Author has written 17 stories for Inuyasha, Gundam Wing/AC, Bleach, Fullmetal Alchemist, Full Metal Panic, and Claymore. I have mostly fallen out of using so if you would like to continue following my writing for whatever reason, the majority of it will be found at my writing journal. I do have a complete listing of all the fiction I've written so you an peruse it according to fandom and it is found here: http:///seasoned_snips/10709.html. Anonymous and open id both welcomed on my LJ. Fandoms I have written for include: Bleach, Blood Plus, Claymore, Crossover, D.Grayman, Darker than Black, Full Metal Alchemist, Full Metal Panic, Ghost Hunt, Ghost In the Shell: SAC, Gundam Wing, Honey & Clover, Inuyasha, Junjou Romantica, Kanon, Kyou Kara Maou, La Corda d'Oro, Noir, Original, and Tokyo Crazy Paradise. I cannot guarantee you that all of the above fandoms are written with quality as some were speed challenge fics. Plans: My current goals are to finish In The Shadows which is a Darker then Black/Kyou Kara Maou cross novel written in collaboration with Lenas_ill_fame @ LJ. This features the pairing Hei/Conrart. I'm also trying to clear my harddrive of half-written fics, especially as most of them just lack some polish and editing which they do need quite a bit of as most were written during nanowrimo. Nanowrimo 2009 Projects: Continue In the Shadows is the main goal as usually half my word count goes to this novel. With luck, this third nano will see us with a finished rough draft so we can finally begin to upload it. The other half of nano is a bit up in the air as I'm torn between picking up the threads of Broken Trust again or beginning to flesh out a plot for a Blood Plus/Darker than Black crossover. Either one requires me to refresh myself on the canon so i can get a feel for the characters. I'm sure most (assuming anyone stalks this profile still) would like to see Broken Trust finally finished. makes no promises A Thief in the Night: However much I hate to drop a fic, this fic has been officially dropped for several years due to it's complexity and me being a naive amateur who didn't do enough plotting (on paper) before writing. So when said amateur went off to gradschool for a year, her brain was wiped clean of everything in it because there's not enough room in her head to even contain all the knowledge her professors thought she should know let alone grasp all the strings of a novel this complex. End Notes: I will probably upload fiction from time to time depending on the content and also quality of the piece, but the majority of my works will be hosted on livejournal. Thank-you for supporting me! Your reviews have been a great motivation. If ever you're up for thoughtful conversation and/or passing along concrit, feel free to PM. I'm always ready to listen. Parsnip Credits and Additional Notes: Scattered Memories: Collection of Gundam Wing one-shots inspired by the themed livejournal communties 55themes and beat_of_destiny. Features Lady Une - character, Lucrezia Noin/Zechs Merquise - romantic, and Zechs/Treize - friendship. The Necessity of Virtue: Collection of Platonic Kagome/Sesshoumaru one-shots inspired by the themed livejournal community iy_no_kakera. Torn Apart is based off of is in its entirety at Mediaminer under Striking Falcon's name as well as at A Single Spark. |