Author has written 16 stories for Portal, Pokémon, My Little Pony, and Clue. Hello! I write fanfiction to practice my writing skills, but also so I can say that I have created something that I have actually shared with the world, for better or for worse. *I achieved my dream of writing my own novel! It's an ebook on the Barnes and Noble store, titled "Dragon and Damsel", by Ashley Kat. Please consider buying it if you enjoy my writing!* I am a member of a lot of fandoms. I read, I watch animated shows, I play video games, etc. I have a preference for sci-fi and fantasy genres. I enjoy anything with a good story, and love to ship characters. Also, I really like cats because they are awesome. I will be posting most of the My Little Pony fanfiction on my Fimfiction account under the same name: GeekCat |
BabyCharmander (44) DisneyFanatic2364 (32) | misskoifishpony (22) MizzyPlatinum (0) | taterforlife (2) Xelac (13) |