Author has written 15 stories for Final Fantasy I-VI, and Yu-Gi-Oh. Hi! I'm Lady Joy Reborn, or just Joy if you prefer. UPDATE! - February 22, 2011 New Story = Pieces of the Puzzle - Ch. 1 up! Important notice: I am alive! Yes, after FOUR years, I have returned to to publish my stories! I will be updating everything that is not complete or on hiatus within the week. The following stories will be updated this week: The Problem with Sugar Highs Ramblings of a Tomb Robber Saga Sidekicks (maybe?) In the meantime, as noted above, I have a NEW STORY! Woohoo! I have finally published the first chapter of Pieces of the Puzzle. I will be making it a long one. Not sure how long, but at least 30-40 chapters, maybe more. I just hope it ends up being as good as I hope it will be. Also I plan on updating it at least once every week or two, as long as no major lifechanging events happen. So keep checking back. I do want to thank all the patient people that have been eagerly awaiting this story. It has been quite a long time and you have been great. Arigatou gozaimasu! I currently have one story started in, case someone is interested in reading some of my original fiction. You can even leave a review, if you like. I would like to take a moment and thank all the people that have added me to their favorites list and also the people that have me on their author alert list. I also want to thank all those that have reviewed. Arigatou gozaimasu all of you! You are so great and I am glad you like my stories! Ja ne! |