Author has written 14 stories for Beyblade, Digimon, Dino Crisis, Lord of the Rings, and Kingdom of Heaven. Hey guys *waves* Can't think of much to say, so just better get on with this. Favourite stories/authors: 'An Eye For An Eye' By Nili 'Dragonrider' by Legorfilinde Halo Gatomon's stories, particulary her LOTR's trilogy: Falling Into Silence, Darkness Haunting and A Call Of Vengeance. 'Shadows on the Snow' by Bill-the-Pony 'Soul Of The Healer' by She-cat All of the stories by Siri, particulary the LOTR's ones. (That's probably just in my opinion though as I am not a huge fan of Star Wars). All the stories by Kaeera 'Rough Landings' by xsilicax: And here is where you can find the brilliant Legolas and Aragorn friendship stories. The series is called 'The Mellon Chronicles' (Mellon is 'friend' in Elvish) and I recommend them to everyone. Updated* New Alternate Universe story called "Exodus". It's a little different to anything I've written before but I ask that you give it a try. Hope you like it *grins and waves* Namárië mellyn nin Alilacia |