Angels and Fairies
ATTENTION: This is a Rewrite. Most of the story and characters are the same as before, with minor changes. I am going to be re posting the rest of this story soon, but several small chapters (especially the first ones) have been condensed into larger singular chapters.
I do not own either Fairy Tail or Warhammer 40,000. They are each owned by their respective companies. This story is for fun only, no copyright infringements intended.
For once, the town of Magnolia was quiet. The shops had all closed and its inhabitants had all resigned themselves to sleep. Even one particular guild had fallen silent; all but one or two guild members had left for home to crash down into their beds in blissful sleep, after the usual regime of booze and brawls. Yes all was quiet in the Fairy Tail guildhall. The forest surrounding Magnolia however...
The sounds of creaking oak and splintered wood, resounded into the night, as a combined pair of limbs, and blonde and pink (although some would argue salmon) hair, crashed through branches towards a nearby cliff. One of whom was unconscious.
"Lucy! Wake up damn it!" The pink boy cried. Spotting the quickly approaching cliff, the pair was spiraling towards; he twisted his body to bear the brunt of the damage.
"Got you!"
With a whoosh of displaced air, another woman, clad in black winged plate mail, shot sideways past the two grabbing Lucy and in turn the attached pink haired boy.
"Erza! You can't hold both of us" and with a split second decision, let go of the girl.
The crack of timber was soon joined by the destruction and crumbling of stone, the very rocks shattering at the force of the incoming object.
"Natsu! Hold on, I'm coming"
But it was not to be as the familiar sound of an unnatural bark filled the air. A black 'bolt' of metal, followed by a trail of air streams, flew at the flying maiden, connecting with her wing. The redhead, turned her head to inspect any damages. A solid piece of black curved metal was lodged in the armored wings joint.
"A disabling shot? Not a proble..." And then she read the inscription etched into the metal slug.
"Oh no."
With the hiss of depressurized air and the small crack of metal, the bolt exploded outwards in a shower of fire and shrapnel. Erza felt a searing pain on the one side of her body, but luckily Lucy had been sheltered from the blast. As Erza spiraled out of control from the blast, she threw Lucy into a lake nearby. At her current velocity, it would sting, but hopefully wouldn't cause any further damage. Erza herself came to a crashing halt as she hit the ground; the earth crumbling and deep furrows were formed as Erza's feet slowed her landing. She was breathing heavily and had taken a knee leaning on her sword. Her black armor was in poor condition, one half was crumpled, bent and covered in earth from the landing, while the opposite side, her wing was completely destroyed, blasted clean off the joint, leaving only a stump of metal attached to her shoulder blade, the shards of the wing were strewn across the path she had taken. The armor itself had been rent and torn, as well as the corresponding flesh within, which was bleeding profusely, leaking out of her armor and flowing down her leg. The most extensive damage however was to the redhead's face. The same side as her broken wing, Erza's hair had been burnt and a shard of metal, a piece of her own suit, had cut a swathe of her red hair from her head and imbedded itself into her skull. Other shards had sliced the flesh along her face, leaving her with a line of parted skin cutting through her ear, the side of her mouth and down her chin. Another hail of shards had cut through her left eye and caused the side of her face to swell her eyelids shut.
Trying her best to stand she succeeded in lifting her head. Only to see an armored silhouette rise over the hill, peering through the parting of trees, that Natsu and Lucy had been promptly thrown through. A spiked halo of golden energy radiated from behind the figures head. In one hand she clutched the offending weapon. A pistol, but it was like no other magical gun that Erza was familiar with. It was too large and blocky to be a pistol, yet the figure seemingly held it comfortably in one hand. On firing it had emitted no magic circle like other magic guns, no magic energy could be felt, no aura, no build up, just CLINK and BOOM. The barrel itself, still smoking, was huge, but not curved outwards like many other blunderbusses of the same caliber. However this didn't concern Erza at the moment. What concerned her was what the armored figure had clutched in her other hand, by the hair.
"Gray..." Erza whispered.
The armor released the black haired boy, who groaned as his face was then pressed mercilessly against the shallow mud and earth, by a heavy metal boot. After a twist of an ankle and tearing of hair, the boot was raised higher and higher, red eyes glaring out of the armors helmet, that fully enclosed and hid their opponents face, looked straight into Erza's pleading eyes.
"No..." Erza mumbled hoarsely once again. To weak to speak at any understandable volume, yet the eyes that burrowed into her soul seemed to still recognize the plea. And ignore it.
The armoured warrior roared, in a voice to high and feminine to be that of a mans, as the metal 'power armored' boot heel, came crashing down upon Gray's head.
Seconds earlier
Lucy awoke, choking on the water that had begun to force its way down her throat. Panicking, she scrambled to the water's edge, the silt and mud clinging to her legs and her skirt. Her skin stung and her limbs ached, but she could still fight. She remembered that she had been knocked out and sent flying, but Natsu had caught her, as he always did. Turning around she surveyed her surroundings. She gasped in shock. Ersa had been grounded and way severely wounded. Natsu himself was imbedded in a cliff, his eyes in the back of his head and mouth open.
Time seemed to slow as Lucy's eyes teared up. For she had looked up the hill, seen the armored woman, heard her proclamation and 'felt' the stomach churning, wet shattering as Gray's skull was crushed into the ground, atop the hill. Her eyes glazed over for a moment, as she remembered how many times Gray had been there for her. If Natsu had saved her countless times, Gray had saved her every other time. He had been there almost as much as the pink haired dragon slayer. Fought and bled with them, laughed and cried with them. Now he was gone. Shattered by this one woman who they did not know, nor did she know them. The warrior woman gazed down the hill, a red glare leveled at the blonde girl. Seeing her other opponents beaten and broken, she spoke one word before turning away.
Lucy's eyes ceased being glazed over. How DARE she! How dare she look upon us, after killing their friend and judge them! Lucy was no longer sad. She was no longer scared. Her eyes filled with a white light, as she purposefully drew each and every one of the twelve golden celestial keys, the final pieces entrusted to her by Yukino of Sabre Tooth. Placing six in one hand and six in the other, she spoke, her voice amplified a dozen times.
"Open: Gate of the Celestial spirits!" Lucy bellowed, swinging the keys across her body diagonally, trailing gold light behind each key forming a grid of light in front of her.
The armored woman turned, and tilted her head in a twisted parody of curiosity, the metal helmet, creaking as it brushed against the metal collar protecting the woman's neck.
"Oh?" She spoke curiously.
From the lake behind Lucy, a titanic gate of golden azure metal rose from the waters. The Celestial gate was the opposite of the manmade eclipse gate. It was strangely translucent and seemed to flicker in and out of existence for the briefest of moments before solidifying. With the chime of a bell the doors parted revealing a white land of mist and stars. And out stepped each of the celestial spirits. Aquarius, Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Sagittarius, Leo, Aries, Capricorn, Gemini, Scorpio, Pisces, Libra. All appeared and formed around their summoner.
"What do you ask of us?" The all chorused.
On weak knees, Lucy fell to the ground, but the look of pure rage, determination and hatred that burned in her eyes, that would put any of Natsu's rages to shame, glared up the hill and bored into the eyes of the enemy, before screaming;
Back at the Fairy Tail Guild
Mira 'The Demon' Strauss was busy cleaning the bar and clearing up any remaining damages from the previous day. All the guild members except her and the master had left. And of course; as she lifted a table up off its side, revealing a sleeping dark haired woman hugging a wooden beer keg, clad only in a blue bra to cover her huge... Assets. Cana. Again. Mira smiled softly and left the table where it was, not wanting to disturb her. But before she could continue cleaning, a tall, hooded and cloaked man pushed the guild's main doors open. The sound of a small clank could be heard at every step he took. Mira turned as a buzzing could be heard, no 'felt', at the back of her head.
The figure's cloak was light red with a white skull, surrounded by a clockwork cog, printed on the bottom left corner of the cloak as well as the number twenty four. His shoulders and chest were covered in a combination of bronze and steel plating that also ran down his front and in between his legs. Pipes ran out from the sides of his chest piece, that was also bearing the skull and cog symbol. They snaked round his body, under his arms and over his shoulders to a pack slung over his back. It was a combination of metal and wood, which emitted clicks and grinding noises constantly. More disturbing was the man's face. Head covered in a red hood, his face was seemingly covered in a metal mask, that emitted an eerie blue glow from the unblinking, emotionless panes that served as his eyes. A black cylinder covered the bottom half of his face, two more pipes, attached to each of the cylinder's ends, looped round to the back of his neck and once again attached to the metal pack. None of the man's skin was visible. Anywhere. Even his hands were gloved in black leather, and his feet and legs were clad in yet more metal. However, after the first look of surprise, Mira smiled at the newcomer. Fairy tail was full of unique characters and this man probably had his reasons for hiding himself, like Mystogan. The man came to a stop in front of the bar, towering over Mira.
"Can I help you?" Mira asked putting on her signature Fairy tail smile. Her smile dropped slightly however when the man replied.
"Affirmative psyker." He intoned. His voice was… There was no other way to describe it, mechanical. It was emotionless and the garble of static could be heard after each word was pronounced. "I require a vantage point. Is there a platform atop this structure?"
This confused Mira as she replied with a frown. "Yes... There's a roof and a balcony up those stairs, three flights up. My name's Mira by the way. Do you need to familiarize yourself with Magnolia?"
"Incorrect psyker." The man replied as he clanked off towards the stairs, a confused Mira in tow.
"Who is this guy? What could he possibly want on the roof?" Mira thought. "I'll keep an eye on him."
Magnolia forest
As their master commanded so should it be. Each spirit surged into motion. Aquarius was the first to strike, gathering up a swirling vortex of crystal water from the lake and sending a constant spiralling beam of water directly on top of the armored woman. Despite the lake emptying its contents onto the metal clad maiden, she stood strong, somehow still breathing in the flood of water.
She rose her arms in the air and proclaimed, "Is that all!" before she felt the weight of two bodies collide with her face.
Under the immense pressure of water, the woman hadn't been able to perceive the real threat. The twin fish of Pisces had rode Aquarius' current and after switching to their human forms, that of a mother and her son. Delivered a pair of double footed kicks directly to the armoured woman's face sending her reeling, before the pair gracefully landed a few feet in front of the woman. With the torrent of water finally ceasing, the armour creaked back to a standing position. Seeing her clearly for the first time, Pisces could now observe in fine detail the appearance of their foe. Covered in head to toe by dull white plate armour, neither facial feature or body features could be defined, except the fact that there was indeed a woman inside the thick layered sheets of plate. Two lumps of obvious significance could be seen in the metal breastplate covering the woman's chest. A gold studded corset made of the same material, was also present. Her gauntlets were the only black in an otherwise white set of armour, except for a thick shroud of black leather that trailed round her waist and reached down to her legs. The armour was decorated to the extreme with gold studs ringing around the outside of each individual piece of armour. The metal plates protruding from her shoulders bore a golden double-headed eagle, only one of which had an eye, on the left side. The right plate however was in a less pristine condition. The previous ornament seemed to have been removed and a shallow imprint of what looked like three feathers tied together, was replaced by the black metal of a stylized I, three horizontal lines crossing in the middle. The most glaring detail however, was the gold spiked halo that shone, flat towards any the woman faced, a gold aura around the helmet. The halo appeared solid yet translucent at the same time, flickering out of existence.
Rolling her shoulders and neck, metal rubbing metal, she attached the pistol to her hip and took out the hilt of a sword with her right hand. The twin fish, standing ready with their tridents, looked curiously at each other.
'No blade? Something doesn't add up about this.' They both thought.
Hearing the sudden whir of a machine, the armour charged forward and the two responded in kind. The woman used her armoured right shoulder to deflect the stab of the son, allowing his momentum to cause him to stumble forwards. She then used her left hand to grab the mother's trident. With inhuman strength the armour directed the pointed haft into the mother's stomach. The son recovered from his stumble, spinning around to see his own mother impaled on her own spear, as the armour, not even turning to face him, dug the trident into the ground, leaving her as if on display. The son screamed at the woman's back in rage, but not before the woman, with lightning speed unbelievable in such thick heavy armour, span round. The son felt a sudden pain in his neck and the world began to tilt. The last thing he saw was a huge length of golden metal, extending from the previously empty sword hilt the woman possessed. The blade had cut through his neck. From ten feet away.
At their master's order, the rest of the celestial spirits had begun charging up the hill towards their target, the mysterious armoured woman who had caused Lucy such pain. Aquarius had sent Pisces up quickly to delay the woman and stop her from escaping. The next up the hill was Virgo, who was carrying Taurus through the earth to the top of the hill. Shooting high into the air, ready to bring the axe (and chains) down upon their enemy, they arrived just to see the son of Pisces head hit the floor. With a burst of light and the sound of shattering glass, the twin fish of Pisces disappeared, their essence returning to the celestial plain. Taurus the first to recover, bellowed in rage and sighting the armoured woman, who now wielded a large one handed sword. He plummeted down from the sky, his axe held high over his head as he came down on top of the armoured woman, who raised her own blade to meet it. An explosion of dust and light expanded from the point of collision, as the two forces met.
Unfortunately for Taurus the woman had only used one hand. The other had retrieved the bulky pistol and was aiming in at Taurus' head. The celestial bull was too enraged to notice and would have taken a bullet if it weren't for the celestial maiden herself. Virgo snapped out of her shock, seeing one of her remaining friends in danger. The two chains attached to her wrists shot out and wrapped themselves around Taurus. Quickly pulling back on the chains, Taurus was dragged through the air to land next to a now panting Virgo. A millisecond later, a bark and an explosion sounded from the pistol, missing Taurus and detonating in the sky. The armours feet shifted, facing towards her next two opponents. The red eyes glaring out of the helmet seemed to glow in anger.
"So you like chains then girl?" She growled.
The blade in her right hand retracted leaving only a hilt, which she stored on her belt along with the pistol. Raising her hands once again, the golden halo on her back shone ever brighter. With a roar of her own, she reaching forward with her gauntleted hands and sparkling chains shot out from behind the armour's back and wrapped themselves round both Virgo and Taurus, bringing them together back to back. Taurus tried to struggle but the more he strained, the more pressure was put on Virgo as her petite body was crushed between the gold chains and Taurus' back.
More celestial spirits began arriving up the hill. The long legs of Cancer and Capricorn as well as the horse instincts of Sagittarius had given them the edge in speed of the other Celestials.
"I would ask of you to put both the Bull and the Maiden down Lady." Sagittarius quipped.
Cancer and Capricorn were in their own fighting stances while he was readying his bow behind them. The woman laughed and grasping the air in front of her she pulled downwards, as though she was pulling something apart. The chains suddenly pulled tighter and both Taurus and Virgo began screaming in pain. With a final tug, the screams rose to higher pitch as both spirits shattered into light, the chains binding them also dissipating into the air. The two combat Celestials bounded into action, long strides quickly carrying Cancer and Capricorn into battle with their foe. Sagittarius released his first arrow and many more followed, each precisely aimed to pass the crab and the goat to hit its intended target. Cancers scissors and Capricorns fists landed countless blows and were nimble enough to dodge the armoured warriors return strikes if only barely. However as many hits that did strike, none had any lasting effect. Their opponent was still undamaged and untiring. Cancers scissors could find no purchase on the curved metal, nor could he attack his preferred target, the hair, as the woman was completely encased in the armour. Capricorns magically enhanced fists and feet also had little effect. The armour had not bent or broke from any of his strikes, at best he had only staggered the woman. Sagittarius' arrows each broke upon impact and seemed to have barely scratched the paint on the armour.
Seeking a new solution, Sagittarius shouted; "Knights! To me!"
Trusting their friend, Cancer and Capricorn leapt back, towards Sagittarius, confounding the woman, who turned to face the trio. Her mistake. Sagittarius let loose a final arrow, one powered by celestial energy straight into the eye socket of the woman's helmet.
"ARRRGGH!" The woman screamed. "Emperor damn you!"
The armour bent over hands to its face in pain. Blood leaked out of the eye socket as well as a black oily substance. Cancer and Capricorn, seeing an opening, charged forwards once again to finish of their opponent. Their mistake. As the pair closed in, the armour rose up, the golden halo glowing ever brighter.
"EMPEROR DAMN YOU ALL!" She shouted, roaring at the sky, as lightning and electricity coursing across her armour.
With that scream, the hill exploded in a ball of golden fire and lighting. The trees surrounding the battle were set alight, many collapsing leaving only black charred stumps. The remaining spirits climbing the hill, had to cling to the ground as the earth rumbled. Any who had looked up would have seen a burnt Sagittarius flying through the air, before he exploded into light. Near the epicentre of the blast, Capricorn was instantly atomised by the explosion. However, Cancer in his armoured crab shell, lasted a second longer. In that second, time appeared to slow. Cancer saw the armoured woman silently roaring in the eye of the storm. In a state of near death delirium, Cancer saw gold-feathered wings sprouting from the armours back, as well as a larger spiked halo of energy surrounding her. Despite the pain he felt, despite the pain he knew Lucy felt because of this woman, Cancer could only feel an instinctive notion that they were in the wrong. As the fire radiating from the armour ate away at his body, he saw that this woman was in the right. This woman was the Angel.
Crawling back to their feet the remaining Celestial spirits continued clambering up the hill. Next to arrive was Aries who had been carried on Leo's back. Setting Aries down and turning to the armoured figure, Leo straightened his tie. Aries was once again hiding behind the more comforting shape of the Celestial Lion, while the woman was glaring at them through one uninjured eye. The other had been ruined by Sagittarius' arrow. The arrowhead had made its way past the glass pane of the woman's right eye, shattering it. The shaft was sticking out horizontally, but the wood at the back of the arrow, as well as the fletching had been burnt away and the remains were charred and splintered.
"Um… Please could you stop fighting us?" Aries whimpered.
The woman, made all the more menacing by her wounded eye, growled at the pair. She reached up grabbing hold of the arrow shaft, and began the painful process of removing it.
"I... I… I don't think you should do... EEP!" Aries stuttered before, the woman completely tore the arrowhead from her eye, with a grunt.
Whether it was of pain or effort couldn't be said. Aries hid her face so not to watch the arrowheads removal, now awash with a mix of red blood and a black tar, which was also leaking from the woman's reopened wound. Even Leo grimaced as the arrow was dropped to the ground, accompanied by red shards of glass clinking together as they landed. But nothing prepared them for what the armour did next. The woman appeared to be chanting in a tongue, foreign to their own. As the woman continued, the halo shone a sickly red, and the armours left gauntlet began steaming and the metal glowed a dull orange. The pair of spirits could smell burning flesh rising with the steam.
Finishing her chanting, the glowering metal of the gauntlet was pressed firmly against the woman's helm, covering her right eye. The self-inflicted screams of both the inflictor and receiver of these wounds joined the hiss and crackle of flesh being cauterised. Aries was on her knees, her hands covering her head, as she tried to block out the ear-piecing noise. Leo was paralysed in equal parts of horror and fear. No human should be able to willingly bear this pain. With some experience in self-loathing, Leo, or Loki as he was previously know, had subject himself to the sustained torture of grief at his previous masters death, as well as the pain of slowly fading out of existence. But he had indulged himself. In women, drink and more worldly pleasures. He had lived as he died. This woman had voluntarily ripped an arrow from her eye and cauterised the wound herself. A small part of Leo was impressed. The other parts didn't know what to think.
Her breath ragged and gauntlet still the orange colour of heated metal, the woman looked up at the two cowering spirits.
"Afraid daemons?" She rose her left arm, her glowing palm outstretched. "You should be!"
A torrent of white fire poured forth from the woman's palm bathing the pair of Celestials in roaring flame. The sound of manic laughter could be heard from within the broken helmet of the woman pyromancer. She could no longer see her opponents as she incinerated everything around them. Nothing should be left but ashes! Suddenly the flames, that had once engulfed both Aries and Leo, were snuffed out. The woman stopped the flow of fire streaming from her hand, to observe the phenomenon. A giant barrier had been erected around where the spirits had once lain. Made out of pink fluffy clouds no less. With a cry, the pink cloud was suddenly brought in close, surrounding the armour, slowly but surely lifting her off the ground.
"We are not DEMONS!" Aries cried, pushing forward past a stunned Leo, the look of fear in her eyes replaced by cold fury.
The armoured woman was confounded. What was this stuff? It was strong enough to lift her from the ground yet, as she struggled, she realised that she could find no purchase floating high in the air. It was as though she had been voided into space. Was the pink colouring an indication of poison perhaps? No matter, her armour was sealed complete… Oh Emperor curse you. As the cloud filtered into the broken pane in her helmets right eye, she found not corrupting poison or burning acid. Only a relaxing soothing comfort that brushed the pain in her eye away. There was no need to fight these people, they were helping her. She could just lie down and re-
Unfortunately before she fell into the darkness of sleep, Leo the Lion had snapped out of his stupor and took action. Leaping up, on clouds controlled by Aries, above the armoured woman, Leo charged a raised fist with Celestial magic.
"Regulus Impact!"
A flaming lions head burst from Leo's fist, a line of fire trailing after it. In the woman's blissful ignorance, she had no idea what was coming until the lion's jaws closed around her armoured form and dragged her from the pink cloud holding her and slamming her into the ground, sending clouds of pink, dust and rubble flying in all directions. As the dust settled, Leo was left standing over the armoured body of the mysterious woman. Both he and Aries breathed a sigh of relief. The white armoured form of their opponent lay unconscious on the ground.
"Gemini, come out and help us, I see you behind those trees" Leo scolded.
The pair of blue dolls, floated up to Leo. "We're sorry we were…" One started. "Really scared of metal lady." The other finished.
Leo sighed. "Nevermind that! Copy her. We need to find out who she is and why she's like this!"
The twins of Gemini, floated down to the ground, sliding down the crater, Leo had created. They both joined hands and put their spare hands on the woman's side. With a poof of smoke, the pair changed into a spitting image of the armour, and quickly began sifting through the woman's memories.
"She is… She is…" They said.
"No one reads my mind." A deep voice echoed through the Celestials heads, including Aries and Leo, who tried to cover their ears. "But if you're so curious…" The voice added with malice. "Then know mankind's suffering!"
Caught in a trap, the minds of Gemini, Aries and Leo, were suddenly forced to endure memories that weren't their own. The existence of entire worlds, new entire races, cultures and civilisations is shocking enough to bring anyone to their knees. But to see these worlds burnt and pillaged by monsters, that reality itself moaned at their very existence, and then only to see the world and its population annihilated completely by those the people viewed as saviours? That was too much. The Celestials saw men slaughtered in their thousands by roving red monsters that bathed in their blood and offered up their hearts to a demonic god. They saw women captured, tortured and enslaved, only for them to die and their souls tormented by alien beings, which feasted upon them for sustenance. They witnessed the entire lives of children, who were taken from their parents and stripped of all humanity. Trained in the eternal art of combat and pumped full of drugs and enhancements, these psychotic killers once innocent were sent to slaughter hundreds of innocents in pursuit of only one target. And they enjoyed it.
As the final two spirits crested the hill, Libra and Scorpio saw perhaps the worst scene yet. Aries was on the ground, rolling around in the muck, screaming for forgiveness to some benign Emperor, trying to claw at her ears and her eyes at the same time with one hand, while the other was trying to pull off one of the curved horns on the side of her head. Her white-pink coat was now a dull wet brown, and her face was lined with claw marks running from her eyes to her ears, where she had succeeded in drawing her own blood.
Leo's eyes were bloodshot and his teeth were bared, revelling lines of lion fangs. He was currently wrestling with the copied suit of armour that was Gemini, and they were arguing and throwing insults at each other, blaming one another for their misfortune. Gemini's false armour was beaten and bent from Leos attacks, but also seemed to twist and warp by itself, the armours white being corrupted by lines of black that snaked round Gemini like a virus. The real armour stood up from the crater she had previously lain in, and strode purposely towards Libra and Scorpio, kicking a writhing Aries back into the dirt. The Scorpion and the Scales both recoiled in fear at the armours coming. All three however, raised their heads, as the sound of a roar pieced the air. It was from no normal or magical creature of earth land. It sounded as though a lion, an Eagle and a Giant were bellowingscreamingroaring at the same time and the sound had blended into one crescendo of soul crushing noise. The armoured woman grunted.
"You have two choices now Daemons. Leave now, back to your master, and I offer only that you will be the last on our list. Stay and fight me, I promise that your fate will be far worse than what your comrades experience now."
As if to punctuate her point, she unclasped the hilt at her belt and a large length of blade seemed to just fall out of it, breaking the earth at her feet. Libra and Scorpio looked at one another and saw the look of equal terror in the each other's faces. Sure they were loyal to Lucy. However Lucy promised them a fair say in discussions and being treated as an equal. This woman promised something worse than death. As the debate inside the spirits, reached their inevitable conclusion, the tormented spirits of Leo, Gemini and Aries finally gave out. A spirit can only take so much punishment, physical or mental. So with a final death scream the spirits shattered once again and returned to the Celestial World. Libra and Scorpio too, released their hold on the physical plane and disappeared in light. The woman stood for a moment, waiting to see if any other spirits would arrive to fight her. Aquarius hadn't been able to reach the hill, as she was limited to water. She had therefore consoled herself to guarding the weak, unconscious and vulnerable Lucy. The armour grinded against itself as the woman took a knee resting on her sword. She began a small prayer, as another horror was being born behind her.
"Obey His words, heed His wisdom,
Whisper His prayers, honour His servants,
Speak His voice, tremble at His steps,
I am only a servant.
For the Emperor."
The other chapters will be posted soon.
Reviews and criticism is welcome.
Signed by Imperial Decree