A Spoonful of Sugar

Rating: PG at the moment, will probably get worse. Disclaimer: I'm not quite sure who owns Beyblade, but it's probably someone Japanese and definitely not me. Though if somebody offered me Kai, I wouldn't protest.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Kai slumped against the wall, defeat etched across his face. He had been trying to get Tyson and Max to train for three hours now, but they just weren't co-operating. They were much more interested in the video of "You've been framed" that Max had accidentally recorded the night before, and were busy rolling on the floor in hysterics even now. Kai had hoped that after the third or fourth time, they might have lost interest, but no, they still found it hilarious to watch people falling backwards into swimming pools or being kicked in various places Kai couldn't bear to think about by crazy animals. Even Kenny was enjoying it! Kai sighed, letting his head fall into his hands. What had he done to deserve such a team?

Hearing footsteps in front of him, he looked up, straight into the amber eyes of his most valued team member, the only one who sometimes sided with him.

"Hey," grinned Ray, sitting down next to Kai. "Trouble with the minors?" Kai groaned.

"Don't get me started.." he growled, glaring ominously at the wall through which could be heard raucous laughter and shouts of:

"Play it back, Max! Let's watch that one again!"

Ray chuckled sympathetically.

"You know, if you want them to practice, you have to make it appealing. Stick something fun in there." Ray suddenly grinned wildly, mumbling under his breath, "In every job there must be done there is an element of fun. You find the fun and SNAP!" he clicked his fingers. "The job's a game!" Noticing Kai's look, he added, "It's from something I saw once." Kai nodded dubiously.

"I get your point though," he replied thoughtfully. As Kai stared off into the distance, Ray sneaked off out of the door, just in time to catch a woman having her skirt blown upwards by a powerful water jet. Shaking his head, he carried on out of the door and into the almost private retreat of his bedroom.


Kai sauntered into the room where the others had now progressed to acting out some of the scenes. At this precise moment in time, Tyson appeared to be falling backwards off a chair, though for what reason and what it was supposed to be representing stumped him. Kai clapped his hands slowly three times, leaning against the doorframe.

"Very good, Tyson," he smirked. "Do you do requests?"

"Oh hi Kai!" Kenny said, noticing the tall boy standing in the doorway. "Fancy joining in? Max is dying to kick someone in the balls!" Kai winced.

"Not now, thanks," he replied. "I have a proposition." Seeing he had their attention, he carried on. "We need to train. Or, more precisely, you need to train. You also want to have fun. So, what I propose is this. We play a game a bit like truth or dare. Two people battle. The loser answers any question, or does, whatever his opponent wants. Ok?"

There was silence for a moment. Ray, who had appeared without anyone knowing and had apparently heard the whole conversation from the other doorway, was the first break it.

"That sounds like fun!" he grinned, raising his eyebrows suggestively at Kai. The three smaller boys, all seated open-mouthed on the floor, after over-coming their initial shock at Kai suggesting something interesting, were quick to add their support with shouts and whoops. Ray raised his voice over all the others, and while opening the door to the training room, yelled,

"Let the beyblading commence!"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So, any good? Shall I carry on? Or not? Please review and let me know. Also tell me if there's anything you'd like someone to do, and I'll definitely consider it. You'll get credit for it too.. REVIEW! (please?)