Author has written 36 stories for Star Wars, X-overs, Metal Gear, Higher Ground, Samurai Jack, Pokémon, Liberty's Kids, Harry Potter, Lord of the Flies, All Dogs go to Heaven, TV X-overs, Jeeves, Doctor Who, and Captain America. Wow. I made this account when I was in Middle School and I still have it now that I'm out of college. That said, most of the things here are relics (as you can probably tell by the dates on most of them) but I still post things once in a blue moon. Content depends on whatever fandom I'm into at any given time. As of 2016, it's Doctor Who, Pokemon, and Marvel. Feel free to get in touch, I'm an overly-compulsive e-mail checker. :D |
aachannoichi (42) almostinsane (38) amykaye (11) Dahne (0) Dark Manifest (18) | Doctor Vile (10) Higher Ground Bee (10) Insomnia Owl (0) KaetheCelt (3) keke1 (2) | luke-sama (6) Melms213 (6) Scarbie (32) Shadow Heartborn (6) Steve-Foster o-o (3) |