Author has written 3 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh. FWEEEEEEEEEEE! ... . Hello everyone! Here's about me! Name:Gen Here's what I look like: Hair: I'm a Dumb Blonde, so naturally I'm a blonde!I have darker blonde lowlights, and light blonde highlights. It goes up to my back and it is angled. My Personality: I have finally decided to put this up here! Yay! Well... my personality... hmm... Well, I think I'm a nice person, to say the least. I always think of others before myself, but I can be selfish at times (If that makes sense). I also have my dumb blonde moments (see last 3 quote in sections for Quotes). I am creative (duh to the stories). But mostly, I am MUSICAL! Music is my passion, not writing. Writing is just a way to get my ideas out of my head. Music, though, allows me to express my emotions fully. I am a singer as well. I sing Broadway, Pop, and Opera mostly (Weird combination, I know). But I can sing other types of music too! Look in my newest section of my profile, "MY HOBBIES," to see what I'm talking about. And... that's it! NIHA AND BRITT: BBFLAD! lol, love you guys =) Niha: ACORN! DUCKY! Good times! And do you dip your cheese in your cheese? Lysfm,my bffl! Britt: ... CRUNCH! LMAO =D You're such a nutcake, Britt. lmao. Lysfm, my bffl! Nicole: Leprachons save prostitues! LOL! CM ROX MI SOX! lol, love you my CM groupies! Tyler: LOSER (coughcough). lol. I hate you too, you idiot. (gives you loser sign)=3 Heather:Hey there Jasmine! lol,Good times at drama, Heather. Oh Aladdin, Aladdin, wherefore art thou Aladdin?lmao, too funny. Al: I'm proud to wear this shirt... yet... I also feel really gay. LOL! Good times at drama also!lyl! Lol. (huggs) Gerg: Is that fish? Lol, you super genius! Couples I LOVE and fully Support: InuYasha Fruit's Basket Couples I dislike and would prefer not to read: Inu Yasha: Fruits Basket: Favorite Mangas and Animes: Mangas: Yu-Gi-Oh, YYH, Ruroni Kenshin, Tokyo Mew Mew, Fruits Basket, Pita Ten, Ceres, Fishigi Yuugi, Ranma 1/2, Zodiac P.I., etc. Animes: Yu-Gi-Oh, Fruits Basket, YYH, Ruroni Kenshin, Case Closed, etc. MY HOBBIES AND OTHER THINGS THAT I AM IN: Music: Ok, I am in a LOT of musical programs right now, so I'll just mention the biggest one: In this past years 2005-2006, I was in: Insturments: Currently, I am playing the Viola and the Piano ((The piano is against my will... ugh... I CAN'T DO IT!)) Drama Productions: Okay, I've been in a few, so I'll list all of them: (2003-2004)- "Anna" in the The King and I All of my directors! Hobbies: The list will go on forever, so to sum it up, Music and Anything else besides Anime a teenage girl would like to do. Original Characters (OCs): Name: Melody Hagusa Name: Nala Ikari Also, you will be seeing Nala in "Flash Back Love" as Yugi's girlfriend! I created a new OC! I dunno if you consider it an OC, but whatever. (sweatdrop) Name: Amane Higurashi/Bakura Here's some of my fav quotes! Shannon: I am not a woman. I am... a baby. (sinks into water since we're in the pool) Alyssa: Moo. Sam: I HAVE TO PEE! Sam: Gen, Can you help me choose my dress for the Eighth Grade Formal? Tyler: BLI EVRYWHERE! Heck no, I haven't lost my marbles! I never had any to begin with!~ Annoymous Alyssa: Popcorn Shrimp! Gen: im bored. Cookie? Gen: ACORN! Brianna: BANANA! Britt: (on phone with Niha) Niha, you're such a nutcase! Nicole: Hey Gen! I have good news! Heather: I noticed you're pretty gangsta... (gangsta pose) Well, I'm pretty gangsta myself. ((Lol, Heather, I still have to say that to Miss Sterling!)) Well, we all can't come and go by bubble! ~Elphaba from the Musical WICKED Galinda: Ooooh! Niha: Hey Greg, whatcha eating? Brianna: The Polkanoes aremountainsin Pennsylvania, right? ((At Statue with a giant foot sticking out)): Well, I have decided to put my xanga links here. I do have a xanga, people! My main one for my ramblings about my day is this one: http:///home.aspx?user=anime_lver5 My other one about my fan fic stuff is this one: http:///home.aspx?user=XOanimesweetieOX If you have any comments you'd like to make about my stories and by some chance you don't want to review, then you can comment at one of my xangas. If you are afanfiction user, just put yourfanfictions/n on there so Iknow who you are, okay? Thanks! Welll... if you look in my fav stories thing, you will find some REALLY good stories, and some REALLY funny stories (ex: Life at my House, Life at my House Christmas, etc. for Seto's Princess)... and if you look at my fav authors, you shall see GREAT authors. lol. well... tootles! PLEASE NOTE: I CANNOT SPELL. SO DO NOT YELL AT ME FOR SPELLING SOMETHING WRONG! Thank you! Genners |