Title: I Remember Padme
Author: ecco1983
Pairings: Padme/Obi-Wan Kenobi
Summary: This is the events of Obi-Wan's romance with Padme, starting from the night of the Naboo celebrations. The story follows Obi-Wan's thoughts and feelings and actions as he watched his true love become united with Anakin. Basically, I'm writing scenes in between the scenes that were shown on film (if it isn't shown, I can make it up, right?). There will be some collision in some scenes that were in the films but not too many (I hope!)
POV: Obi-Wan Kenobi (except for the last chapter- that's from a general POV).
Time Period: the night after The Phantom Menace up until one year after The Courtship of Princess Leia (I know its a very long time period but its not a story that will stretch into endless chapters!)
Genre: Sex, Romance
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Het. Sex, swearing, violence, Oral Sex
Spoilers: The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith (only a little), A New Hope, Courtship of Princess Leia.
Disclaimer: The original characters come from the mind of George Lucas. I don't own them and I'm certainly not making any profit from this. This is just a task for me to enhance my creativity
Inspirations: Joe Cocker- "Love Lives On" as well as the Obidala (the term used to describe the pairing of Obi Wan and Padme) fan art I have seen and the art I have created myself
Music for the Story: Joe Cocker- "Love Lives On"
Archive: Sure, just let me know where so I can visit.
Chapter 1- Comfort
I'll never forget the first time I met her. For one thing, it was definitely not love at first sight. Underneath all that make up and royal clothing, she did not appeal to me sexually at all. I'll admit that I was intrigued by her. I mean, there are not many girls her age who would become Queen of a whole planet. She had a mind and a maturity that goes further than many teenage women.
It was when she was dressed as a handmaiden that I found her attractive. Underneath that less glamorous attire, her face lit up and I fell for her brown eyes. I remember Anakin telling me that she looked like an angel and I could not have agreed with him more. When she announced that the handmaiden I fell for was in fact the Queen, I was even more impressed. For one thing, I knew she had her wits about her. I like that in a woman.
I never knew that she felt the same way until that night……
It should have been a glorious night for me. I mean, I had defeated a Sith apprentice and I was entrusted with the care of Anakin, training him to become a Jedi. However, the loss of Qui-Gon was too much to bear. He had been more than my master- he had become the father I never knew. You see, many years ago, when it was time for me to be assigned to a Jedi master to be trained, there was no-one who would be willing to train me. And Qui-Gon had been very reluctant to train after what happened with his past student. But over the years, we became very close and to lose him, well you can imagine.
The Naboo celebrations went on all day and night. During the parade, I smile falsely but deep inside, I was still grieving for the loss of Qui-Gon. I tried to join in the evening celebrations but I just could not bring myself to do it. I had been given special quarters in the Theed Royal Palace for the evening and I spent most of my time there. I tried to sleep but all I could see in my head was the final moments of Qui-Gon's life. I remembered the whole scene being a pinkish red-colour because of the barrier that had been placed in front of me but it did not make the picture any dimmer. I could still see his face in shock as the lightsabre had been pierced through his body. I could see his face in my arms as he died. I could still feel his fingers softly touching my face and he said his last words to me.
I kept thinking: why was I not quick enough? I could have saved him. If I had been a few seconds quicker, I could have joined him in the battle and he might still be alive. Why was I not quick enough?
After a long and sleepless night, I found the confines of my quarters too claustrophobic to cope with so I moved down the magnificent corridors of the palace trying to think of something, anything to take my mind of what happened. I soon found myself in the royal gardens. It was a magnificent sight. Beautiful flowers were showing underneath the glowing sunrise. I had been to many places but none quite like this. Even now, after so long there has been no place that could match the beauty of this garden. I have only been there once but the smell is strong in my nostrils.
The atmosphere soothed my thoughts and calmed my frustrations. I don't remember I was there but it seemed like an eternity as I lay in the grass watching the sky changed colour. The colour change was hypnotic as black turned to dark blue and then to orange and then to pink.
I suddenly felt that I was alone in the garden. I slowly took hold of my (no it was actually Qui Gon's) lightsabre and quickly stood up to face the intruder ready to attack. With my sabre ignited, my blade was covering the intruder's face but I could see that they did not have a weapon. I lowered my blade a little and saw that the glowing blue face just twenty feet from me was her.
"Mi'lady" I said. I lowered my sabre and de-ignited it. "Why are you up at this early hour?"
She walked up to me and smiled. "I could easily ask you the same thing."
"I couldn't sleep" I admitted.
"So it's true", she said cheekily, "Jedis never sleep."
I had no idea if she was trying to be funny but I started laughing anyway. It felt such a relief to be able to laugh amongst the grief and pain I was feeling. And for some reason, it started her laughing as well. Before we knew what was happening, we were in the grass laughing like little children. Eventually the laughter died down and we lay down on the ground next to each other.
There were a few moments of silence before I decided to break it. "No, we Jedis do sleep. We live on adrenaline but I just couldn't sleep."
"I couldn't stop thinking about what happened in the lightsabre battle. The image just wont leave my mind."
Padme sighed, "That is just part of the grief. It will pass in time."
I turned my head and watched as she stared at the early morning sky. "I know but I just can't help thinking that I could have stopped it happening."
She turned to face him. "Stop it?"
I felt the tears well up in my eyes and I knew I should have stopped talking but I couldn't help it. Her eyes looked so soft and concerned that I could not help but give in. "I was not quick enough. If I had been faster on my reflexes, I would not have been separated from Qui-Gon and he might still be alive today. I failed him as a Jedi."
And then the tears came falling uncontrollably down my face. I closed my eyes and covered my damp face with my hands. This was the first time I had ever cried in my life. Not even when Qui-Gon had died in my arms, I did not cry. I just held him for an eternity. I felt ashamed. Jedis were supposed to control their emotions and yet here I was, crying my heart out. In that moment, I did not feel worthy enough to be a Jedi Knight.
Suddenly, I felt two soft hands take hold of my wrists and take my hands away from my face. Like a child, I tried to pull my wrists away but she had a strong grip for a girl of her age. She pulled my hands away, released and cupped my face into her hands.
"Look at me, Obi-Wan." She pleaded. When I refused, she pleaded again, "Please look at me."
I eventually opened my eyes and stared into hers. My eyes were blurry with tears but I still could see that kind face with her sad brown eyes looking at me. She started to stroke my left cheek with her hand and never stopped looking at me.
"Obi, you have not failed at all. You did not do wrong. You killed the man who was after me and I could have been ended up being forced to sign a treaty that would have brought pain and suffering to my people. You did not just save me. You saved my people." She paused, stroking my cheek softer. "As for Qui-Gon, you did not fail him either. He died as he lived- a noble Jedi Knight. You did not cause his death so don't ever blame yourself, my love."
Her voice was so soft and angelic, much softer than her gentle touch. I cannot deny that I was becoming aroused from her touch. I was so aroused that I did not take in what she had last said. It was a minute later when I realised.
"What did you call me?" I asked her gently.
She smiled. "I called you my love. Obi, I know I am young and we have not known each other for long but I think I'm in love with you."
I took her hand away from my face and began to kiss it gently. I could not believe it. She had fallen for me in the same way I had fallen with her. I began to stroke her long brown hair and wrapped my other arm around her. I drew her closer to me until my bulging erection was pressed against her. As I stroked her hair, I gently kissed her on the lips. She wrapped her arms around me and we became so close, it was as if we were stuck together.
I rolled her over so she was lying on the ground and her slender silky nightgown-clad body was enveloped in my Jedi robes. Our kiss was innocent until she began to open her mouth, opening mine as well. I licked her lips before entering my tongue into her mouth. I could hear her moan gently and I could feel the temperature begin to rise in my robes, especially in my trousers.
We eventually parted when we heard footsteps echoing in the palace. As I stroked her face, I whispered, "Is that what you wanted?"
She breathed her answer, "Yes. I want you."
I wanted her too but her morality made me change my mind. "We can't. Not now. You're too young and innocent."
She stared me with disappointment but she eventually nodded. "I understand."
I kissed her on the forehead and lifted myself off her. I held out my hand and she took it as she stood up. I walked her back to her quarters. As we entered her room, she kissed me on the cheek.
"Remember what I said, Obi. You are not to blame."
I smiled and nodded in acknowledgement and closed the door. I continued to walk down the corridor until I reached my quarters and closed the door behind me.
When I was in complete solitude, I began to strip myself of my Jedi robes until I could feel the heat of the room beating down on my naked body. I sat down at the edge of my bed and stared at myself in the mirror. My erection was large and weeping for attention. I trailed my fingers up and down my erection and around the end, wiping away the pre-cum. After I could not take it anymore, I took myself in hand and began to slowly move my hand up and down. Seeing my reflection pleasuring itself aroused me more and my movements quickened as my muscles tensed up. I closed my eyes and I visualised myself kissing and holding Padme in the garden- her face, her eyes, her gentle touch as our lips touched.
It was enough. I felt my body quiver and I cried out in ecstasy. My muscles relaxed and I lay back onto the bed as I felt my hand become wet and sticky. I don't know how long I remained on my bed but I was enjoying something I had never felt before. This was not the first time I had masturbated but it was the best orgasm I had ever experienced but then again, I had never thought of a female as I did it. But then again, as I said before, I found Padme to be special.
Later on, as my ship left Naboo and carried Anakin and I to Coruscant, I still could not sleep. However, it was not because of the loss of Qui-Gon but rather over the fact I was leaving without Padme. Before I left the ship, I had promised I would return to her. I had no idea when but I promised I would come back to her.
And I knew in my heart, it would be a promise well-kept.