Disclaimer: I don't own Familiar of Zero or Re:Monster

Chapter 1

Tony Black was known as a rather friendly person, always seeming to go out of his way to help others. He spent much of his waking hours volunteering at local hospitals or working at animal shelter. His sunny personality made him rather well liked in his neighborhood. In fact he had just turned seventeen two days ago, and had spent the day getting congratulated by everyone he happened to bump into.

All of this makes it more surprising to find him standing on the railings of a tall bridge, just at the very edge.

The reasons for this was because of some very bad news he had just received. If there was one thing that Tony valued more than his life, it was the lives of his two younger siblings. His two younger twin sisters meant the world to him, always dotting on them, whenever the opportunity would arise. Rebecca and Lucy had just turned four last month and he had given them two limited edition figurines from there favorite TV show, something about magical girls.

Besides helping people, he had an obsession with anime and manga, something that his sisters also took a liking to, always demanding to watch them on the big-screen TV in the living-room with him. His room was decorated with posters, books, DVDs and figurines, but they were always second place to his family.

The reasons for wanting to commit suicide was that he no longer had any of that. He had been planning to spend another weekend with the twins watching some anime after cooking them dinner, their parents would arrive in a couple of hours, when he saw that he didn't have enough eggs to finish the meal. He decided to leave them at home while he ran to the market two blocks away, having done this before whenever they had wanted ice-cream.

Unfortunately as he was making his way back to the house he saw a firetruck head the same direction, but he payed it no mind. It wasn't until he was within viewing distance of his home that the saw that they were parked right outside his house, worse yet his house was currently on fire. He dropped his groceries in his panic and sprinted to get inside, however a fireman had spotted him and stopped him before he could get inside, and no matter how much he pleaded, begged or screamed the man refused to let him go.

It was half an hour latter that the fire was finally put out and his once pristine home was reduced to ashes and timber. Tear tracks could be seen on his face as he stared back with emotionless eyes. He was facing the door when a group of men came out side carrying with them two body bags, it was clear who both were. A passing man said that the fire had originated from the kitchen and them made it's way to the living room where they found the girls.

His one careless mistake had cost him the lives of his siblings and home. He couldn't take the guilt of knowing that their blood would forever be on his hands. He reached the bridge in record time, and easily climbed over the fence, the water below was churning account of the heavy downpour that hit a couple couple of hours ago.

He was soaked to the bone, but he didn't care, all that mattered to him at that moment was ending his suffering. His fingers were numb and his lips were blue from the cold, but as he began to take a step forward all he could say was a whisper, before plunging to the icy depths below.

"... I'm sorry."

He closed eyes not wanting to see the moment of his death, it was for this reason that he didn't notice the red portal just a couple of feet above the water's surface and directly below him. He didn't even feel as the portal had engulfed him fully.

Day 1

Bleary eyes snapped open before they closed completely unprepared for the sudden light that shined on them. It took a couple more adjustments before the mysterious person fully opened his eyes enough to take in their surroundings.

The first thing they noticed as the rock ceiling and walls, not to mention the rock covered ground. The next thing he noticed was small green creatures rapped upped in rags, then he noticed that he himself was also in a rags, acting as a blanket. Then he noticed a small green 'thing' walking around them the size of a child with green skin, pointed ears, and black claws.

All of this helped to awaken the memory of a manga that he had read awhile ago. It was about a man that was killed and then reborn as a goblin, and after much struggle managed to evolve and then become head of his tribe. It appeared that he was now in the same situation.

The walking goblin came to him, surprised to see that he was awake.

"Hmm a strange one, I'll name you Gobuto," he said before walking away.

With this the now named Gobuto was left with his thought quickly becoming depressed and cried as he mourned the deaths of his sister. He had wanted to die but instead got a second chance at life, and that only served to make his suffering more.


Day 3

It was on the second day of his 'rebirth' that he was told to look for his own food, no longer able to eat the worms that he was given. Although he was still depressed, he managed to keep an eye open for any goblins that were called Goburou thinking that maybe he was in the manga, but quickly found out that he wasn't. There didn't seem to be any type of intelligent goblins besides himself.

He decided to hunt just like in the manga and with a quick trap he managed to get himself a small 'Horned Rabbit'. He didn't have the luxury of cooking it so after he snapped off the horn he began to eat the rabbit whole.

Glancing at the horn in his hand he began to look around for a long stick that was mostly straight, and with a few vines managed to make a low quality spear.

He had thought of killing himself again but thought that it would only have become a disservice to his sisters, plus he needed to be punished, and what better way than to live in this new hostile world.

He spent the rest of the day hunting some more rabbits managing to sneak up on three small rabbits and then tricking a bigger rabbit twice their size to fall into a trap where he rammed his spear through it's head.

Normally hurting anything would go against his nature but his mentally had apparently been changed along with his body. It was while he was eating the biggest one that he heard a strange voice in his head.

[Gobuto obtained a small animal horn]

So shocked was he that he had dropped his meal, before he calmed himself and realized that he must have had the same powers as Goburou, meaning he could eat things and gain their power. This was proven correct when he gained the [Escape] skill.

I returned back to the cave but not before going to a nearby river and fashioning some crude knives with some obsidian looking rock.

Day 4

Gobuto was out again, only this time he had his horn-spear and two black stone knives. When he squinted he could make out a number at the edge of his vision, indicating his level, it was currently at level 40 from all that he had eaten.

He continued to look for any goblins that looked like the ones from the manga, but had yet to find one with a shred of intelligence. Of the almost fifty young goblins that had went out yesterday only around thirty had come back, the rest were probably dead.

He checked the traps that he had set up before going home yesterday, and saw that they had been able to capture three Horned Rabbits and at least seven Night Vipers from pit fall traps. He decided to eat them whole since it would be a chore to drag them wherever he went, and he still planned to hunt.

Ability learned [Thermography]

Ability learned [Venom]

Ability learned [Poison Resistance]

Ability learned [Sense Presence]

Ability learned [Evil Eye]

Ability learned [Evil Eye Tolerance]

This seemed to surprise Gobuto since in the manga it usually took Goburou much longer to gain these ability, but then remembered that he didn't have anybody to split his meal like his counterpart.

He coated his spear and knives in a poison that he was able to secrete from his hands. With that done he decided to hunt more of the snakes to level up his abilities.

It was around two o'clock when he found a strange animal that he latter recognized as an Armored Tanuki, and although the shell was incredibly tough he was able to skill it with the use of [Evil Eye], which slowed down an enemy's movements, and a poison covered spear to the soft belly.

Ability learned [Shell Defense]

Ability learned [Endure]

He continued to hunt until the last rays of sun disappeared. That night was also spent crafting new clothes and equipment from the materials he was able to gather.

He now had an armored shirt and pants thank to the Night Viper pelts and the Armored Tanuki shells.

Day 7

Gobuto glanced at his level, 96, before his vision came back to rest at the mouth of the cave.

During the past days Gobuto had thrown himself into gathering as much food as possible, often throwing himself into battle with reckless abandonment, looking like he wanted to die. In truth that was actually true, he could not kill himself, but if he died at the hands of a stronger opponent then he could rest in piece.

He had no purpose in life and spent most of his nights crying to himself, something that the other goblins thought was a weakness, so would make sure to avoid him.

Using [Thermography] along with [Night Vision], the ability given to all goblins, he was able to locate a cave a couple hundred feet from his home. Inside were about sixty Seven Colored Bats and he was planning to take them all alone.

He first covered himself with the scale armor and then activated the [Shell Defense]. Next he covered the entrance with vines that had spines all along its length that he coated with his poison. Then finally instead of using his spear he made a giant fly swatter made from bark, vines, and finally in-bedded sharp rocks covered in poison.

It only took around twenty minutes but in the end all sixty bats were killed and then eaten just as quickly.

Ability learned [Echolocation]

Ability learned [Pump Up]

Ability learned [Vampirephilia]

It was just as he was returning back home that he spotted a lone Orc carrying with him a pickax and a large sack over his shoulder, he also had blood staining his clothes.

Gobuto sneaked his way behind the pig like creature, that was about three times his height. He had four black knives all coated in poison, his spear had been damaged the day before. When he was withing striking distance he used [Pump Up] to give his attack more power and thrust two knives at the back of the Orc's knees at the same time.

The Orc roared in pain, dropping to the ground, Gobuto however was quick to react and pounced on his opponent's back before getting another knife and stabbing directly over the neck, then with a vicious twist separated the spinal cord, effectively killing the orc.

It was eaten rather quickly managing to give him the abilities [Libido], [Orc Language], and [Detect Analysis].

He then opened up the bag that the orc was carrying, and saw that it was full of glowing stones, he quickly concluded that they must have been spirit stones.

Fire Spirit Stone-

Ability learned [Pyrokinesis]

Ability learned [Flame Tolerance]

Water Spirit Stone-

Ability learned [Hydro Hand]

Ability learned [Aqua Tolerance]

Thunder Spirit Stone-

Ability learned [Electromaster]

Ability learned [Lightning Tolerance]

Air Spirit Stone-

Ability learned [Aero Master]

Ability learned [Storm Resistance]

Earth Spirit Stone-

Ability learned [Earth Control]

Ability learned [Earth Resistance]

That night he slept peacefully for the first time since he didn't have nightmare about his sisters.

Day 8

When Gobuto awoke he new what awaited him. In the manga Goburou had become a hobgoblin after eating an orc on his 14th day, the only reason why he had leveled up faster had to do with him actively hunting stronger opponents, and consuming them fully instead of sharing them among two others.

It might also have to do with Gobuto's wish to die, therefore throwing himself into dangerous situations.

He went to a nearby river to check his appearance and was surprised to instead of seeing his human face, he looked exactly like how Goburou looked. Although this had shocked him, he was also rather pleased since he didn't think he could stomach looking at his original face anymore.

His black skin and the red markings meant that He had gained the [[Divine Protection] of the Great God governing Origin and Demise]. This would allow him to use [End] magic which was one of the most deadly sort of magic available.

He decided to make himself some new clothes and therefore he hunted some more creatures this time managing to find a Demon Spider, it was 60 cm long and black with a yellow line.

Ability learned [Spider Thread Creation]

Ability learned [Thread Wielding Arts]

The young Hobgoblin even managed to find a small nest of spider, getting to use his [Pyrokinesis] ability for the first time.

Just as he was finishing the last of the spiders he saw a golden spider, two meters in size. Since he had 'Rank Up'-ed he was taller now, the size of a medium sized adult, but as he stared at the hungry filled eyes of the arachnid he felt smaller.

Thankfully [Evil Eye], [Venom], [Shell Defense], [Pump Up], and [Pyrokinesis] were able to defeat it without to much trouble.

Ability learned [Gold Thread Creation]

Ability learned [Adamantine Spider Carapace]

As he returned to his home again he was able to overhear how some of the human women where finally well enough to be used, since apparently they had been too injured during their capture to be used as breeding-stock without them dying.

With that in mind he made his way to the storage room where they had been kept. There were ten in total, seven of them were dressed in rags, covered with various liquids, and had a dead look in their eyes. However it was the three that were huddled in a corner with their limbs tied together that gave him hope, thankfully their clothes where still intact.

He went over to them but stopped when he saw them flinch, taking in their appearance he was able to tell that they had been normal civilians before their capture. However what startled him the most was that two of the girls were twins, and in that moment their images where replaced by that of his dead sisters, only managing to anger him.

They had black hair reaching their neck, with green eyes that showed just how truly afraid they were. In that moment he decided that he would do everything in his power to protect them.

He had finally found his purpose in this world.

First however, he needed to fix a certain problem. They watched him fearfully when he fed the other women a poison that was painless, they were too far gone to save. After laying them down and covering their body up, he rummaged through the various crates until he found a new sharp knife, that was big enough for him.

Making his way back to the frightened girls, he knelled in-front of them, they closed their eyes from what they thought he would do. He shocked them however when he cut their bindings, he stood back up and looked through the crates again, this time he managed to find weapons for the girls. He gave each twin a spear and the other girl was given a sword, and all of them received a shield.

He put a finger to his lips then pointed to the door, making them understand immediately what he was trying to say. In fact Gobuto had not spoken a word since his rebirth. Most thought he was mute if it was not for the crying he did.

That night was spent sneaking up on every goblin in the cave and slitting their throat with a poison covered dagger. None were spared.

Day 9

He had kept watch all night fearing that a goblin had managed to escape his purge, but his use of [Echolocation], [Thermography], and [Sense Presence] helped him calm down.

It was by noon that the three girls had managed to gather enough courage to step out of their room. What they saw was the bodies of all the goblins littering the stone ground, all of them sported a slash on their throats were blood continued to pool around them. They were finally able to locate Gobuto at the mouth of the cave, it was currently raining, and when they finally saw his face they could see him stare off into the distance with tears constantly running down his face.

The rest of the day was spent getting rid of the bodies, Gobuto began by taking the goblin bodies and dragging them far into the forest where he would eat them. The bodies of the women where also disposed of like this, and made him gain multiple abilities.

Ability learned [Human Language]

Ability learned [Mental Mapping]

Ability learned [Job- Magician]

Ability learned [Job- Light Swordsman]

Ability learned [Job- Druid]

Ability learned [Job- Craftsman]

Ability learned [Job- Appraiser]

Ability learned [Job- Blacksmith]

Ability learned [Job- Tailor]

Ability learned [Job- Cook]

Ability learned [Job- Alchemist]

Of the seven girls, only two had been warriors the rest were civilians.

He had also managed to hunt down a dozen Horned Rabbits, and easy thing with all of his skills. When he got back to the cave he saw that the three girls where still there, although they had put on more armor. He silently walked passed them and reached the storage room before taking out various cooking utensils, then built a fire-pit using [Earth Control].

He wordlessly began to skin the animals before adding them to the giant pot filled with boiling water. Gobuto had found bowls and gave each of the girls one before filling it up with soup. They began talking to themselves and he was able to find out that the twins were called Opal and Ruby, while the third one was named Crystal.

Ruby and Opal were dressed in boiled leather armor, that was way too big for them. Crystal however was dressed in rusted metal armor, she had long blonde hair that was pulled into a ponytail, and had blue eyes, they were perhaps around his age.

It was Crystal that finally decided to talk to Gobuto. "I want to thank you for what you did yesterday?" she said before bowing her head at him, quickly followed by the two other girls.

"My name is Crystal, and the twins are Ruby and Opal. What is your name?" she introduced herself and the others.

"... My name is Ton- ... My name is Gobuto," he answered back with perhaps the first words he was spoken since his rebirth.

"Why did you save us yesterday?" Ruby asked, being the braver of the two.

"... I felt the need to," he answered.

"Why?" This time it was Opal who asked.

"... You were scared and I felt bad." He said honestly.

Silence settled over them as the once captured girls tried to understand how one of the beings that had enslaved them, had also given them back their freedom.

"... I'll take you back home when you are fully recovered," he said breaking the silence.

He slept peacefully that night, his soul a lot lighter.

Day 18

The following days were spent helping the girls recover. He was there when they needed to eat, when they needed to sleep, when they eventually broke down and began to cry, he would comfort them as best as he could. He was their one constant.

Eventually the girls had begun to trust him (it helped that he was at least half a head shorter than them) and had even told him a bit about themselves. Ruby and Opal where apparently the daughters of some rich noble that lived in a nearby town, Crystal was their handmaiden, and all of them had gotten captured when they had been traveling with a trading caravan that was returning home.

Gobuto also talked a bit about himself, but never anything from his past life. They were understandably shocked when they found out that he was in-fact only a couple of days old.

He had made them a bed using wood and spider silk. The cave had been cleaned so that any traces of goblins had been removed.

During this time he had also gone out to hunt further. It was during one of these days that the encountered a group of Kobolds, they were humanoid with the head of a dog, five in total.

They were getting to close to the cave so when nightfall came he sneaked into their camp and after killing their look out with a poison arrow, killed the rest in their sleep. He also gained more skills.

Ability learned [Kobold Language]

Ability learned [Predict]

Ability learned [Internal Mana Control]

Ability learned [Magician's knowledge]

Ability learned [Intimidating Roar]

Then next interesting thing to happen was that he finally encountered a heard of Triple Horned Horses. To fight them he first turned the ground they were standing on into mud using [Earth Control] then when they sank down to their knees, he hardened it. What followed was him testing his [End] magic by creating a black lance with his magic and then throwing them at the immobilized horses.

By the end he had gotten control of the black lance and managed to kill the fifteen horse. He was able to make them in both hands now and only took a couple of seconds.

Ability learned [Armored Scale Charge]

Ability learned [Scaled Horse's Neigh]

Ability learned [Rapid Recovery]

Ability learned [Enhanced Leg Strength]

Ability learned [Triple Stab]

Ability learned [Strong Frame]

Ability learned [Scale Armor Formation]

Finally he went hunting for slimes the managing to find countless green ones and even a couple rare grey slimes. In the manga he had always thought that the ability that Goburou received were always the best.

[Physical Damage Reduction]

[Self-Body Fluid property Manipulation]



[Infused Liquid Restoration]

With this ability Gobuto was able to negate many physical attacks, shape-shift his body into any desired form, and even clone himself.

He began by hunting down more animals, then he used a combination of [Vampirephilia], [Infused Liquid Restoration], and [Self-Replication] to clone himself at least five times. Each had half his power which meant that he could now leave them to guard the girls and scout the area to make sure no threats were overlooked.

Day 19

The girls had been surprised at first when he showed up at the cave with five little identical copies of himself, but after explaining himself, they managed to not think much of it.

He sent out three to hunt and bring back food for them, while he spent most of the morning in the storage room organizing all of the stuff that had been collected. He now wore a steel breast-plate, a white shirt, a black armored leather jacket, followed by matching leather pants covered in Armored Tanuki shells. He didn't wear any shoes but carried with him gauntlets that had claws on each finger. His weapon was a spear strapped to his back, two short swords on each hip, and countless daggers attached to his pants and jacket.

He was just about to make dinner when he received an urgent message from one of his clones through the telepathic link they all shared. Apparently his scouts had spotted a giant red Hind Bear heading in there direction.

Fear started to grip at the young hobgoblin's heart as he instantly knew what it was. It was the Red Bear, the King of the Mountain, and probably the only monster in the entire forest that had posed as a threat to Goburou in the manga.

He was afraid because he did not think he could defeat it as he was now, but he didn't have much of a choice now. He mentally recalled of his clones, except for one that would continue to tail the bear.

His first priority was the safety of the girls so with that in mind he rushed to the armory he got three iron shields and a couple of spears and quickly located them. They were just at the mouth of the cave enjoying what little sun they could after being trapped in the cave so long. All of them wore smiles and they laughed without a care, they stopped however when they noticed him and the grim expression he carried, as well as all the equipment in his hands.

"Is something wrong Gobuto?" asked Crystal with a worried voice.

All he could do was nod, "You have to hide."

"What!? Why!?," exclaimed Ruby.

"A monster is coming straight here and I'm unsure if I can protect you, so you have to go to the storage room and barricade the entrance until it is safe." He said as he began to pass out the equipment. They only took it when they saw that he wasn't joking.

He helped them to cover up the entrance as best as he could with his silk and poison, and although it wouldn't really help them if the Red Bear made it that far, it at least made them feel safer.

After making sure that it was secure he reached the mouth of the cave again and spun his golden spider silk until the whole entrance was covered, then covering it up with leaves and mud to hide it. He decided to pick a hiding place for himself as he waited for the King of the Mountain.

It only took a couple of minutes when he saw it reach his location, and by that time all of his five clones where in position to attack if it looked like it was going to the cave.

For a second it looked like it was going to leave, but then it began to sniff the ground and finally it turned towards the cave entrance. It began to make it's way there, but before it could make it half way there five [Spear of End] came flying from the trees from different directions.

The Red Bear proved to be just as tough as in the manga, when it managed to dodge all but two of the spears. It now had two holes in it's arm, not being able to escape completely. Gobuto was the only one that emerged since he was the only one to have any weapons. He knew that if he was to survive, then he had to use everything, at one point he would have welcomed his death, but now he had a job of protecting the girls.

Gobuto counted himself lucky since he at least new what his opponent was capable of. Already his clones had black lances ready to throw if they found an opening, he unstrapped his spear and got in a ready stance, gulping nervously as the Red Bear continued to look at him. He sprinted at the bear with a loud war cry, his spear aimed to impale the bear's heart, signifying the start of the battle.

A/N: This chapter was meant to portray Gobuto as a young man who not only battles monsters but also his depression. Hopefully it sets the mood I am trying to make, while Goburou in the manga was more of a fighter and conqueror, Gobuto is a protector.

Gobuto is trying to repent for the death's of his sisters as well as find a purpose in his new life, this will eventually lead to him being summoned by Louise to be her familiar. However instead of just helping her out every time she is in trouble, his role will be more of a teacher and close friend.

Next chapter Gobuto will face the rest of the monsters mentioned in the manga and return the girls to there home, as well as being summoned by Louise.

If you would like to see something be added please write it in the review. I'm trying to break the mold and hope to get some ideas.