Author has written 8 stories for Harry Potter. Mistresses Quillin, Claws, Jages, and Xia present... We solemnly swear that we're up to no good, Nor have we ever been, Nor will we ever be-- Not that it matters; We just thought we'd clarify. The Miss Marauders Owl Post Cool. Quick. Reliable. A Little Annoying. The Miss Marauders is just used by one person. Name: Cass Nickname: Claws Favourite genre: dystopia, followed by hurt/comfort Writes: HP fanfiction, generally Marauder Era, Super Junior fanfiction, EXO fanfiction, and own fiction, used to write Daughters of Darkness, Lizzie McGuire and AFI fanfiction Reads: slash mostly, Remus/Sirius (Harry Potter), Kurogane/Fai (TRC), Kyouya/Tamaki (Ouran), Kaoru/Hikaru (Ouran), Akira/Shuji (Nobuta), Suho/Kai (EXO), Tao/Sehun (EXO), Tao/Chen (EXO), Tao/Suho (EXO), Shige/Koyama (NEWS), Hyukjae/Junsu (Super Junior/JYJ), Kyuhyun/Jino (SM The Ballad) Used to read: Lizzie/Gordo (Lizzie McGuire), Hunter/Adam (AFI), Sakura/Syaoran (CCS), Davey/Jade (AFI), Eclipse/Raenef (Demon Diary), Kyuhyun/Zhou Mi (Super Junior M), Kyuhyun/Kibum (Super Junior), Hankyung/Siwon (Super Junior), Massu/Tegoshi (NEWS), NEWS/KAT-TUN/DBSK/Super Junior gen/slash fics Random Ships (which I neither read nor write but ship for the sake of it)/Crack Ships: Harry/Draco (because Harry is SO NOT straight. No way) Hermione/Spike (this was born out of a Deleterius spork using the two characters) Yuki/Machi (from Fruits Basket; I don't read it but I agree with it) Ayame/Hatori/Shigure threesome (again Fruits Basket--threesome because no-one will be left out ) Christian/Matthew (two inner-self sporkers at Deleterius) Crabbe/Goyle (because there's no way I'd pair them with anyone else) Tonks/Hestia (I've only encountered this once, but it's the only Tonks pairing I can cope with) Twincest of Fred/George and Kaoru/Hikaru (the latter of which I DO read) Whose Line's Colin Mochrie/Ryan Stiles (again, born out of a Deleterius spork) Fanfiction Writing Ships: Cyrus/Willow (Beth/My original characters) Remus/Sirius Lily/James OC/OC OC/? Alexa/Kennedy (my OC twin sisters of Sirius and Remus, respectively) Anthony/Calanthe (2 of Beth's characters) Clover/Dashiell (Beth/My original characters) Sometimes Ron/Hermione Hunter/Adam (AFI) Davey/Jade (AFI) Hunter/Winter (My original characters) Suho/Kai (EXO) Tao/Sehun (EXO) Tao/Suho (EXO) Tao/Chen (EXO) Kyuhyun/Jino (SM The Ballad) Hyukjae/Junsu (Super Junior/DBSK) Fanfiction Reading Ships (Main or supporting): Het: Lily/James (Harry Potter) Ron/Hermione (Harry Potter) Cyrus/Willow (Harry Potter fanfiction/Rhapsody & Nocturne) Anthony/Calanthe (Harry Potter fanfiction/Rhapsody & Nocturne) Clover/Dashiell (Harry Potter fanfiction/Rhapsody & Nocturne) Kyo/Tohru (Fruits Basket) Maewen/Mitt (The Dalemark Quartet) Eriol/Tomoyo (Card Captor Sakura) Sakura/Syaoran (Card Captor Sakura--also Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles, but as a support to KxF Haruhi/Mori (Ouran High School Host Club) Nakatsu/Mizuki (HanaKimi) Slash: Remus/Sirius (Harry Potter) Ginny/Luna (Harry Potter) Fred/George (Harry Potter) Seamus/Dean (Harry Potter) Yuki/Haru (Fruits Basket) Yukito/Touya (Card Captor Sakura) Kurogane/Fai (Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles) Eclipse/Raenef (Demon Diary) Quake/Swiftie (Matt made this pairing stick with me. Self-slashing) James/Tasseus (very cute characters belonging to my friend Dahling) Jareth/Clarence (the main characters of the cutest Sims 2 slash story ever--bff and gorgeous! It's called The Consequences of Consequences) Tamaki/Kyouya (Ouran High School Host Club) Honey/Mori (Ouran High School Host Club) Kaoru/Hikaru (Ouran High School Host Club) Kagurazaka/Sano (HanaKimi) Akira/Shuuji (Nobuta wo Produce) Shige/Koyama (NEWS) Massu/Tegoshi (NEWS) Hyukjae/Junsu (Super Junior/DBSK) Suho/Kai (EXO) Tao/Chen (EXO) Tao/Suho (EXO) Tao/Sehun (EXO) Kyuhyun/Jino (SM The Ballad) Okay, well, I write mainly slash. This site is solely for my slash works (and my Miss Marauders stories--ShadowHunters and my various one-shots); I also write on PKorg but they don't appreciate the slash much. So go to Jersey Princess on PKorg if you want to read my normal L/Js and a very funny L/J (according to my reviewers) called Pink Poison and Violet Venom, and come here for my slash! I also post on my livejournal. Finished works: Starstruck The Redundancy of Spellcheckers, etc (my parody) Finished slash: Blinding Satisfaction (meme for Vixy) Dogs And Dreams And Damsels Make A Wish (Or Five) Day Naturally Never Be The Guy That's What I Meant To Say Unfinished slash: "It's the Least I Could Do" Allergic To Slytherin Help! We're All Happy Teenagers! Lady of the Night Rewriting A Legacy Six Kisses (almost finished!!) The Lupin Memoirs Other stories to come on here: ShadowHunters (U/F) The 100 Reasons Why Every Harry Potter Character Loves Every Harry Potter Character (in story form, and not all sexual, and not exactly every character but most of them) (U/F) 5/10/09: Italicised because I don't know if any of it will ever be posted, even though I'm almost finished with Six Kisses. |