered her voice made Korra lean in her closer. "You're pretty hot yourself, especially when you're kicking butt. You're a great fighter, Asami; I love watching you take down a Bender twice your size with that crazy glove! Look, you… I'm the damn Avatar, and if I've decided you're great and mighty enough for me, who's gonna argue?" She grinned cockily and kissed her cheek with a soft hum of content.

For the first time in longer than she could remember, she giggled. Asami Sato giggled. She tried to suppress it a moment later, but it was far too late to keep Korra from hearing her. "For somebody who can't remember how to use a napkin most of the time... you are extremely smooth."

Korra's eyebrow quirked a little skeptically, but her grin spread nonetheless. For the sake of the moment she'd take that. For Spirits' sake, she'd made Asami GIGGLE! She was on a roll, no sense in ruining it. "For you, I'd even learn your silly napkin rules and how to use all those different forks and spoons!"

"My courageous cavewoman," Asami teased her further — before she made a move of her own. Eyes clearly displaying that she couldn't believe she was doing such a thing, she leaned in and pressed her lips against the very tip of Korra's nose. They were so close to each other, so intimate... how long had they been wanting this to happen? How many hours had she herself spent daydreaming about it, only to try to shake the mental images that made no sense to her? They couldn't be counted.

'I was born in an igloo, not a cave,' Korra thought to say; but she couldn't form the words after Asami placed a soft, lingering kiss on the tip of her nose. When she didn't move away, Korra placed a gentle hand behind Asami's neck and guided her down a bit so she could kiss her lips. Those soft, warm, red lips were everything she'd been thinking and dreaming about these past few weeks and they were even sweeter than she'd imagined. It was a chaste kiss, gentle and still, but trembling with deeper longing.

"Asami..." she breathed softly.

"Yes?" It was all she could think to say. How could she admit that she wanted more, that she wanted Korra to do more or say more? She had kissed her! The backs of her knees felt weak and her mind was spinning, and she placed her free hand on Korra's shoulder now to steady herself. Anything could happen now.

Korra felt Asami go weak in her arms and heard the soft tremble in her voice, and it made the Avatar groan with a possessive desire. "Asami, I... I want you so much..." She let her other hand wander down the the small of her back and pulled her yet closer, so their bodies were flush together. She kissed the corner of Asami's lips, then her smooth jaw, and then her throat, lingering over the gentle throb of her pulse.

That was when Asami felt a tingling of another kind. Korra had not only intended to confess her feelings today, but seemigly wanted to progress their relationship as far as they could manage. To become one with her.

"O-ohhh," she sighed awkwardly as she felt the lips moving across her neck, as she smelled the incense-laden scent of Korra's shampoo. "You... are you sure you've never... done this?"

"I've been with a guy," Korra confessed. "Well, with Mako. But I've never… I mean, I'm not sure how to… um, with a woman. But when I'm with you it just feels so right and I think if I could just...ah..." She faltered awkwardly, pausing to collect her thoughts. "I'm sorry, I thought you felt the same way. We don't have to do anything else if you're not ready! I- I'm sorry."

"Oh, I- no, it's fine!" Asami hurriedly overcompensated. Then she cleared her throat and reached up to caress Korra's neck. "I'm... I never did this much with Mako, and there hasn't been anyone else. Any, um, boys I went on dates with never even got as far as you did just now. And obviously, there haven't been other women."

"You didn't? With Mako?" Korra was taken aback. She had simply assumed that Asami and Mako had gone all the way, as into him as she'd seemed at the time. It both pleased and frightened Korra that Asami hadn't been with anyone else. It meant that she'd be her first, that Asami was all hers... "But you're okay with this?" she asked, testing the waters by kissing her throat again.

"I d-don't know," she told her honestly. "But I'm willing to see where this takes us." The kisses against her throat made it harder for her to articulate her feelings, but she swallowed and made another attempt. "I just hope I don't end up disappointing you."

"You could never disappoint me," Korra assured her, before pulling her in for another slow, gentle kiss. She cradled Asami's face in her hands as their lips moved together. "Just tell me to stop, and I will, okay?"

Asami's painstakingly-hued eyelids slid to a close as she melted into Korra once more, hands trailing up and winding into her short brown locks. This was not at all expected, but very welcome. All this time, they had been circling each other and feeling the pangs of attraction, when all along either one of them could have made the first move and saved them a lot of waiting. Her lips turned up in a silent laugh at how ridiculous they both were, but in the end it was a trivial matter. They were together now.

This felt so natural, so easy. Feeling Asami's body against hers drove her mad with want, and Korra was unable to keep her tongue from darting across Asami's lips as she kissed her more firmly.

That was the first Asami had felt of another person's tongue since Mako. At that time, she had thought he was only interested in taking her to bed, even though he swore he just wanted to see how it felt. Was Korra after the same thing? More importantly, why did she feel so different about the answer she would give Korra if she asked?

Korra heard a little sigh from Asami and interpreted it to match her desire. She pulled back for a brief second and smiled, before sweeping Asami off her feet and into her arms, prompting a startled squeak. She carried her effortlessly, using her Airbending to propel the both of them across the grassy valley. Laughter trailed through the skies as they flew, and bubbled down into something quiet and inviting as Korra knelt down and laid Asami on the grass beneath a tree far from the portal's glow, leaning over to kiss her cheeks again.

"You're so beautiful," Korra sighed. "Wow, I could just kiss you and touch you forever..."

"Why do I think that's the best thing anyone's ever said to me?" Then Asami reached up and tucked a stray strand of hair behind Korra's ear, eyes full of desire and affection. "You're so gorgeous... or handsome, I guess. Since you asked if you could be my boyfriend."

"Heh, yeah," Korra chuckled as she trailed a curious finger down Asami's arm. "Girlfriend is fine, I guess. I've just never heard of two women being girlfriends. Together, anyway." Hearing how that might sound discouraging, she quickly added, "But I don't care! I just want to be with you..." Leaning forward, she kissed Asami's lips again and stroked her face with her hand.

Humming quietly into the contact, she allowed them to explore each other again for a few long moments before she pulled back and sucked in a shaky breath. "Korra... I want that, too. I'm so happy with you right now that I feel like I might explode!"

Korra laughed knowingly. "Careful," she teased. "You just might." Feeling suddenly weighted down by all she was wearing, Korra shrugged off her backpack and quickly pulled off her armbands, tossing them aside in the grass. Then she leaned over Asami, powerful arms on either side of her head, and kissed her jaw and throat again. The soft touch of her skin made Korra shudder with need, and she tugged lazily at the buttons on Asami's jacket.

This move made Asami's eyes spring back open. It seemed Korra was definitely in an ambitious mood. Her own hands began to drift up and down Korra's back now that the heavy pack was out of the way. Korra was all hers, and they had all the time in the world.

Taking the stroking on her back as encouragement, Korra took the time to focus on the buttons and open up Asami's jacket. Then she sat up and pulled off her own top, revealing the tight bindings she used to keep her breasts under control. She self-indulgently stretched, allowing Asami the opportunity to see her sculpted torso, before leaning back down to reengage her lips again. "You taste so sweet," Korra murmured, almost a low growl. "So soft..."

Perhaps Korra had noticed Asami's hungry eyes taking in every last contour, every rippling muscle beneath flawless skin. Perhaps not. Either way, she was distinctly more flushed when their lips parted. "Do I? Really? Because you do, too..." Could they really be doing this now — and out in the open, of all places? Sure, there wasn't another human soul in sight, but that didn't mean they were completely alone.

Korra couldn't answer Asami, she was too breathless as she trailed hungry lips over every inch of her face and neck. She could never get enough of her, she would never be satisfied no matter how many kisses she gave her. Korra's lips found Asami's ear and she nibbled playfully on the soft lobe. "You drive me wild, Asami," she sighed desperately.

There was another laugh, but it turned into a moan toward the end. Before now, she had no idea that her ears were sensitive. Korra was driving her mad with desire, and she felt a strange balance between joy and panic welling up in her. This was all so much!

The little moan she heard made Korra's desire flare, and she moved down to nibble similarly at Asami's throat. "You sound so beautiful," she sighed. Her hands moved down to the hem of her shirt, pulling it up to reveal her pale, flat tummy. Korra scooted down and kissed that as well, teasing the sensitive flesh there with both her lips and teeth. This was the way Mako had explored her body once, and it had driven her mad with lust; she could only hope that Asami would enjoy it as much.

However, Asami's panic was only rising to blot out her desire. Everything until that moment had been so erotic, so flawless that she had given herself over to it. But now, Korra was fast approaching somewhere that no one besides her own self had ever been before, and that was not a thing she had been prepared to deal with today.

"I... Korra, you're so..."

It took Korra a moment to register the sudden stiffness in Asami's body and the panic rising in her voice. "Did I go too far?" she stammered, sitting up quickly and beginning to panic a little herself. "I'm so sorry! I...I got carried away!"

"No, no, you... well..." Sighing, Asami blushed and looked away. "I'm the one who's sorry. I just... am not used to doing things like this... or this fast? Is that okay? Do you hate me?"

"Of course that's okay!" Korra said quickly, moving to the side so that Asami could sit up if she wanted. "I could never hate you! I should have known this was too fast." She put her head down on her knees and sighed. "Ugh, I'm so stupid!"

"Not stupid," Asami sighed, sliding her arm over Korra's back. Korra's nearly-bare back, laden down as it was with firm muscle. She suppressed a shiver of delight and charged ahead. "And nothing you did was wrong, okay? Nothing at all! I'm just... awkward about this kind of thing. Not used to it." When Korra didn't answer right away, she added, "And I liked everything we just tried. A lot."

"You did?" Korra said softly, smiling as Asami rubbed her back reassuringly. "Oh! Well… okay, good. This is good. Maybe later then? When you're ready?" She put her own arm around Asami and rested her head on her shoulder. "I guess after all this time I was just too impatient to jump right in."

"All this time?" Asami laughed as he gently pet Korra's hair. How unbelievable that she would need to console the all-powerful Avatar! "We've been almost-dating for about ten minutes!"

"Well, I mean, I've known my feelings changed ever since I came back from… finding myself, I guess. I felt so distant from everyone, but not you, and everything just kind of grew from there. I just couldn't stop looking at you, and next thing I knew I wanted to hold your hand, and more than that… but I guess I kept it bottled up for a long time."

"Ah. All... that time." Blushing and looking away, Asami found herself fiddling with the opened buttons on her jacket. "I... started noticing you, too. And I felt conflicted about seeing your hair when you came back. Is that weird?" Turning to look at Korra, she shrugged slightly as she went on. "I know this is silly, because it's just hair, but you looked more... handsome. Can a woman look manly? And even though I always liked your hair before, you cutting it short did things to me that I couldn't explain properly. Helped my perception of you shift."

Handsome? Korra had never thought of herself in that way, but she'd take it. She understood better than anyone how distracting hair could be, as she'd spent enough time watching Asami's when she moved. "Nah, it isn't weird," said Korra. "No weirder than me liking your gorgeous hair, anyway." And your eyes, she wanted to add. And your lips, and your neck, and your butt in those riding pants…

Just as a bright blush began creeping across Korra's face again, they were interrupted by a gust of wind. There was a sound like shimmering chimes, and little pieces of golden light floated past. The Avatar grinned and took Asami's hand. There was no place she'd rather be than here, with her.

Smile mirroring that of her friend, Asami fell backward again into the grass, fingers still clutching at Korra's as she stared up at the multicoloured clouds. It was a paradise. How had she gone from someone who only cared about the bottom line, to a woman lucky enough to be whisked away to a magical wonderland?

"There's a lot to explore here, isn't there?" she finally breathed.

Korra laid back beside Asami and stared up at the colorful sky with her. "Yeah, there is. It's pretty huge." She smiled excitedly. "I've got a few spots to show you, though! There's this mountain, Hai-Riyo Peak, where huge Dragon-Bird Spirits nest and a teashop for Spirits. And Xai Bau's grove, in the middle of this huge valley, where the sky is yellow and the water is red and all the trees dance — even though there isn't any wind!"

And Asami listened with rapt attention, though it was only partly because of what she was saying. Just hearing Korra talking so passionately on any subject, no matter what it was, set her heart to fluttering.

"I want to see every single one of those places with you." Her voice was a quiet, firm promise. "I don't care how long it takes us — days, months... let's see it all, okay? Together."

Korra laughed. She could spend forever here, as long as Asami was with her. "Together," she agreed happily.

They laid there in silence for a while before Korra yawned and stretched lazily, realizing she was exhausted. It had been the wee hours of the morning when they left the physical world, and neither of them had slept before leaving.

"Are you tired?" asked Korra. "Because I am totally beat."

"A little, yes," she said with a weak laugh. "But I'm fine."

"Hang on." After rifling around in her backpack for a moment, Korra pulled out the blanket roll she'd brought. Made in the traditional Water Tribe style, it consisted only of two thick blankets, one to lie upon and the other to lie beneath. Each was made of soft hides lined with penguin-seal fur.

"I don't know if you brought one of these," the Avatar said awkwardly as she laid it out beneath the tree. "But this one's big enough to share… I mean, if you wanted."

A sly smile spread across Asami's face. "You only brought one on purpose, didn't you?"

"Hey, you could have brought one if you wanted to!" Korra said quickly, hands on her hips, though she was grinning right back at Asami. She took off her boots and untied the fur around her waist, leaving herself in just her pants and chest bindings, before slipping down into the cozy furs.

Debating only a few seconds, Asami began to slip out of her own shoes. Then she slid her jacket off and laid it neatly beside them before she nipped the corner of the top blanket aside just enough to crawl in behind Korra.

"Are you sure this isn't... too awkward for you, or too soon?" she whispered nervously as she snuggled up against Korra's side, heart pounding in her throat.

"Definitely not," Korra replied immediately, humming happily to herself as Asami laid down and snuggled in beside her. Right away, Korra turned to face her and draped an arm across her body, breathing deeply and memorizing the smell of her expensive shampoo. She'd been waiting long enough to have Asami in her arms, and now that she had what she wanted, Korra was happier than she thought she could ever be. "This is perfect."

"Then I'm glad." One of Korra's knees had wound up between her own, and even though they were both covered in pants, it still made her blush to think about. As they tried to settle in for the evening — or morning, or whatever it was — Asami let her voice drop to a quiet, sleepy tone. "And I'm glad it's you, here."

"Me too," Korra agreed softly, already becoming drowsy as she melted into Asami's touch. Slowly, they adjusted themselves until their bodies naturally intertwined. It was hard to stay awake. How could she, with the soft lights in the sky and Asami's sweet voice lulling her to sleep? She gave into the urge to rest and closed her eyes. Her last conscious thought registered her girlfriend's legs rubbing against hers, and then she drifted off into an easy, dreamless sleep.

Asami followed soon after, deciding in her drowsy mind that the morning would be a better time to admit that she had, in fact, brought her own sleeping bag. There just didn't seem to be any point in unpacking it at the moment.

~ To Be Continued ~