Author has written 5 stories for Warhammer, Berserk, Familiar of Zero, Fairy Tail, RWBY, and Darkest Dungeon. Hello, my name is BluePanedGasMask. If you hadn't already noticed. Previously in life I have always enjoyed writing stories. Mostly in the Fantasy and Sci-fi categories, but predominately based on the Grim Dark Future of the 41st Millennium. Say what you want about the Models and GW itself, but the story and lore is one of the best created universes out there, and my personal favourite. However there are only two things in this world that will get me to write for any long period of time, if I can start writing at all. The pressure of a deadline and boredom. Since there are no deadlines on any of my stories or future stories, you can expect my updates to be sporadic at best. Expect long periods of no response from me and then a mass of chapters all posted around about the same time. One thing that does help motivate me is critical feedback and ideas of how to change or continue my stories. I may hit a blank at some point and will need the help of some Good Samaritan of the internet to push me along. Who I will also credit in the next update. Hope you enjoy my stories and feel free to review and comment. Oh and no copyright infringements intended. Warhammer and all other universes included in my stories are each owned by their respective companies. |
Doomeater (2) Nemris (4) | Vindicare40k (13) |