Well here's the 11 ch. What in the world

(It's the day that Tea haves to leave. AT the Airport) "We're gonna miss you, Tea." Joey says trying to hold back his tears. "Remember as soon as you get to New York, you have to call us." Yugi says and hugs Tea, and Joey does the same and Tea hugs back. "Don't worry it's only two sobs weeks." Tea sobs when they pull away and asks. "Hey, Yugi where's Yami?" Tea asks. "I don't know he said he would meet us at the airport." Yugi says looking around to see if he could find the young pharaoh. "FLIGHT 321 to New York now is seating." Says the loud speaker. "I can't leave without saying good bye to Yami." Tea says. "TEA, COME ON, YOUR FLIGHT IS LEAVING!!" Tea's mom yells and pulls Tea away from her friends. "Mom, I can't leave without saying good bye to Yami!" Tea says trying to get away from her mom, but Tea's mom pulls her on the plain and the plain left. "Yami." Tea says and starts to cry. (Back with Yugi and Joey) "TEA!" Someone yells. "Yami?" Yugi asks as he sees Yami runs over to them. "Yugi, where's Tea?" Yami says looking for Tea. "You just miss her." Joey says and sees Yami eyes that show a whole lot of hurt in them. "No, I didn't get to say goodbye." Yami says and tears start to fall from his eyes. "Yami, it's only two weeks." Yugi says. "Yeah, come on; let's go back to the Game Shop and watch a movie or something, ok?" Joey asks. "Yeah, come on Yami!' Yugi says. "You, guys go ahead I have some things to do." Yami says and leaves. "Ok." Yugi and Joey say and leave. (At the Dock) "I can't believe I didn't say good bye to her." Yami says and throws a rock in the water. "How could I, I mean come on I could at lease say goodbye, Tea!" Yami Yells. "Don't yell pharaoh, cause your gonna need the energy." A dark voice says. "Who said that?" Yami says. "It's just little o me." It said again and step out for Yami could see him. "Malik?" Yami asks. "Yes Pharaoh." Malik says.

(With Tea)

"Yami." Tea says. "Tea, don't worry it's just Two weeks." Her mother says trying her best to make Tea happy. "Still, I wanted to good bye." Tea says and hugs her mother. "Honey, its ok." She says and hugs Tea back, and Tea gets an idea. (With Joey and Yugi, At the Game Shop) "I fell really sorry for Yam." Yugi says. "Yeah, he didn't even say good bye to her." Joey says. "It's really hard on him." Yugi says. "Yeah, he must feel really bad; I wonder what's he doing right now." Joey says. (With Yami and Malik) "What do you want Malik!" Yami yells. "I don't want anything, he does." Malik says and points at something that is behind him. "Mokuba?" Yami asks as he sees the little brother of Kaiba. "Yeah, you're going to pay for killing my brother!" Mokuba says. "Mokuba you have this all wrong." Yami says. "NO, YOU GOT TO THESE WRONG YOU KILLED MY BROTHER, AND NOW I AM GOING KILL YOU AND YOUR GIRLFRIEND!!!" Mokuba yells. "You not gonna touch Tea, and she's in New York." Yami says. "HAHAHA, you are so dumb you know that?" Malik says. "What do you mean?" Yami asks "Wait, you give that letter to Tea." Yami says "Yes pharaoh and now I can destroy her when ever I want but I gonna destroy you 1st." Malik says. "You son of a bitch, you will pay for you have done!" Yami yells. "I don't think so, now I think it's time for you to be destroyed!" Malik says. "What do you want Malik!" Yami yells. "Nothing important just you know your puzzle." Malik says. "And revenge for killing my brother!" Mokuba yells. "How do you plain on getting it." Yami asks. "Like this!" Malik says and punches Yami, but Yami blokes it and punches him in the nose. "Don't even try it Malik!" Yami says and punches him again. "Don't worry I am not he is." Malik say and points behind Yami and Mokuba hits him on the head. "Take that!" Mokuba says and pulls out a knife (again with the knifes) and was about to kill Yami when a blast comes out of nowhere. "What? Who did that?" Mokuba says while trying to get up. "Leave Yami alone and he didn't kill Kaiba I did." Someone says. "Tea?" Yami says as he sees her walk out of the dark. "But, you are so post to be in New York!" Malik says. "Never believe what you hear." Tea says. "You killed my brother and not him!" Mokuba says. "I am sorry Mokuba but you have to believe me I didn't have a choice it was him or Yami and I couldn't lose Yami." Tea says. "What do you mean?" Mokuba asks. "The reason I killed your brother was because he wanted to kill me and Yami I had no choice." Tea says. "So you mean you had to kill him or he would have killed you." Mokuba asks. "Yes." Yami says. "DON'T LISTEN TO THEM, THEY LIEING THEY JUST WANT YOU TO HELP THEM KILL ME AND THEN THEY WILL KILL YOU!" Malik yells. "No, Tea would never lie to me." Mokuba says. "Mokuba you can't!" Malik yells as he sees Mokuba throws his knife at him and hits him. "NO!!" Malik says he last words before he dies. "That's for turning me against Tea and Yami." Mokuba says and he looks at Tea and Yami and sees Yami hugging Tea. "Thank you, guys and I am sorry Yami for almost killing you." Mokuba says and leaves. "Tea, I am sorry." Yami says and hugs Tea tighter. "For what Yami?" Tea asks as she looks at Yami in the eyes. "For not saying good bye and wait why are you here I thought you. "Went to New York, Yeah but I couldn't leave I mean why would I want to leave you." Teas finish Yami. "Oh, I love so much." Yami says and pulls Tea in a long and deep kiss. "Hey when were you gonna tell us that you came back." Yugi says as he sees the couple. "Yeah, and are you just gonna kiss and hug Yami and not us." Joey says. "Guys!" Tea says and pulls away from Yami and gives them a big hug. "Hey, wait a second you didn't answer Yami." Yugi says. "Oh yeah, I LOVE YOU TOO YAMI!" Tea says and kisses Yami. THE END Well it's finally over, well hope you guys like and there will be a Sequel and it's will be called 'Will you Marry me' will hope you guys like this story well until next time Later